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Solver Configuration

ODE(Ordinary Differential Equation)

• Order of ODE= Highest order derivative of y in
that equation
Eg: y”=9y (Second order derivative)
Types of ODE
• Explicit ODE => y’=f(t,y)
• Linear Implicit => M(t,y)y’ = f(t,y)
=> y’=M^-1(t,y)f(t,y)
It involves linear combination of first derivative
Where M(t,y)is mass matrix -> can be time or state
• If some components of y’ are missing it is called
Differential Algebric Equations(DAE)
• Ode15s and ode 23t solvers are used for DAE
• Fully implicit ODE f(t,y,y’)=0. ODE15i solver is used
Solver Types
• Fixed-step solver
Solve the model at step sizes from the beginning to
the end of the simulation
• Variable-step solver
Vary the step size during the simulation
Nature of States
• Continuous solvers
Solvers use numerical integration to compute
continuous states of a model
• Discrete solvers
Compute only the next simulation time step for a

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