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What should you be doing?
What will I be doing?
A. Aerobic Dance
Background and Purpose
Each of the variety of aerobic activities choose from
has it’s individual characteristics. The interesting side of
this aerobic activities when movement is combined with
music and dance routine. Regular and active participation
in aerobic dance improve mainly the cardiovascular
endurance, and it brings good psychological health.
Active and regular participation in aerobic dancing will help
• Improve conditioning of the respiratory and circulatory
systems, which result in decrease risk of cardiovascular
disease, better handling of stress, improved ability to relax,
and greater energy and vitality.
• Improve strong joints, firmer muscles, postal alignment, a
decrease in body fat, and better digestion.
• Improve Physical health and appearance, self-esteem and
self confidence.
• Impacts the body system in ways that alleviate depression.
• Develop coordination, balance and memory.

Aerobic dancing has been a popular leisure activity

in America when Dr. Kenneth Cooper published
“Aerobics” in 1968. It was fun moving to music with
partner or group of people while obtaining a great
cardiovascular workout. Aerobic dancing has evolved
generations after generations, today, aerobic dancing has
a blend of hiphop steps, new steps, cardio funk, and other
steps that the generation has become fond of.
Cooper conducted research studies of Air force
personnel in the 1960’s and found out that the key to
human fitness was the ability of an individual to take in
and deliver oxygen to the entire body. However, the
emphasis was only jogging, swimming which people find
it too tiresome and less fun.
Jackie Sorensen, adapted Cooper’s style and
combined it with her 12-minute run/walk test in her dance
training. Sorensen created a new form of aerobic
movements set to music, and she called it Aerobic Dance.
People like Sorensen idea and many were encouraged to
In the late 1980’s, Gin Miller added another
attraction in aerobic dance when she introduced bench-
stepping equipment which further enhanced the
applicability of aerobic dance to a cardiovascular
workout. Aerobic dance has become more fun due to the
innovations that keep on evolving and adding color to the
popularity of aerobic dancing.
Aerobic dance categorized into three modalities:
high-impact aerobics in which movements exert much
energy and is characterized by intense jumping. Low-
impact aerobics is a movement where one foot stays in
contact with the floor. Step aerobics, participates step up
and down the bench.
Aerobic Dance Elements
Base Moves - Low and High-Impact Dance Steps
The footwork pattern is known as “base moves” becomes
the foundation of the choreography of steps of any
aerobic dance class.
March/Walk/Step: Transfer weight from one foot to
another, without losing contact with the floor.
Jog and Run: Transfer weight from one foot to the other,
momentary loss of contact with the floor.
Hamstring Curl: Step right foot to the right side; lift and
bend the left leg (heels toward buttocks).
Step Touch: Step right foot to the right side; tap ball of
left foot.
Knee Lift: Step right foot to the right side; lift and bend
the left leg.
Sides: Right foot brushes to the floor; momentarily loss
of contact with the floor as left replaces right.
Hops: Lift weight off one foot and land on the same foot.
Jumps: Take off on two feet and land on two feet.
Heel Jack: Jump with feet together: jump, extending left
heel to left side; jump, landing both feet together. Repeat
to the other side.
Leaps: An aerial movement from one foot to the other;
sustained loss of contact with the floor.
Kicks: Step right foot to the right side; left leg forward
(front kicks).
Leg Lifts: Stand on one leg and lift another leg to the
Knee Up: Lift knee towards waist (as high as you can lift it
V- Step: Leadfoot step forward, another foot step
forward, lead foot back in, and other foot back also. It is
like making “v” movement with the feet.
A-Step: Leadfoot step forward, another foot step
forward also, lead foot step back and out, then other foot
step back out also, making an “a” movement.

Dance Moves
Aerobics uses and borrow movements from other dances
like jazz, ballet, disco, funk, hip-hop, and Latin dances.
B. Zumba
Zumba Fitness describe this program as “an
exhilarating, effective, easy to follow, Latin-inspired
calorie-burning dance fitness-party” (McManama, 2014).
Zumba is now the language of people who love to dance
for a cardiovascular workout.

This kind of fitness has it’s long benefits; increase

aerobic threshold, burns calories, lowers blood pressure,
lowers body fat, increase muscle strength targets,
increase muscle tone and body shape, provides stamina,
increase agility and balance, and increases bone density
Albert Perez, an aerobics instructor, pioneered the
fitness dance Zumba. He accidentally created the dance-
fitness craze when he forgot the aerobic music for his
class and quickly improvised some of the available music
from his collection.
He brought the class to the United States and in
2011 together with Alberto Perlman and Alberto Aghion,
created a global company centered fitness philosophy.
They came up with instructional videos, and in 2007, the
program expanded all over the world with more than 123
countries patronizing it.
Dance Elements
Zumba in nature has a party-like atmosphere with
easy to follow moves consisting of Latin rhythms, and it
also involves dance and aerobic elements. Steps may vary
depending on the audience. Steps are not complicated to
perform because it is repetitive, and music involves fast
and slow rhythms.
For beginners, four basic rhythms are recommended
that includes: Meringue, Salsa, Cumbia, and Reggaeton.
The advance audience must be given longer time and
exciting variety of steps.
Basic Rhythms
1. Meringue. It is a faster rhythm. The “basic march” is the
most common move.
2. Salsa. It has a faster tempo with a distinct beat.
3. Cumbia. The music is of tropical and Creole descent.
4. Reggaeton. The reggae style is associated with rhythm
and beat. The favoured move is the hit known “crumping”.
5. Flamenco. Upper body movement is strongly involved
accompanied by sounds such as clapping, finger-
snapping, and so on.
6. Samba. Hip hop moves danced in a festive atmosphere
and mood makes it a popular addition to the workout.
C. Running
Running requires less training time, less learning
time, less equipment, fewer expenses, and less
organization to enrol. Part of running is its beauty
simplicity, a simple pair of running shoes, and simple
clothing for the condition.

Benefits of Running
1. Body Composition. Running trims down unwanted
fats. It is a calorie burner exercise. Also helps increase
calcium deposits and increase body supply
2. Cardiovascular Fitness. Running is effective in
improving the efficiency of circulatory system. This
allow the person to exercise longer and exhibit extra
effort without exhausting oneself. Also helps increase
heart volume (more blood is pumped) and heart
vascularization (more blood is supplied to the heart
3. Muscle Endurance. Running develops among the
runners the ability to withstand long period of physical
workout. Running increases the muscle’s energy-
producing ability particularly in the lower body.
4. Muscle Strength. Running increases muscle protein
which leads to a stronger muscles. This gives the
runner the right power to accelerate quickly to a high
D. Walking
Walking is considered to be the natural, safest,
easiest, and least expensive form of aerobic exercise.
Fitness experts before believed that walking was not
dynamic enough to improve cardiorespiratory
functioning. Until such time brisk walking was introduced
taking a speed of 4 miles per hour or even faster does
improve cardiorespiratory fitness. It has a significant
effect in prolonging life, a regular walking program
conditions the heart and the lungs to function smoothly
Another effective use of walking is a chest-deep
water walk. Fitness experts believed that walking in
chest-deep water is an excellent form of physical activity
to those people who have leg and back problems
E. Hiking
Hiking is a perfect past time activity, and a habit as
well. This aerobic activity offers close-t-nature
experiences blended with health benefits. Exposure to
beautiful sceneries kill stress and tension. The intensity
hiking in going up uneven terrains for 8 hours can burn
many calories compared to walking or even jogging.
F. Jogging
One can jog anywhere he likes, open grounds are
available everywhere. Jogging needs proper gadgets
especially pair of shoes to avoid injury and uncomfortably
Jogging 4 - 5 times a weeks is best recommended to
a faster cardiovascular fitness development. According to
Hoeger and Hoeger (2007) the risk of injury, however,
especialy for beginners, is higher with jogging than
walking, proper conditioning, jogging programs should
start with 1 - 2 weeks of walking. As fitness improves,
walking and jogging can be combined gradually
increasing the jogging segment until it fills the full 20 - 20
One can jog anywhere he likes, open grounds are
available everywhere. Jogging needs proper gadgets
especially pair of shoes to avoid injury and uncomfortably
Jogging 4 - 5 times a weeks is best recommended to
a faster cardiovascular fitness development. According to
Hoeger and Hoeger (2007) the risk of injury, however,
especially for beginners, is higher with jogging than
walking, proper conditioning, jogging programs should
start with 1 - 2 weeks of walking. As fitness improves,
walking and jogging can be combined gradually
increasing the jogging segment until it fills the full 20 - 20
G. Swimming
Swimming use most of the major muscle group in
the body. It improves good training stimulus of the heart
and lungs, and a good alternative activity for jogging and
walking to those who cannot perform for an extended
period. The horizontal position of the body aided blood
flow distribution throughout the body, decreasing the
demand on cardiorespiratory system.
Swimming is best recommended for overweight
people who cannot jog or run on land. Though the focus is
not for weight loss, swimming is effective in relaxation
and reducing stress.
H. Cycling
Most people start during their younger years.
Cycling helps develop the cardiorespiratory system, as
well as muscular strength and endurance in the lower
Raising the heart rate to the proper training
intensity I more difficult with cycling. When the amount
of muscle mass decreases during the aerobic exercise, so
does the demand placed on the cardiorespiratory system
Cycling is often done on highways. Thus, safety is the top
priority. Proper equipment for cycling must be
I. Rope Skipping
Rope skipping at first is boring and discouraging to
perform because it looks so complicated and tiring
Rope skipping has the most contribution to health
alongside with; cardiorespiratory fitness, increase
reaction time, coordination, agility, muscular strength in
the lower extremities, and dynamic balance.
J. Stair Climbing
Stair Climbing is an excellent aerobic exercise. In the
absence of stairs to climb, stir climbing machines offer an
alternative result.
It has the less chance of injury, realatively safe
because the feet never leave the climbing surface; it is a
low -impact activity. The intensity of exercise I controlled
easily; the individual can regulate his placing through his
K. Racquet Sports
The likes of badminton, tennis, squash, are
examples of racquet sports perfect for aerobic fitness.
The health effects of these sports determined by the
skill of the players, the intensity of the game, and the
time spent for playing games.
Outstanding in racquet sport is a sustained
continuous play, and that is being dedicated by the
player’s individual skill.
Bobby Blitz D. Alabe
Francis Edgar DJ C. Dalino
Jhonsenn Russel E. Rudio
El-J Mar A. Flores
Princess Courtney A. Guadalupe
Babylene S. Huinda

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