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Business Culture in

Before Japan
Observing another culture's etiquette
opens doors to more successful

Communication takes place

between one human being and
another, and not between one
culture and another

Japan's unique business culture = the

biggest obstacle for
foreign businesses seeking to establish
themselves in the Japanese market
• The most important concept to grasp is
that of the importance of personal
relationships within the business cycle:

- Japan is the one most strongly rooted

in the concept that relationships should
come before business, rather than
business being more important than
personal considerations;

- In order to achieve success in Japan, it

is important to put the maximum
amount of time and resource into the
early stages of relationship-building. • People find Japan both fascinating and
difficult as a business destination & often
leave the country more confused than
when they arrived.
Introduction and
greetings in Japan
Learn some greetings:
“Otsularesama desu”

The Japanese bow when

they meet you, but may The right way to receive a
offer a Western card is with both hands,
handshake. read it and then put it on
the table.

Direct eye contact is

considered rude and Always greet the most
senior person first

• Punctuality is important — it shows • Patience is essential.

respect for the attendees.

• Always allow slightly more time than you

think might be necessary to achieve your

• Do not become exasperated by this use of

your time, as it is an essential element of
the relationship-building process.
Business cards Giving gifts
 It is important when doing business in Japan,  Offering gifts is a very important. The
to have a plentiful supply of business cards. emphasis is on the ritual itself rather than on
the content of the gift.
 Cards are presented at an early stage in a
formal manner.  Before accepting a present, it is polite to
modestly refuse it twice before finally
 Take care of the card - the card is the man. accepting.
Don’t write on it or leave it behind, as this
would show disrespect.  Gifts are opened in private to avoid the ‘loss
of face’ of a poor choice.

 Alcohol, especially good single malt whiskey, is

always an appreciated gift.
Dress code Men
Formal is
always a
good idea!

Do not wear black suit,

October-April May-September white shirt and black tie
because that is funeral
a grey suit with dark suits
white shirt and with white shirt
subdued tie and subdued tie

Women wear shorter or tied back hair, trouser

suits or longer skirt suits with seasonal colors
as for men. Accessories should be upmarket,
but not ostentatious.
If you are invited out for lunch or dinner, it is
important to accept. The person who invites
• It is considered polite to leave some food on
your plate at the end of the meal to show that
will invariably pick up the bill. you have eaten a sufficiency.

• When using chop-sticks, never point them at • When taken to a traditional Japanese
anybody and do not leave them sticking into restaurant, it is customary to remove your
your rice. When not in use, rest your chop- shoes when entering.
sticks on the holder which will be provided on
the table. • Tipping is not customary in Japan, as this cost is
usually included in the bill.
Tip 1 Tip 7
Relationships drive business in Japan. Avoid strong eye contact which can be seen as
Tip 2 threatening or hostile behavior.
It is important to show respect appropriately. Tip 8
Age brings dignity and should be respected. Always take gifts to give. Gifts need not be too
Tip 3 expensive, but should always be wrapped.
Try to be polite and diplomatic at all times. Tip 9
Tip 4 Dress well. Appearance is very important and you
Avoid putting the Japanese in situations where are likely to be judged on how you look.
they might be forced to lose face. Do not try Tip 10
to push for decisions or deadlines. If confused or in doubt when working in Japan, try
Tip 5 not to react immediately. Try to buy some time and
Perform as many favors for people as possible. reflect on the situation overnight or seek advice
Favors must always be repaid. from colleagues or other Japanese contacts.

Tip 6
Humor should be avoided during serious
business meetings where it will be viewed as
out of place.
Rad Filip Darius
1st year

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