My Presentation in Prof. ED

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Professionalism: It’s NOT

a job you DO. It’s HOW

you DO the job.

 Discuss the meaning of the teacher as a professional.

 Explain what society demands from the teacher as a
 Explain the professional competencies that a teacher
should posses.
From his/her very title “ teacher” to teach well is what
the society primarily demands of the teachers. The
learning of the learner is the teacher’s main concern.

The effective teacher makes the good and the not

good learner learn. On the other hand, the ineffective
teacher adversely affects the learning of both good
and the not so good student.
What does society expect
of teachers as profession?
The Teaching As Profession

 Teaching fulfills the elements of a

profession and as a teacher is truly a
 A profession is one who went through
long years of preparation to earn a teacher
education degree recognized by the
Commission on High Education, and pass
the LET examination.
 he/she pass the LET obtain a license w/c he or she
obliged to renew every three years.

As a professional teacher he/she is expecting to abide

by the Code Of Ethics For Professional Teacher.

The teacher is “ licensed profession who passes the

dignity and reputation w/ the high moral values as
well as technical and professional competence he/ she
adheres to observes and practices a set of ethical and
moral principles, standards and values”
The Demands From
The Teacher As A Professional
 The Code Of Ethics For Professional Teachers spells
out the demands of the state, community, higher
authorities and school officials and parents.

 The words “ teacher” suggests that the main

responsibility of the profession teacher is to teach. The
teacher primary customer is the learners.
Models Of Effective Teaching
A. Robert Marzano’s Causal Teaching evaluation model
of four domains:

1. Classroom Strategies And Behaviors:

 Involve events enacted on the spot such as engaging
students, recognizing adherence of the rules and
procedures, establishing and maintaining effective
relationship w/ the students.
2. Planning and preparing
 planning and preparing of the lesson
 Use of technology
 Needs of the students receiving Special Education
 needs of students who lack of support for schooling

3. Reflection in teaching
 evaluating personal performance such as identifying
the pedagogical strengths and weaknesses
 Developing, implementing and monitoring a
profession growth plan
4. Collegiality and Professionalism
 promoting positive interaction w/ students and
Seeking mentorship for areas of needs/ interest
Mentoring other teachers, and sharing ideas and
Adhering school rules and procedures
Participating to school initiatives
B. Charlotte Danielson Frameworks for Teaching
1. Planning And Preparation
2. The Classroom Environment
3. Instruction
4. Professional Responsibilities
C. James Strong – teacher effectiveness Performance
Evaluation System ( TESPES) System:

1. Professional knowledge
2. Instructional planning
3. Instructional delivery
4. Assessment of/the learning
5. The Learning Environment
6. Professionalism
7. Students progress
Teaching evaluation standards –
the McREL model (Mid-
Continent Research for
Education and learning.

1. Teachers demonstrate leadership

- lead in their classrooms
- demonstrate leadership in
the school
- leading the teaching
-advocate for schools and
-demonstrate high ethics
2. Teachers establish a respectful environment for a
diverse population of students.

3. Teachers know the content they teach.

4. Teachers facilitate learning for their students.

5. Teachers reflect on their practices.

5 Effective in Teaching :

1. Prepare and plan very well for instruction.

2. Execute or deliver that instruction plan very
well because he/ she has professsional
3. Create a conducive or favorable learning
environment for diverse group of learners.
4. Assess and report the learners’ progress.
5. Demonstrate professionalism as he/she
deals w/ superior, colleagues, students and
The Philippines Profession Standards for
teachers ( PPST)
The PPST , revise National Competency- Based Teacher
Standards (NCBTS), gives the teacher professional
competencies in seven domains, 37 strands and 148
performance indicators for four career stages.
Quality teachers in the Philippines need to possess.

• recognize the importance of mastery of content

knowledge and its interconnection within and across
• Provide learning environments that are safe, secure,
fair and supportive in order to promote learner
responsibility and achievement.
• Establish learning environments that are responsive to
learner diversity.
• Interact with the national and local curriculum
The demands of the society from
the teacher as a person
More than any other professional, teachers are
subjected to scrutiny to the minutest detail by those
who they associate w/. Teacher are judged more
strictly than other professionals.
12 Characteristics Of An Effective
1. Prepared- come to class each day
ready to teach.
2. Positive-have a optimistic attitudes
about teaching and about students.
3. Hold high expectation- set no limits
in the students and believed
everyone became successful.
4. Creative –are resourceful and inventive in
how they teach in class.
5. fair- handling student and grading fairly.
6. Display a personal touch – approachable
7. Cultivate of a sense of belonging- have a way
to make the students welcome and
comfortable in their classrooms.
8. compassionate- are concern in a personal
problem of a students and can relate to
them and their problems.
9. Have a sense of humor - make learning fun
and do that take things seriously.
10. Respect students- do not deliberately
embarrass students; teaching who give the
highest respect get the highest respect.
11. forgiving- do not hold grudges
12. Admits mistakes- quick to admit being

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