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Web Programming

Chapter 4
 Perl has become a popular all-purpose programming
language because of its power and ease of use.
 Perl originated as a text processing language, by
incorporating regular expressions and providing a number
of text processing functions.
 The name Perl is an uncapitalized acronym for Practical
Extraction and Report Language
Perl Documentation
 Wealth of information is available for Perl both on the
Linux machine and online.
 There are several man pages:
$ man perl
$ man perlop
$ man perlsyn
 A program called perldoc:
$ perldoc perldoc
$ perldoc -f print
Perl Syntax Rules
 A First Perl Program hello, world
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# file:
print "hello, world!\n";

• The first line is a shell directive, which informs the shell that this
script uses /usr/bin/perl.
• The -w switch causes Perl to print warnings to the standard error
(stderr) output , # is a comment
• The print statement executes the built-in print( ) function, which
writes text to standard output (stdout).
• The "\n" is the newline character and prints a carriage return to
standard output.
• To execute it, type $ ./
• The "./" tells the shell to execute the file in this directory
Cont . . .
 Perl is free format whitespace can be scattered about to
make code more readable, as much or as little as you like.
 All statements must end in a semicolon (";") except the first
line, which is not really a Perl statement but a shell escape
to execute Perl.
 Variables do not have to be declared but can be.
 The Perl scripts are stored as text files.
Cont . . .
 When executed ($ ./ ), the source text file is first
compiled into byte code, an intermediate form, not text and
not binary.
 Perl then interprets the byte code, executing it.
 Therefore, each time a Perl script is executed, it is compiled
and then interpreted.
 Built-in functions, such as print() can be invoked with or
without parentheses.
Cont . . .
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# file:
$a = 5;
$b = 6;
$c = $a + $b;
print "\$c is now: $c\n";

 $a, $b, and $c are examples of scalar variables

Declaring Variables with use strict;
 Perl, as a scripting language, has looser rules than other "real“
programming languages
 One such quality is the ability to create variables by simply using
them, much as in shell programming
 Another alternative to this situation is to force declaration of all
variables before use.
use strict;
 With this, variables must be declared before use, and this is
done with the my( ) function as follows:
my $a; my $b;
 More than one variable can be declared at the same time
my($a, $b, $c);
 Scalar Variables
• A scalar variable is a variable that holds a single value.
• It can hold the value of a number (integer or floating) or a string
• The value can change over time, and it can change type
• Numeric literals are in the following format:
• Integers
• Decimal: 2_248_188
• Octal : 037
• Hexadecimal 0x25
• Floats
• Standard: 7.1 .8 9.
• Scientific: 3.4E-34 -8.023e43
Cont . . .
• String literals can be created with either single quotes or double
• Single quotes: ´hello, world´
• Double quotes: "hello, world\n", "\$c is now $c\n“
 Array Variables
• An array is an ordered collection of scalars. Array names begin
with the @ character
@data = (´Joe´, 39, "Test data", 49.3);
• The data in this array includes strings, an integer, and a floating
point number.
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# file:
use strict;
my @data = (´Joe´, 39, "Test data", 49.3);
print "Within double quotes: @data\n";
print "Outside any quotes: ", @data, "\n";
print ´Within single quotes: @data´, "\n";

 Output
$ ./

Within double quotes: Joe 39 Test data 49.3

Outside any quotes: Joe39Test data49.3
Within single quotes: @data
Cont . . .
 To access an individual array element, use the syntax:

#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# file:
use strict;
my @data = (´Joe´, 39, ´Test data´, 49.3);
print "element 0: $data[0]\n";
print "element 1: $data[1]\n";
print "element 2: $data[2]\n";
print "element 3: $data[3]\n";
Cont . . .
 A useful array-related variable is $#array_name, which
gives the last index of the array

 Example:
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# file:
use strict;
my @data = (´Joe´, 39, ´Test data´, 49.3);
print "last index: $#data\n";
 Output
$ ./
last index: 3
Array Functions
 Perl has a variety of functions that implement commonly
performed array functions
• push( ) and pop( )
• The push( ) and pop( ) functions modify the right side of an array.
• The push( ) function adds elements to the right, and pop( ) removes the
rightmost element

my @a = (2, 4, 6, 8);
push(@a, 10, 12);
after push: 2 4 6 8 10 12

my $element = pop(@a);
after pop: 2 4 6 8 10
element popped: 12
Cont . . .
• unshift( ) and shift( )
• These functions are similar to push( ) and pop( ) except that they operate
on the left side of the array.

my @a = (2, 4, 6, 8);
unshift(@a, 10, 12);
after unshift:10 12 2 4 6 8

my $element = shift(@a);
after shift:12 2 4 6 8
element shiftted: 10
Cont . . .
• sort( ) and reverse( )
• These functions are nondestructive they don't change the arrays or lists that
are being sorted.
• The sort( ) function sorts lists, and the reverse( ) function reverses lists

my @a = (´hello´, ´world´, ´good´, ´riddance´);

my @b = sort(@a);
sorted: good hello riddance world

@b = reverse(@a);
reversed: riddance good world hello
Hash Variables
 Hashes (also known as associative arrays) are arrays that are
indexed not by a number but by a string.
 Instead of accessing an array by its position with an element
like 0 or 1, we can access a hash with an index like name or
 By indexing with a string, instead of a number, we can
access the data structure by a more meaningful bit of
 A hash variable is defined to be a collection of zero or
more key/value pairs (a hash can be empty, with zero
Cont . . .
 The keys must be unique strings; the values can be any
 A hash variable name begins with the percent sign:
 Ex:
% person.
Cont . . .
 To create a hash, assign to it a list, which is treated as a
collection of key/value pairs:
%person =
( ´name´, ´Joe´, ´age´, 39,
´phone´, ´555-1212´, ´address´, ´123 Main St.´,
´city´, ´Chicago´, ´state´, ´IL´,
´zip´,´60601´ );
 Or you can use the => operator to make the code more
%person =
( name => ´Joe´, age => 39,
phone => ´555-1212´, address => ´123 Main St.´,
city => ´Chicago´, state => ´IL´,
zip => ´60601´);
Hash Functions
 The most common way to process a hash is by looping though
the keys.
 The keys are obtained by executing the built-in keys( ) function.
 The keys( ) function returns the keys in an apparently random
 They are not in the order created, nor the reverse, nor sorted in
any obvious way, but according to how the key hashes.
 In Perl, the keys are returned in the order in which they are
stored in memory.
 The keys can be sorted by using the sort( ) function
 Arithmetic: +, - , * , / , % , **(Exponentiation)
• In Perl when two integers are divided, the result is automatically
typed as floating point
 String: . string concatenation
x string replication
Cont . . .
 True and False
• There are three false values in Perl:
• ´´ empty string
• ´0´ the string of the single character 0
• 0 the number 0
• Every other value is true. So in Perl, the following are all true
• 1
• 10
• ´hi´
Cont . . .
 Numerical Comparison
• Perl has the usual numerical comparison operators, with one
addition, the compare operator, <=>.
• All of these, with the exception of the compare operator, evaluate
to either true (1) or false (empty string not zero!).
• The following are the operators:
<, <=, >, >=, ==, !=, <=>
Cont . . .
• The compare operator, <=>, evaluates to either 1, 0, or -1.
• The expression:
$a <=> $b evaluates to:
• 1 if $a > $b
• 0 if $a == $b
• -1 if $a < $b
Cont . . .
 String Comparison
• lt - less than le - less than or equal to
• gt - greater than ge - greater than or equal to
• eq - equivalent to ne - not equal to
• cmp compare
Cont . . .
• The string comparison operator, cmp, evaluates to either 1, 0, or -
• The expression:
$a cmp $b evaluates to:
• 1 if $a gt $b
• 0 if $a eq $b
• -1 if $a lt $b
Cont . . .
 Increment and Decrement
• ++  autoincrement --  autodecrement
 Logical
• &&  logical and ||  logical or
• !  logical not and  logical and
• or  logical or not  logical not
• The operators and, or, and not have extremely low precedence they
are at the bottom of the precedence table
Flow-Control Constructs
 Flow-control constructs are the familiar if, else, while, etc.
 Do this if this condition is met, do that if not - flow control.
 An important thing about these constructs in Perl, is that
the curly braces, {}, are required.
 Omitting them is a syntax error.
Conditional Constructs
 The if statement is the most common conditional
 The syntax for it is:
if (condition) { statements }
else { statements }
 Nested if statements have this syntax:
if (condition1) { statements }
elsif (condition2) { statements }
else { statements }
Looping Constructs
 while Loop: A common looping construct, it has the
while (condition)
{ statements }
 for Loop: This loop has the syntax:
for (init_expression; condition; step_expression)
{ statements }
Cont . . .
 foreach Loop: Perl has a nifty loop used to process lists
and arrays called the foreach loop.
 It has this syntax:
foreach scalar_variable (list)
{ statements }
 The statements are executed for each item in the list (hence the
name), meaning we don't have to know how long the list is
or check to see whether the end has been reached.
Regular Expressions
 Regular expressions (regexes) are a powerful, strange,
beautiful, and complex part of Perl.
 These can match a string against a
• General pattern,
• Perform string substitution, and
• Extract text from a string.
Cont . . .
 To match a string, use the following syntax:
$string_variable =~ /pat/
 That is =~ (equal-tilde), not = ~ (equal-space-tilde).
 This returns true if the variable $string_variable matches
the pattern pat, false if it does not.
 For a string to match a pattern, only a portion of the string
needs to match, not the entire string
if ($name =~ /John/)
{ print "\$name matches `John´\n"; }
 All the following values for $name would match the regex
• John
• John Lennon
• Andrew Johnson
Cont . . .
 Patterns
• When regexes are created, we abstract patterns to be compared
with the text
 Characters
• Most characters match themselves:
• a matches a, b matches b
• ab matches a immediately followed by b
• abc matches a immediately followed by b immediately followed by c
Cont . . .
• Some characters have a special meaning:
• . matches any character except newline (\n)
• ^ matches the beginning of the string
• $ matches the end of the string
• Thus
• a.b match a followed by any character but \n followed by b
• a1b, azb, a+b
• ^abc match a string that begins with `abc´
• abcdefg, abc123,
• abc$ match a string that ends with abc
• 123abc, I learned my abc
Cont . . .
 Character Classes
• Square brackets, [ ], create a character class, which matches any
single character in that class.
• A dash (-) can be used to specify a range:
• [abcd] one of either a or b or c or d
• [a-d] the same
• [0-9] one digit character
• [a-zA-Z] one alpha character, upper or lowercase
Cont . . .
• If the caret character (^) is the first character in the class, any
single character that is not in the class listed will be matched:
• [^abcd] any character except a or b or c or d
• [^a-d] the same
• [^0-9] one nondigit character
• [^ a-zA-Z] one nonalpha
Cont . . .
• Some character classes occur frequently and are given predefined
character classes:
• \d digit character [0-9]
• \D nondigit character
• \w word character [a-zA-Z0-9_]
• \W nonword character
• \s space character [ \r\n\t\f]
• \S nonspace
• The phone-number-matching regex for the pattern 800 867 5309
could be written as:
Cont . . .
 Quantifiers
• Quantifiers express quantity.
• How many of an element are there?
• How does one match multiple instances?
• Perl quantifiers are:
• *  0 or more, +  1 or more
• ?  0 or 1, {m}  exactly m
• {m,}  m or more, {m,n}  m through n, inclusive
Cont . . .
 Quantifiers operate on the element immediately to the left
of the quantifier
• xy*z  match x followed by 0 or more y followed by z
• Ex: xz, xyz, xyyz, xyyyz
• (xy)*z  match 0 or more xy followed by z
• Ex: xyz, xyyz, xyyyz
• xy?z  match x followed by 0 or 1 y followed by z
• Ex: xz, xyz
Cont . . .
• xy3z  match x followed by exacty 3 y followed by z
• xyyyz
• xyz2y  match x followed by y followed by exacty 2 z followed
by y
• xyzzy
• xy3,z  match x followed by 3 or more y followed by z
• xyyyz, xyyyyz, xyyyyyz
• xy3,5z  match x followed by 3 to 5 y followed by z
• xyyyz, xyyyyz, xyyyyyz
• The phone-number-matching regex can be rewritten
/\d{3}\s\d{3}\s\d{4}/ or /(\d{3}\s){2}\d{4}/
Cont . . .
 Memory
• Perl has a mechanism that allows it to remember patterns
previously matched.
• Expressions that have been matched by a regex within a set of
parentheses are stored in the special variables $1, $2, $3, and so
• When one set of parentheses is used, the text within it is stored in
• If more than one set of parentheses is used, the first set will
remember its characters in $1, the second set in $2, the third set in
$3, and so on.
 User-defined functions are created as follows:
sub function_name
{ # body }
 The terms function and subroutine are used interchangeably
 To invoke the function:
function_name( )
Cont . . .
 Return Values
• All Perl functions return the last value evaluated by the function.
• The following example shows two functions returning values
• The function test1( ) returns a scalar value, and
• The function test2( ) returns a list
Cont . . .
 Perl also has the return operator,
• Which can be used to escape gracefully from the middle of a
block or simply for readability.
Cont . . .
 Local Variables
• To create local variables in a function, use my( )
• Using use strict; requires that the variables within the function be
declared and makes them local.
Cont . . .
 Function Arguments
• Arguments are passed into functions through the special array @_
#! /usr/bin/perl -w
# file:
use strict;
sub print_args { my $i = 0;
# loop through @_ and print each element
# and yes, that is $#_, the last index of @_
while ( $i <= $#_ ) { print "arg $i: $_[$i]\n"; $i++; }}
# some variables to pass in
my $num = 10; my $name = ´Joe´;
print_args ($num, $name, 3.14159, ´hello, world!´);
Cont . . .
 Arguments are often copied into my variables like this
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
sub print_args_2
{ # copy the arguments into $a, $b and $c
my($a, $b, $c) = @_;
# print the arguments
print "\$a is: $a\n";
print "\$b is: $b\n";
print "\$c is: $c\n"; }
my $num = 10; my $name = 'Joe';
print_args_2($num, $name, 3.14159);
File I/O
 Perl scripts which don't interact with the outside world will
be of limited use.
 The scripts have to be able to accept input and write
 This is where file input/output comes in, or File I/O
Cont . . .
 Standard Output
• Standard output function is print( ) function:
print "hello, world\n";
Cont . . .
 Standard Input
• To read data from the outside world, we use standard input,
• Which is typically the keyboard, though it can be redirected to be
a file or something else.
• To read input into a scalar variable, up to and including the
newline character \n, you need only to add
$line = <STDIN>;
Cont . . .
 Reading from a File
• To read from (or write to) a file, we must first open the file.
• To open a file, use the open( ) function:
open FH, ‘<test.txt’;
• FH is a filehandle variable.
• All filehandles are named with uppercase letters.
• The less-than symbol (<) indicates that the file is to be opened in
read mode.
Cont . . .
• Read mode happens to be the default, so if the lessthan symbol is
not used, the file will still be opened in read mode
• The open( ) function returns true if successful, false if it fails.
• If open( ) returns false, we should handle this as a serious error,
and in Perl, when serious errors occur, we die( )
Cont . . .
 Example:
if (! open (FH, ‘<test.txt’))
{ die "Can't open test.txt: $!"; }
• The die( ) function takes its argument, prints it to standard error
output, cleans up, and exits with a nonzero exit status.
• The variable $! contains the error status of why, the open failed.
Cont . . .
 Writing to a File
• To open a file in write mode, use the open( ) function:
open FH, ‘>output.txt’
or die "Can't open output.txt: $!";
• The > tells Perl that the file is to be opened in write mode.
• This will overwrite the file if it exists!
• To write into the file, execute print( ) with an additional argument:
the filehandle variable:
print FH "hello, world\n";
Additional Perl Constructs
 The unless Statement
• The unless is like the if, except the logic is reversed.
• The basic syntax is:
unless (condition)
{ statements }
• The condition is tested, and if it is false, the statements are executed.
Cont . . .
 Thus, the if statement:
if (not $done)
{ print "keep working!\n“; }
 can be written as:
unless ($done)
{ print "keep working!\n“; }
Cont . . .
 The until Loop
• The until loop is like the while loop, except the logic is reversed.
• The basic syntax is:
until (condition)
{ statements }
• The condition is tested, and if it is false, the statements are executed.
Cont . . .
 Thus, the while loop:
while (not $done)
{ keep_working( ); }
 can be rewritten as:
until ($done)
{ keep_working( ); }
Cont . . .
 Expression Modifiers
• Expression modifiers Perl has - also known as the backward form.
• For instance, the if statement:
if (condition)
{ statements }
• can be written backward as:
statements if condition;
• The following if statement: if ($hungry) { eat( ); }
• can be rewritten as: eat( ) if $hungry;
Cont . . .
• The unless can be written in backward form as well:
unless ($happy)
{ complain( ); }
• rewritten can be as:
complain( ) unless $happy;
Short-Circuited Logic Operators
 Short-Circuited Logic Operators
• The logic operators
&&, and, ||, and or are short-circuited
• If the entire result of the operator can be established at any point,
the rest of the expression is not evaluated, because it doesn't need
to be.
• With the logical and operator, if the first operand is false, we know
that the result of the operand is false
Cont . . .
 Example
expression1 && expression2
 is equivalent to this:
if (expression1)
Making Operating System Calls
 Perl includes some convenient functions and operators to
perform system calls.
 The system( ) Function
• The system( ) function takes its argument and executes it as if it
were a system command typed into the shell.
• The output of the command is sent to standard output for the
• The code:
system ´/bin/ls´;
• executes the /bin/ls system command, showing the files in the
current directory in sorted order
Cont . . .
 Backquotes
• Backquotes, ``, are similar to the system( ) function, except the
standard output of the command is brought into the program.
• For instance:
$my_working_directory = `/bin/pwd`;
• Now $my_working_directory contains a value that resembles
• When using system( ) and backquotes, be sure to use full
pathnames (for example,/ bin/ls) instead of relying on the user's
PATH variable.
Database Independent Interface
 DBI enables one to write programs to automate database
maintenance and to write other scripts to interface with
 DBI is a Perl module that provides methods to manipulate
SQL databases.
 With DBI, one can connect to a database within a Perl
script and issue all kinds of queries, including SELECT,
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# use the DBI module
use DBI;
# use strict, it is a Good Idea
use strict;
# connect to the database, assigning the result to $dbh
my $dbh = DBI->connect(´DBI:mysql:people´, ´apache´, ´LampIsCool´);
# die if we failed to connect
die "Can't connect: " . DBI->errstr() unless $dbh;
# all is well!
print "Success: connected!\n";
# disconnect from the MySQL server
$dbh->disconnect( );

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