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Dasar Perencanaan dan Evaluasi

Program Kesehatan Masyarakat
• Definisi program kesehatan masyarakat
• Teori program promosi kesehatan
• Perencanaan dan implementasi program promosi kesehatan
• Evaluasi program promosi kesehatan
• Aplikasi perencanaan, implementasi dan evaluasi
• Health promotion is the process • Disease prevention, understood
of empowering people to as specific, population-based
increase control over their and individual-based
health and its determinants interventions for primary and
through health literacy efforts secondary (early detection)
and multisectoral action to prevention, aiming to minimize
increase healthy behaviors. the burden of diseases and
associated risk factors.
Health promotion
• The breadth of the work
is represented in the
Canadian Centre for
Health Promotion’s quality
of life model, which
conceptualizes health
promotion as aligned with
a quality life
Health promotion has been defined as the combination of
two levels of action:
(1) health education and
(2) environmental actions to support the conditions for
healthy living (Green & Kreuter, 1999).
Health promotion is guided by a set of core values and principles. These
values and principles form the habits of mind that provide a common
basis for the practice of health promotion and include the ecological
perspective on health, which takes into account the cultural, economic,
and social determinants of health; a commitment to equity, civil
society, and social justice; a respect for cultural diversity and
sensitivity; a dedication to sustainable development; and a
participatory approach to engaging the population in identifying needs,
setting priorities, and planning, implementing, and evaluating practical and
feasible health promotion solutions to address needs.
The most effective health promotion
programs are based on health
theories. Theories are used for two
purposes. First, they provide the
conceptual basis on which health
promotion programs are built.
Second, they guide the actual process
of planning, implementing, and
evaluating a program.
Intrapersonal level: structuring the
interventions, the theories help us
address intrapersonal factors such as
knowledge, attitudes, beliefs,
motivation, self-concept, and skills.
recognize that we are influenced and
influence others through personal
opinions, beliefs, behaviour, advice,
and support, which in turn influence
our health and that of others.
Theories at the population level
explore how social systems function
and change and how to mobilize
individuals at the different settings.
Health promotion program
planning model
Model manajemen Puskesmas


Evaluasi (P3)
Penyusunan alternatif solusi
Brainstorming (curah pendapat)
• Brainstorming adalah suatu teknik yang efektif untuk membantu
melakukan identifikasi masalah, menentukan penyebab masalah
dan mencari cara pemecahan masalah.
• Brainstorming (curah pendapat) adalah metode yang digunakan
untuk menggali ide atau pemikiran baru yang secara efektif
melibatkan seluruh anggota kelompok.
Brainstorming (2)

Persiapan Peralatan/sarana (daftar hadir/alat tulis)

Persiapan ruang (roundtable)

Persiapan peserta (3 – 8 orang)

Pelaksanan Sesi sumbang saran

Tentukan fasilitator

Tetapkan tata tertib (tidak mengubah gagasan orang,

kumpulkan gagasan sebanyak banyaknya, tidak mengkritik)

Kumpulkan gagasan (bisa acak bisa bergiliran)

Force field analysis
• Force field analysis was developed by Lewin (1951) and is widely used
to inform decision-making, and in particular in planning and
implementing change management programmes in organizations.
• Force field analysis can clarify the ‘driving forces’ and identify
obstacles or ‘restraining forces’ to change.
• As a result it can help identify the relative priority of factors on each
side of the issue.
Force field analysis
• All the forces for change should then
be listed in one column and all forces
against change in the other column.
• The next step is to brainstorm the
‘driving’ and ‘restraining’ forces and
write them in the appropriate column.
• The ‘driving’ and ‘restraining’ forces
should be sorted on common themes
and/or prioritised according to their
‘magnitude’ towards change by
assigning a score to each force, ranging
from 1 (weak) to 5 (strong).
Analisis SWOT
• Strength – Internal factors that are favorable for achieving
your organization’s objective.
• Weakness – Internal factors that are unfavorable for
achieving your organization’s objective.
• Opportunity – External factors that are favorable for
achieving your organization’s objective.
• Threats – External factors that are unfavorable for achieving
your organization’s objective.
Perencanaan dan Pelaksanaan
program kesehatan masyarakat
Tahapan Perencanaan Program Kesehatan
Identifying a
Deciding program
Defining need mission statement,
assessment goals and
(target group, etc)

Determine program
Selecting health
Developing staff and budget
Procedures (SOP) (logic model) and
Definisi Example
Mission A mission statement i s u s u a l l y a s h o r t s t a t e The mission of the Program is to prepare students
ment that describes the general focus to become healthy and productive individuals.
or purpose of a program
Goal A goal s e t s a p r o g r a m ’ s d i r e c t i o n a n d i Program is to increase the numbers of students K
ntent to 12 who adopt healthy nutrition behaviors.
Objective Program objectives are the specifi c steps (or subgoals)
that need to be achieved in order to attain the goal.
Process Process (or administrative) objectives are used to identify By month 3 of the initiative, two qualified
objective the needed changes or tasks in the administration of the instructors will have been hired and received
program itself (for example, hiring staff, providing orientation in effectifely delivering the curriculum
professional of the initiative.
Development for staff, seeking
Additional funding).

Action Used to identify needed changes in the actions or By the end of the program, 50 percent of the
objectives behaviors of the target population. participants will increase their exercise activities to
at least thirty inutes a day, three times a wekk.
Outcome Used to identify the long term accomplishments of a New cases of HIV among women ages 18 to 25 will
objectives health promotion program. be reduced by 25% by the year 2015.
Definition Example
Specific: clearly state exactly what you plan to achieve By May 30, 2015, 80 percent of the students in
by appropriate type and amount of detail. (four W’s grades 6 – 8 in the Riverside County Schools will
rule/who/what/where/when) engage in sixty minutes of moderate to vigorous
physical activity each day as determined by an annual
youth behavior risk survey
Measureable or observable)
Achievable (reacheable) Decide whether your objective is reachable by
considering baseline measurements as well as by
using your knowledge and experience in this area.
Realistic, meaningfull, important Address concerns that are absolute priorities.
Time bond By what date do you want the outcome to be
Program intervention
• The most effective interventions are culturally appropriate and based
on health theories and models.
• An intervention is any set of methods, techniques, or processes
designed to effect changes in behaviors or the environment.
Select promotion materials
• Availability: quantity and time frame
• Reading level:
• Production quality and suitability
Programme evaluation
Program evaluation

Systemic collection of
information about a health
promotion program in order to
answer questions and make
decisions about the program.
Types of program evaluation

Formative • During program planning and development.

• During program implementation  involvement,
Process tracking actual versus planned, barriers to
implementation, such as language problems, etc.
• The extent to which the program’s goals were

Outcome • Examines the changes in people during or after

evaluation their participation in the program.
Types of program evaluation

•Analisis data
kuantitatif numerik.

•Non numerical data

kualitatif •Deskripsi program.
Tahapan evaluasi CDC
• Manajemen intervensi • Hasil dan Pembahasan
• Proses Perencanaan (deskripsi • Rencana Kegiatan (tabel
proses perencanaan  perencanaan, gannt chart, rencana
brainstorming, metode pemilihan keuangan termasuk indikator
alternative solusi) kinerja IPO)
• Proses pelaksanaan (deskripsikan • Pelaksanaan intervensi (deskripsi
teoritis metode pelaksanaan) pelaksanaan intervensi)
• Proses Evaluasi (tentukan metode • Evaluasi (Hasil evaluasi)
evaluasi yang digunakan)

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