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Measurement While Drilling

The cornerstone of Drilling Systems

© 2009 Baker Hughes Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

MWD Overview

• What is Measurement While Drilling?

• Why do we need it?
• What do we measure?
• How do we transmit data?

2 © 2009 Baker Hughes Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

Poll Question

• What is MWD?

– Monitoring drilling parameters from surface sensors

– Real-Time information on wellbore properties
– Comprehensive Reservoir Characterisation
– Downhole analysis of the Drilling Fluid condition

3 © 2009 Baker Hughes Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

What is MWD?

• Realtime information…
• …at surface…
• …from key BHA sensors…
• …about well properties…
• …while drilling!

4 © 2009 Baker Hughes Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

MWD – Standard Measurements

• Inclination
• Azimuth
• Toolface
• Gyro Toolface (optional)
• Temperature
• Formation/Bore Pressure (optional)
• Gamma-Ray (optional)

• Generally, BHA powered by drilling fluid

spinning downhole turbine in mud pulser

• Optional Battery power available for flow-

off services

5 © 2009 Baker Hughes Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

Wellbore Positioning
First Openhole Single Shot Survey, Long Beach,

• Realtime Measurements to :
– determine accurate bottom hole
– kick off and steer directional wells to
required target
– position well in reservoir for best
possible production

6 © 2009 Baker Hughes Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

Wellbore Positioning

• Inclination (Drift)

• Azimuth (Hole Direction)

• Toolface Orientation
S Azimuth

True Vertical Depth

7 © 2009 Baker Hughes Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

Collision Avoidance

• HS&E

• Customer policy and


• Service Company policy and


8 © 2009 Baker Hughes Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

Drilling Conditions

• Axial Vibration
• Lateral Vibration
• Stick-Slip
• Temperature
• Pressure

9 © 2009 Baker Hughes Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

Formation Evaluation
0 Gamma MWD API 150






10 © 2009 Baker Hughes Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.




11 © 2009 Baker Hughes Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

How does telemetry work?

• Possible Transmission Channels:

– Pipe Bore
– Formation
– Pipe Wall
– Hardwire Pipe

12 © 2009 Baker Hughes Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

The Need for MWD Services

Coiled Tubing Drilling Extended Reach Collision Hard rock drilling

Underbalanced Drilling avoidance
Drilling Re-entry Drilling Sidetracking
Foam/Air Drilling HPHT Ranging Casing Exits
Geothermal SAGD
Pretty Unconventional
much in every drilling applicationPerformance
Sub-salt Drilling Horizontal Drilling Oil Drilling
Gas Storage Vertical Drilling Heavy Oil Geo-steering
Slim-hole Drilling Development Drilling Unconventional/ Geo-stopping
(4.3/4") Low Spread Cost Shale gas
MAD pass Drilling Reservoir
Grassroots Drilling Multi Lateral Drilling Coal bed Methane Navigation
Pad Drilling Soft formation drilling Deep Water Brownfield
Drilling Applications
Carbonate Depleted Reservoirs

13 © 2009 Baker Hughes Incorporated. All Rights Reserved.

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