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Diversity of Sphagnum Mosses in Ocean County

Amy Fullington, Shane Manfredi, Erin Murphey, and Chris Sherman

Abstract Objective Discussion

Diversity of mosses along the shoreline of an aquatic ecosystem is The Objective of this study is to analyze the diversity of the Sphagnum moss species located at Stafford Forge and Fire Pond as  The results of our study indicated a fair diversity of moss at Stafford Forge
important to assess since mosses are key species in primary succession, water the distance from the water changes. and Fire Pond when the Simpson’s diversity index and Shannon-Wiener
retention, and carbon sequestration. The Aquatic Ecology class at the Marine index where used.
Academy of Technology and Environmental Science (MATES) visited Stafford  Mosses display the highest diversity in moist areas experiencing cool or
Forge on May 9, 2018 and May 21, 2018; and Fire Pond on May 16, 2018 to temperate weather (“The Diversity of the Plant”, 2018). At the time of
complete a moss diversity assessment. Using a quarter meter quadrat placed
at equidistant lengths along a transect line, areas of the sites were analyzed
for specie coverage in the quadrats. In the MATES lab, species were classified
Methodology testing, the weather was transitioning from cold to slightly warmer with the
onset of spring, meaning the mosses were only just beginning to grow again
for the season.
and absorbance of the moss species was determined. Results were calculated
Procedure: Study Site:  The similarity between Stafford Forge and Fire Pond can be explained by
using Simpson’s diversity index, Shannon-Wiener index, and Jaccard’s
Coverage  Data was collected from various sites at Stafford Forge and Fire Pond. the tendency for different species of Sphagnum mosses to inhabit different
similarity index which indicated fair diversity of the individual sites and mid
environments. For example, Sphagnum tenerum can thrive in patches of
similarity between the sites. Lab results and a regression test indicated a  Six quarter meter quadrats were placed in one line 0.5 meters apart.  The study was conducted between May 9 and May 21, 2018 by students from the MATES
damp soil in both sunny and shady conditions while Sphagnum papillosum
correlation between distance and absorption, as well as distance and specie Aquatic Ecology class.
 Photos were taken and analyzed to determine the percent coverage by each appears in low hummock in only sunny locations (Karlin and Andrus, 1988).
coverage when data from both sites was evaluated. The results show that  Data was collected from 2 sites at Stafford Forge, 3 sites at Fire Pond, and then 4 different
there is a moderate diversity in both areas we tested, and that it is likely that species in each quadrat.  Because mosses absorb water through nonvascular means, the moss needs
sites at Stafford Forge.
the area is healthy. Sample Collection to be close to water source or water table to reach maximum absorbing
Statistical Analysis: capacity (Nelson, 2004). This is the reason why a negative correlation is
 Sample of similar species of sphagnum were collected from each quadrat.  Multiple regression tests were conducted to relate coverage and absorption to seen when relating absorption of mosses to distance from the coastline.
 These samples were massed. distance from the water.  As distance from the water increases, soil moisture in the area decreases.
 They were put into a drying oven for 24 hours.  An alpha value of 0.05 was used to determine signifigance. Because mosses favor mesic (high moisture) environments, a higher
 Organism counts were based on counting every 5 percent of the quadrat covered by amount of moss is expected to be seen closer to the coastline (Turetsky et
 They were be removed and massed to determine water content. al., 2012). This fact explains the correlations seen between distance from
a species as one specimen.
 Samples of different species found and identified.  Both Simpson’s and Shannon Wiener Diversity Indices were calculated for each of the coastline and moss coverage at both testing sites.
the sites and for the overall diversity.
 Jaccard’s Similarity Index was used to determine the likeness of the two sites.

Table 1. Data was collected Stafford Forge and Fire Pond between May 9, 2018 and May 21, 2018. The percent coverage was analyzed using images taken of the
Figure 1. Data was collected from Stafford Forge and Fire Pond. The coordinates are Coverage (%) Absorption (% Water)
based at where the transect started on the bank. Water's Edge Distance (m) Transect
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
Stafford Forge- May 9, 2018 1 40 50 50 25 10 0 96.35 95.11 80.93 93.35 - -
2 60 35 70 20 40 5 95.97 94.40 92.11 - - -
Fire Pond - May 16, 2018 1 80 85 0 10 0 0 49.55 78.21 - 34.67 - -
2 40 40 0 0 0 0 94.67 85.71 38.60 - - - Figure 6. Moss samples were left to dry for 24 hours in a drying oven. The change in
3 100 75 0 0 0 0 97.67 93.97 - - - - weight was then measured and percent water calculated
Stafford Forge- May 21, 2018 1 50 25 0 0 0 0 92.54 92.60 89.62 - - -
2 60 15 0 0 0 0 95.94 - - - - -

3 60 0 0 0 0 0 91.23 - - - - -
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 - - - - - -

Figure 2. Samples of Sphagnum mosses: S. tenerum, S. palustre, and S. compactum

(left to right). Species S. palustre and S. pylaesii (not pictured) were used to test  In conclusion, moss diversity is highly dependent on the environmental
absorption. Table 2. Organism counts were based on counting every 5 percent of the Distance from Water vs. Average Percent Distance from Water vs. Average Water conditions present and area’s temperature.
quadrat covered by a species as one specimen. Stafford Forge 1 and 2 were Coverage Absorption
counted together but collected on different dates. Stafford Forge 1 100
 Moss is also a nonvascular plant that thrives in moist locations, explaining

Scientific Species Count

y = -9.3571x + 57.143 the increasing absorption and coverage of the mosses with proximity to

Percent Absorption (%)

70 R² = 0.6935 90
Percent Coverage (%)

Common Names the coastline.

Names STAF 1 STAF 2 FP 60 Fire Pond
y = -9.0385x + 93.198

Prairie sphagnum S. palustre 30 5 25 50 y = -16.095x + 64.127
R² = 0.7073
R² = 0.883
 Because moss strongly influences nutrient, carbon and water cycling, it is a
Stafford Forge 2 70
Papillose peatmoss S. papillosum 16 22 0 40
y = -6.9286x + 26.071
valuable asset to aquatic communities, warranting the need for moss
Sphagnum tenerum S. tenerum 15 10 4 R² = 0.5806 60 diversity assessments in order to gauge overall health in an ecosystem.
 Sphagnum is a genus of moss native to the coasts of North America, Pylaes' sphagnum S. pylaesii 12 0 20 10

Europe, and parts of Asia (Kagawa). Feathery bogmoss S. cuspidatum 5 0 0 0 40

0 1 2 3 4 5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5
Low sphagnum S.compactum 3 0 37
 It is one of many moss types that allow freshwater ecosystems to thrive
Distance from Water (m) Distance from Water (m)
Blushing peat moss S. molle 0 5 0
as they do (“Scottish National Heritage”)
Figure 3. A comparison of the distance from the water (m) Figure 4. A comparison of the distance from the water (m) to
 They are unique in their liking to acidic environments, non-vascular Simpson's Diversity 0.78 0.68 to the percent coverage (%). There was a linear correlation the absorption (%). There was a strong linear correlation
between each location with r-squared values of 0.6935, between distance from the water and absorption with an r-
structures, and high water absorption (“Basic Biology,” 2015) Shannon-Weiner Diversity 1.62 1.20 0.7073, 0.5806, respective to collection (F-sig = 0.0396, We would like to thank our Aquatic Ecology teacher, Mr. Kelsey for
squared value of 8830 (F-sig = 0.0603) (n=4).
 Grow in thick patches or mats with individual plants less than a Jaccard's Similarity 57.1% 0.0359, and 0.0782, respectively) (n=6). providing us with the opportunity to conduct this research. We would
centimeter long and small leaves (Perlman and Fisher) also like to thank Mr. Sprague for lending us with the quadrat we used
to collect our data.
 Colors range from greens and yellows to reds and slight purples.
 Many moss types cause their surroundings to become more acidic;
however, this feature is mostly attributed to sphagnum
 All types also preserve moisture, with varying success and effects on the
environment. Basic Biology. (2015, May 23). Mosses. Retrieved May 28, 2018, from
 It is also greatly dependent on how far the mosses are situated from a Corteau, J. (2018, February 30). Peat Moss - Sphagnum - Overview (M. Whitson, Ed.). Retrieved May 29, 2018, from
central body of water. This further contributes to the great diversity of Kagawa, T., & May, A. (n.d.). Drosera anglica Temperate Forms. Retrieved May 25, 2018, from
mosses as an order. Karlin, E. F., & Andrus, R. E. (1988). The Sphagnum Species of New Jersey. Bulletin of the Torrey
Botanical Club,115(3), jul. - sep., 168-195. Retrieved May 10, 2018, from
 This study will analyze the diversity of moss as the distance from a
Nelson, D. (2004, July 7). Mosses. Retrieved May 31, 2018, from
central water body increases. Perlman, D., & Fisher-Reid, C. (n.d.). Sphagnum Moss. Retrieved May 28, 2018, from
 The change in the absorption of water will also be analyzed. The Diversity of the Plant Kingdom (1 of 10). (2018). Retrieved May 31, 2018, from
 It is hypothesized that the diversity and absorption of the moss Turetsky, M. R., Bond‐Lamberty, B., Euskirchen, E., Talbot, J., Frolking, S., McGuire, A. D., & Tuittila, E. (2012, August
24). The resilience and functional role of moss in boreal and arctic ecosystems. Retrieved May 31, 2018,
increases as the distance from the water decreases. Figure 5. One line of quadrats. Each quadrat is 0.5 m apart starting from the bank of the water (left to right). These quadrats were placed at Stafford Forge on May 9, 2018. from

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