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Science, Systems, Matter, and Energy

G. Tyler Miller’s
Living in the Environment
14th Edition

Chapter 3
Key Concepts

Science as a process for understanding

Components and regulation of systems
Matter: forms, quality, and how it
changes; laws of matter
Energy: forms, quality, and how it
changes; laws of energy
Nuclear changes and radioactivity
OBJ 3.1
Science, and Critical Thinking
Ask a question

 Scientific data
Do experiments Interpret data
and collect data

 Scientific hypotheses
Formulate Well-tested and
hypothesis accepted patterns

 Scientific (natural) laws to explain data In data become

scientific laws

Do more
Experiments to
 Scientific theories test hypothesis

Revise hypothesis

 Consensus science if necessary

 Frontier science
Well-tested and
scientific theories Fig. 3-2 p. 33

• Variables are what affect processes in the experiment.

• Controlled experiments have only one variable
• Experimental group gets the variable
• Control group does not have the variable
– Placebo is a harmless pill that resembles the pill being
– In double blind experiments, neither the patient nor the
doctors know who is the control or experiment group.
Frontier and Consensus
• Frontier Science
– Scientific “breakthroughs” and controversial data
that has not been widely tested or accepted
– String Theory
• Consensus or Applied Science
– Consists of data, theories, and laws that are widely
accepted by scientists considered experts in the
field involved
– Human Genome Project
1. Describe how science works.
Distinguish between frontier
and consensus science.
• A system is a set of components that function
and interact in some regular and predictable
• It has a structure and a function
– The earth is a closed system for matter and an
open system for energy
Scientific Models - Mental

• Mental models help

people perceive the
world, control their
bodies and think
– Working model of a
car engine while you
are trying to
diagnose a problem
Conceptual Models

• Describes general relationships among

components of a system.
Graphic Models

• Compile and display data in meaningful

Physical Models
• Miniature versions of large systems that are
made to test out designs and ideas.
Mathematical Model
• Consists of one or more mathematical
equations to describe the behavior of a system.
Feedback Loops

• A feedback loop
occurs when an output
of a system is fed back
as an input
• Two kinds of feedback
– Positive
– Negative
Feedback Loops

• Positive loops are runaway cycles where a change in

a certain direction causes further change in the same
– Melting of permafrost will release methane which will
accelerate global warming
• Negative loops occur when a change in a certain
direction leads to a lessening of that change
– Moose and wolves
System Regulation

 Time Delay: no immediate effect

EX: Smoker; Population Growth

 Synergy: 2 or more processes work together; combined effect is

greater than they are individually
OBJ 3.2
Matter: Forms, Structure, and Quality

Elements: building blocks of matter

Compounds: combination of atoms, ions, or elements held
together by bonds

Atoms: unit made of subatomic particles

Ions: atoms with + or - charge

Molecules: combination of 2 or more atoms of an element

OBJ 3.3
Subatomic Particles
Atomic Characteristics
Atomic number Ions
Atomic mass Isotopes

- N

electron neutron

What do these particles consist of?


Particle Charge Mass

proton + ve charge 1

neutron No charge 1

electron -ve charge nil


Atomic number
the number of protons in an atom

4 Atomic mass
the number of protons
neutrons in an atom

number of electrons = number of protons


Electrons are arranged in Energy Levels or

Shells around the nucleus of an atom.

• first shell a maximum of 2 electrons

• second shell a maximum of 8 electrons

• third shell a maximum of 18 electrons

1. Compare elements vs.

2. Diagram an atom. (Include the

following: proton, neutron,
electrons, nucleus)
Examples of Isotopes

Fig. 3-5 p. 40
Measures acidity or alkalinity of water

Scale 0 – 14

Acids: 0 – 6.9

Neutral 7.0
Alkaline (Basic) 7.1 - 14

Forming of
a bond is
like marriage The breaking
of a bond
relates to a
•More stable


•Less stable

Covalent Bonds
•What is an Covalent Bond?
- A covalent bond is a chemical bond
resulting from SHARING of electrons
between 2 bonding atoms.

• What forms a covalent bond?

- A covalent bond is formed between two
What are some characteristics of a covalent

1. Covalent bonds have

definite and
predicable shapes.
2. Very strong
3. Low melting and
boiling points
There are two types of compounds that
are important to living things:

Organic and inorganic compounds

Organic compounds contain the

element carbon.

There are 4 types of organic compounds that

are important to living things:
Composed of: Examples Function
Sugar Releases
C, H, O Starch energy for
cellulose cells
Organic Composed of: Examples Function
Fats Stores and
Lipid C, H, O Oils releases
Waxes MORE
energy for

Cell membranes are made of lipids

Organic Composed of: Examples Function
Used to
Protein C, H, O, N enzymes build cell
Made of
Where are proteins made in the cell…?
Organic Composed of: Examples Function

C, H, DNA Stores
Nucleic O, N, P RNA hereditary
Acid information
Inorganic compounds are also
important to living things. They DO
NOT contain carbon.

Some examples include:

• water (formula: H2O)

• salt (formula: NaCl)

Genetic Material
Nucleic acids Chromosomes
Genes Genomes

Compare Fig. 3-7 p. 42

The Four States of Matter




OBJ 3.4
What do you know about matter?

Solids Gasses
Liquids Plasma
• Solids hold their own
• Solids have mass.
• Solids take up space.

Read more!

• Liquids take the shape of

their container.
• Liquids have mass.
• Liquids take up space.

Read more!

• Gasses spread out to

fill the entire space
• Gasses have mass.
• Gasses take up space.

Read more!

• Lightning is a plasma.
• Used in fluorescent light
bulbs and Neon lights.
• Plasma is a lot like a gas,
but the particles are
electrically charged.

Read more!
OBJ 3.5

 Definition: Capacity to do “work” and

transfer heat


Radiation: Energy & Wavelength

Energy: Quality



Fig. 3-12 p.46

Matter Quality and Material Efficiency

Fig. 3-8 p. 43
1. Define energy and distinguish
between forms of energy and
quality of energy.

2. Define matter and distinguish

between the forms of matter
and quality of matter.
Electromagnetic Spectrum

Fig. 3-9 p. 44
OBJ 3.6
Transfer of Heat Energy

Convection Conduction Radiation

Heating water in the bottom of a pan Heat from a stove burner causes As the water boils, heat from the hot
causes some of the water to vaporize atoms or molecules in the pan’s stove burner and pan radiate into the
into bubbles. Because they are bottom to vibrate faster. The vibrating surrounding air, even though air
lighter than the surrounding water, atoms or molecules then collide with conducts very little heat.
they rise. Water then sinks from the nearby atoms or molecules, causing
top to replace the rising bubbles.This them to vibrate faster. Eventually,
up and down movement (convection) molecules or atoms in the pan’s
eventually heats all of the water. handle are vibrating so fast it
becomes too hot to touch.

Fig. 3-11 p. 45
1. Diagram the three ways that heat
can be transferred. (Convection,
Conduction, Radiation)
Changes in Matter

 Physical

Chemical Changes or Reactions

Fig. In text p. 47
OBJ 3.7
The Law of Conservation of Matter

Matter is not destroyed

Matter only changes form

There is no “throw away”

Matter and Pollution

 Chemical nature of pollutants

 Concentration
 Persistence
 Degradable (nonpersistent) pollutants
 Biodegradable pollutants
 Slowly degradable (persistent) pollutants
 Nondegradable pollutants
3- 6 Nuclear Changes
-occurs when nuclei of certain isotopes change
into nuclei of different isotopes

Natural radioactive decay

-nuclear change which unstable isotopes
spontaneously emit fast-moving particles, high
energy radiation, or both at a fixed rate

Radioactive isotopes (radioisotopes)

-unstable isotopes
-change until reach stable non-reactive isotope
What do isotopes release?
- ionizing gamma rays (high energy)
Two types of particle
- alpha: fast moving, + charged, 2 p, 2 n)
- beta: high speed electrons

Half life (See Table 3-2 p. 49)

Ionizing radiation
Half-Life: time needed for one-half of the
nuclei in a given quantity of a radioisotopes
to decay & emit radiation to form a
different isotope
Each half-life has a characteristic rate.

Fig. 3-13, p. 49
OBJ 3.8
Nuclear Reactions

Fission Fusion

Fig. 3-15 p. 50 Fig. 3-16 p. 50

Nuclear Fission

- Nuclear change
- Nuclei of certain isotopes w/ large masses are
split apart into lighter nuclei when struck by
- Multiple fissions  chain reaction
- Release energy
- EX: atomic bomb, nuclear power plant reactor
Nuclear Fusion

- Nuclear change
- 2 isotopes of light elements (H) are forced
together at high temperature to form, heavier
- High temp is required
- Releases more energy
1. Create a Venn diagram comparing
nuclear fission and nuclear fusion.
OBJ 3.9
Laws Governing Energy Changes

First Law of Thermodynamics (Energy)

 Energy is neither created nor destroyed

 Energy only changes form

 You can’t get something for nothing


Laws Governing Energy Changes

Second Law of Thermodynamics

 In every transformation, some energy is

converted to heat

 You cannot break even in terms of

energy quality
1. Give a detailed example of each of
the laws of thermodynamics.
Connections: Matter and Energy Laws
and Environmental Problems

 High-throughput (waste) economy

 Matter-recycling economy

 Low-throughput economy
Environmental Solutions: Low-
Throughput Economy
Learning from

Fig. 3-19 p. 53

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