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Arun C R
Asst. Prof.
Govt. Model Engineering College
Television Networks
 Satellite RO
 Terrestrial
 IP
 Direct to Mobile
Satellite Television Networks

 [Fred Halsall, Multimedia Communications: Applications, Networks, Protocols and

Satellite Television Networks
 Service that delivers television programming to
customers by relaying it from a communications
satellite orbiting the Earth directly to the customer's
 The signals are received via an outdoor parabolic
antenna usually referred to as a satellite dish and a
low-noise block down converter (LNB).
 A satellite receiver then decodes the desired television
program for viewing on a television set.
Satellite Television Networks
Direct-broadcast satellite television (DBSTV)
 Also known as "direct to home" (DTH).
 To broadcast a set of TV programs from source to the
set-top boxes of large no. of subscribers who are
physically distributed over a wide geographic area.
 Early satellite TV systems received weaker analog
signals transmitted in the C-band (4-8 GHz)
requiring the use of large 2-3 meter dishes.
 Early satellite television systems were not very popular
due to their expense and large dish size.
 Modern systems receive digital signals on the Ku band
frequencies (12-18 GHz) requiring only a small dish
less than a meter in diameter.
 The uplink signal contains many channels
 Service Provider - The provider may or may not create
original programs.
 Service Provider sometimes pays other companies for
example ESPN, STAR TV etc for the right to broadcast
their content via satellite.
 Service Provider base station is central hub of the
system from where uplink takes place.
 Eg. Doordarshan downlink 10.99 to 11.55 Ghz uplink
14.04 to 14.37 GHz.
 In order to receive signal properly the orbital period
must be same as the Earth's rotation period.
 Such a satellite should be in a geostationary Earth
orbit (GEO), a circular orbit 35,786 km above the
Earth's equator.
 Geosynchronous satellites remains permanently
within view of a given ground station.
Satellite Positioning
 The RF energy received form satellite will be extremely
weak owing to large distance.
 Use of parabolic reflector concentrates maximum RF
energy to its focus.
 LNB located at the focal point amplifies and down-
converts it a low frequency called satellite IF.
 This is then processed by the transponder in satellite
or by set top box in the receiver end.
 The individual modulated channels are separated
using filters.
 Then frequency shifted to the allocated downlink
 These signals are amplified and then combined to
form a single downlink signal.
 The received signals is down shifted by LNB at
subscriber end and is processed by the set top box to
generate individual channels.
Terrestrial television
Terrestrial television
 Terrestrial television or broadcast television is a
type of television broadcasting in which both the
transmitting and receiving antennas are at ground.
 Uses VHF or UHF (47 to 860 MHz)
 Due to line of sight propagation (>100 MHz) buildings,
hills, curvature of earth etc attenuates signal.
 Need more high power transmitters to cover a
significant area.
Terrestrial television
Digital terrestrial television
 Technological evolution of broadcast television and an
advancement over analog television.
 Uses MPEG-2 source coding.
 COFDM is employed to reduce effect of ISI.
 Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
 In COFDM multiple orthogonal carriers are used to
independently modulate one or more bits of data stream.
 Due to orthogonality they do not interfere with each other
and hence no ISI.
Multimedia conferencing
 Bell Labs, 1920s: First videoconference between
Washington and New York
Multimedia conferencing
 The synchronous exchange of digitized multimedia
information (e.g. video, audio, images) between
conference participants at two or more separate sites.
 Transferred images - Pictures of participants, Video
clips, still pictures, accompanying material in digitized
form etc..
 Transferred sound – Discussions, Sound from
accompanying material
Multimedia conferencing
Teleconferencing system
 Videophone – Telephone with video display
Multimedia conferencing
Multisite Video Conferencing
 Communicate between more than one region or
location at the same time over videophone.
Computer based teleconferencing
 Low cost video codecs, H/w , N/w, compression
 Real time needs
Desktop Systems
 Desktop videoconferencing systems
 – PC with small camera mounted above the monitor
 – “Video phone” on PC basis
 – Optimal for application sharing
 • Disadvantages:
 – Usable only by a person a time
 – Limited picture and sound quality
Computer based teleconferencing

 Architecture
Multimedia conferencing
 Application
 [John F. Koegel Buford, Multimedia Systems, Pearson,
 Connect end users to the core network. Eg. ADSL,
DSL, FTTH, Terrestrial Distribution , Satellite
Distribution , HFC…..

 [Fred Halsall, Multimedia Communications: Applications, Networks, Protocols and

Hybrid Fiber Coaxial (HFC) Network
 Employed globally by cable television operators since
the early 1990s.
HFC Network
 Telecommunication technology in which optical fiber
cable and coaxial cable are used in different portions of
a network.
 Can carry broadband content (such as video, data, and
 The local CATV operator installs fiber optic cable from
the cable head-end or hub (distribution center) to
serving nodes located close to the subscriber.
HFC Network
 From these nodes uses coaxial cable to connect to the
 Can make use of advantages of both of fiber optic
cable (high BW & low noise) and CA cable (low cost).
HFC Network
HFC Network
HFC Network Components
 Head-end or Hub
 Reception of Video Signals from Content
 IP Connectivity to Metro/Regional Networks.
 Modulation of Downstream Signals.
 HFC Node (Fiber Node)
 Performs optical to RF conversion.
 Can be 50km or more from the hub.
 Downstream 54-750 MHz Upstream 5-42 MHz
High-speed PSTN access
High-speed PSTN access
 PSTN (public switched telephone network) is the
world's collection of interconnected voice-oriented
public telephone networks.
 Also Called Plain Old Telephone Service (POTS).
 The freely available BW in these lines can made used
for internet access.
 These lines are then known as Digital Subscriber Line
Asymmetric DSL (ADSL)
 ADSL is a form of DSL, a data communications
technology that enables faster data transmission over
copper telephone lines.
 Provides higher speed (bit rate) in the downstream
direction than in the upstream direction hence the name
 ADSL is capable of providing up to 50 Mbps, and supports
voice, video and data.
 Maximum twisted pair length of 4Km.
 The existing local loops (twisted-pair) can handle
bandwidths up to 1.1 MHz.
 Filter installed at the end office of the telephone
company where each local loop terminates limits the
bandwidth to 4 KHz (voice communication).
 If filter is removed, the entire 1.1 MHz is available for
voice and data communication.
ADSL Modulation
 Uses Discrete Multi-Tone (DMT) which combines QAM and
 The DMT divides a 1.104 MHz bandwidth into 256
channels about 4.312 kHz each.
ADSL Modulation
 Channel 0 is reserved for voice communication.
 1 to 5 are not used and provide a gap between voice and
data communication.
 Channels 6-30 (25 channels) are used for upstream
data transfer and control:
 1 channel for control.
 24 channels are for data transfer.
 Channels 31-255 (225 channels) are used for
downstream data and control:
 1 channel for control.
 224 channels for data transfer.

 The very high-bit-rate digital subscriber line

 Similar to ADSL, uses coaxial, fiber-optic, or
twisted-pair cable for short distances.
 The modulating technique is DMT:
 25 to 55 Mbps for upstream at distance of 3000 to 10,000
 3.2 Mbps for downstream
Multimedia Interchange
 Exchange of digital media across applications and
 Multimedia applications to work together.
 Realize the benefits of distributed computing.
 Platform and software independent interchange
formats are needed.
 Without a common interchange format, content
developed with one application cannot be read and used
on another application.
 Interchange could be file based or in real-time.
Multimedia Interchange
 It is not sufficient for the individual media formats to
be standardized.
 The temporal, spatial, structural, and procedural
relationships between the media components need to
be standardized.
Multimedia Interchange
 As a final storage model during creation and editing
multimedia contents.
 As a format for delivery of final form digital media to
end user.
 Real time delivery from server to client.
 Inter application data exchange
Multimedia Interchange
Modes of Multimedia Interchange
 Inter application Interchange mode - interchange
format acts as API (Application programming
 Media server mode - interchange format defines
 Storage mode – non time dependant
 Network mode – time constrain if for playback
Multimedia Interchange
The major technical issues
 Multimedia data model - temporal composition,
synchronization, hyper-linking….
 Scriptware integration – contents developed using
different authoring tools.
 Storage efficiency
 Access efficiency – time dependency
 Extensibility - It should be possible to add new media
formats, new media attribute
Multimedia Interchange
 QuickTime Movie File (QMF) Format
 .mov files
QuickTime Movie File (QMF)
 QuickTime is a multimedia extension for Apple’s
System 7 operating system for the Macintosh personal
 QuickTime Movie File is a file format for storing
multimedia content for QuickTime presentation.
 QMF uses a track model for organizing the temporally
related data of a movie.
QuickTime Movie File (QMF)
Track model
 Multimedia document is a
list, which tells in which order
the components are displayed.
 In track model, retrieval order is defined
by time.
QuickTime Movie File (QMF)
 QuickTime allows the creation, integration, and
presentation of different media types.
 A QuickTime movie can contain one or more tracks
which can be overlayed.
 A track is a time ordered sequence of a media type.
 Avidemux, iMovie (Mac), Windows Movie Maker
QuickTime Movie File (QMF)
 A QuickTime file stores the description of the media
separately from the media data.
 The description or meta-data, is called the movie.
 It contains information such as the number of tracks,
the video compression format, and timing
information, an index of where all the media data is
 The media data is all of the actual sample data, such
as video frames and audio samples.
QuickTime Movie File (QMF)
 The basic data unit in a QuickTime file is the atom.
 Each atom contains size and type information
along with its data.
QuickTime Movie File (QMF) Format
QuickTime (TM) Abstract Atom Model
QuickTime (TM) Abstract Atom
 Movie atom - To specify the information that defines
a movie such as time scale and duration information
 Track atom - Define a single track of a movie. A movie
may consist of one or more tracks. Each track has its
own temporal and spatial information.
 Each track atom contains its associated media atom.
QuickTime (TM) Abstract Atom
Media Atoms
 The media atom contains information that specifies
the media type, such as sound or video, the media
handler component used to interpret the sample data,
the media timescale and track duration, and media-
and-track-specific information such as sound volume
or graphics mode.
QuickTime (TM) Abstract Atom
 Media Header Atoms - specifies the characteristics of
a media, like time scale and duration, language,
 Handler Reference Atoms - declares the process by
which the media data in the stream
may be presented.
 Media Information Atoms – Stores information to
map from media time to media data.
QuickTime (TM) Abstract Atom
 Media Information Atoms - These atoms contain a
number of other atoms that define specific
characteristics of the video media data like Video
media information atom, Handler reference atom etc…
 User Data Atoms – copyright information, whether a
movie should loop or not etc…
QuickTime Movie File (QMF)
The Open Media Framework
Interchange (OMFI)
 Industry standardization effort being led by Avid
Technology to define a common framework and
multimedia interchange format.
 The format encapsulates all the information required
to transport a variety of digital media such as audio,
video, graphics, and still images, as well as the rules for
combining and presenting the media.
 OMFI uses track model.
 OMF Interchange provides structures for three distinct
 Digital media data - audio, video, graphics etc
 Media sources - Describe the digital media data and
the original, physical sources of the data eg. video tape,
film etc..
 Compositions - Describe the arrangement of sections
of sources and how they are played over time.
 Compositions and media are described by MOBs
(media objects)
 Composition Mobs (CMOB) - describe editing
information (playing information).
 Source Mobs (SMOB) - describe media.
 Master Mobs (MMOB) - synchronize Source Mobs
and CMOB.
 The Header provides the starting point to access
objects in the OMFI file.
Multimedia and Hypermedia
Experts Group (MHEG)
 International Standards Organization (ISO) working
 Object based multimedia and hypermedia interchange
 Supports interactivity and real-time transfer
 Non-proprietary and work across different hardware
Applications of MHEG
 CD-ROM based encyclopedias
 Interactive books for learning
 Video and news on demand systems
 Interactive home shopping
 The MHEG model is object orientated.
 Defines a number of classes from which object
instances are created when a presentation is designed.
 Classes are used to describe the way video is displayed,
audio is reproduced and how the user can interact
with the ongoing presentation.
Classes in MHEG
 Content Classes – Defines the multimedia data e.g.
video or audio clip.
 Behavior Classes - control how and when data is
presented to the user. They allow synchronizing of
events and user interaction.

 Television system providing an image resolution that is

substantially higher than that of standard-definition
 Extraordinary images with stunning sound.
 Increase in picture resolution
 standard-definition use 625/525 Line whereas HDTV
can be
 1080p: 1920×1080p: 2,073,600 pixels (~2.07
megapixels) per frame.
 1080i: 1920×1080i: 1,036,800 pixels (~1.04 MP) per field
or 2,073,600 pixels (~2.07 MP) per frame.
 720p: 1280×720p: 921,600 pixels (~0.92 MP) per frame
 HDTV uses 16:9 widescreen as is its aspect ratio so
widescreen pictures are transmitted properly.
 Dolby Digital multichannel sound is supported.
Movie/ video on demand
 Systems which allow users to select and watch/listen to
video or audio content such as movies and TV shows
when they choose to, rather than having to watch at a
specific broadcast time.
 The movie will be accessed from a server and
transmitted over PSTN or cable.
 The distribution network may be ADSL, HFC, FTTH
Movie/ video on demand
 Television VOD systems can either "stream" content
through a set-top box, a computer or other device,
allowing viewing in real time, or download it to a
device such as a computer, digital video recorder
 Video compression is MPEG-1 based.
Interactive television (ITV)
 Is a form of media convergence, adding data services to
traditional television technology.
 It was developed for on-demand delivery of content.
 Other applications include online shopping, banking
 Enables the viewer to issue commands and give
feedback information through setup box.
 The viewer must be able to alter the viewing
experience by returning information to the
Interactive television (ITV)
 This "return path” can be by telephone, mobile SMS
(text messages), ADSL or cable
 Video compression is MPEG-2 based.
Image Retrieval from Digital

 Text based
Content-Based Image Retrieval
from Digital libraries
Content-Based Image Retrieval
from Digital libraries (C-BIRD)
 A technique which uses visual contents to search images
from large scale image databases according to users'
 Increased use of image and video:
 Entertainment
 Education
 Commercial purposes
 Exponential increase in digital image/video database sizes
 Exponential increase in computing power and electronic
storage capacity
 [Li, Ze-Nian, Drew, Mark S, Fundamentals Of Multimedia]
 Image search proceeds is by matching the feature
vector for the sample image.
 feature vector for C-BIRD can be based on low level
visual contents like….
 Color Histogram- represents the number of pixels
that have colors in each of a fixed list of color ranges
(RGB combinations using 3 bits for each of red and
green and 2 for blue),
 C-BIRD calculates a color histogram for each target
image, then references it in the database for each user
query image.
Color Density
 The user selects the percentage of the image having
any particular color or set of colors, using a color
picker and sliders.
Color layout
 The user can set up a scheme of how colors should
appear in the image, in terms of coarse blocks of color.
Texture Layout
 query allows the user to draw the desired texture
 A multimedia kiosks is a computer terminal for public
usage which can perform multi functional services
with multiple media applications.
 Multimedia kiosk can deliver visual information in the
for of text and images, audio which might include
music, talking, or sound effects and it can also show
 Multimedia kiosks are generally placed in a public
place where people can access the information that the
kiosk contains.
 In today's society with the Internet generation, a
multimedia kiosk is the ideal way to information
across to young people quickly, easily and effectively.
 Self-service kiosks in Supermarkets
 These kiosks talk, and show moving images and well
as still images and text.
 Museums kiosks
 These can show videos and text information as well as
interactive quiz's.
 CD shops
 Shows images and plays audio and allows users to
download music.
 Financial services kiosk
 Photo kiosk
 Internet kiosk
 Ticketing kiosk – movie, restaurant etc
 Visitor management and security kiosk
 Information kiosk
 Multimedia Kiosks are brilliant for delivering information in a fun
and exciting way. Reading text can be very dull and long spells of
text information can be very monotonous.
 A picture can speak a thousand words – so the says goes. So to have
a multimedia kiosk with images can convey the message much
quicker than text alone. Additionally, images and photo are a
universal language that everyone can understand.
 A multimedia that has audio and video is a great tool for people
who are disabled, dyslexic, or have hearing or visual problems.
 For most of us we enjoy the delivery of our information in a
multimedia way because with television and the Internet, this is
how we are used to receiving information.
Kiosks Requirements
 Computer: The computer for the kiosk should be a standard
machine whose architecture is compatible with third party
interface cards and equipment like video camera, sound cards,
keyboard & pointing devise.
Network : The equipment for LAN/WAN should be minimum
and fit in the entire requirement.
 The equipment should also be easy to configure and allow remote
Power Conditioning Equipment: The selection of power
conditioning equipment should be done on the basis of local
electricity supply.
 Value Added Devices: An environment sensor is being designed
and tested at CRCS to monitor the temperature, pressure and
other parameters at the kiosk. It will also be used to control
devices like fan etc.

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