Tutorial 9 Iterative Methods and Matrix Norms

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Tutorial 9

Iterative Methods
and Matrix Norms
Iterative processes

In an iterative process, the k+1 step is defined via:

 0
u a
 k 1  k
u  Tu

Eigenvector decomposition dramatically simplifies the solution:

u  k   T k u  0   T k  c1 v1  ...  c n v n   c11k v1  ...  c n  n k v n (1)

The iterative process converges if:

1  i  n,  i  1  lim u  k   0
k 

Spectral radius of a matrix

The iterative process u  k   T k u  0  converges if the spectral radius

of T is below 1, where spectral radius of a matrix is defined as:

(T)  max  k
1 k  n

The largest eigenvalue (the first after ordering) governs the dynamic
system, i.e.:
u  k   c1  k1 v1

Unfortunately, straightforward calculation of spectral radius is itself a

complicated task, and for large matrices is solved by ITERATIVE (!!)
Vector Norms
A norm on the vector space is a mapping, R  R  , satisfying the
n 1

following axioms:

a. Positivity : v  0; v 0v 0
b. Linearity : cv  c v ;
c. Triangle inequality : vw  v  w ;

The popular example of the norm is the p-norm:


vp p
k 1 p  
k 1

and its three special cases, p=1: sum of abs. values, p=2: Euclidian
norm, and p=∞: the maximal absolute value element of the vector.
Norms Equivalence

For any two norms A and B, defined in a finite dimensional vector

space, there exist positive constants C≥c>0, such that:

v, c v B  v A  C v B (2)

Proof (outline):

Due to property (b) of norms, it is enough to show (2) on the unit

sphere, v A
 1. Due to property (c) the norm on this sphere is a
continuous function, thus it has the minimum m and maximum M, which
are both positive due to property (a). Taking C=1/m and c = 1/M
satisfies (2).

Induced Matrix Norm

The induced matrix norm is defined via the vector norm A , by

considering the matrix as a linear operator in the vector space (isn’t that
the essence of what is matrix for ?!).

The induced norm of the matrix T is the maximum factor by which it can
multiply the norm ( = the ‘length’ ) of the input vector.
T  max A
 max T v A
A v v A
v A

The last equality is due to the fact that matrices are linear operators and
vector length can be reduced.

The Norm Axioms are Satisfied

The properties of vector norms (p.4) are naturally extended to matrices.

Now let us prove that natural matrix norm satisfies these properties.

 max T v A
v A

(a) Positivity: Since vector norm is non-negative, the maximum is taken

over non-negative numbers and therefore non-negative by itself: T A
Now, assume that matrix T has at least one non-zero element, tjk, and let
us show that in this case T A

 . Then the vector w  T v

Consider the vector, v [ 01 ,...,0 ,1
k 1 k , 0 k 1...0 n ]
will have at least one non-zero element
The Norm Axioms are Satisfied

w  T v  w j   t ji vi  t jk 1  t jk  w A 0
i 1

 max Tu A
 Tv A
u A

(b) Linearity:
cT A
 max  cT  v A
 c max T v A
c T A
v A
1 v A

Follows from the fact that

 cT v   ct ij v j  c   t ij v j  c T v 
i 1..n; j1..m i 1..n ; j1..m

Natural Matrix Norm

(c) Triangle inequality: Consider

 max  A  B  v A
 max A v  B v A
v A
1 v A

The right hand side is the norm of the sum of two vectors and therefore
must satisfy the triangle inequality for the vector norm:

max A v  B v
v 1 A
 max A v
v 1
 A
 Bv A


searching for the maximums independently is a looser constraint – it can

yield the same vector v or two other vectors u and w in case they give
even greater maximum:
max A v
v 1
 A
 Bv A
  max Au
u 1 A
 max A w
w 1 A
 A  B

Matrix norm for Convergence Estimation
The norms of matrices are a useful alternative to the spectral radius in
evaluation of matrix convergence due to the following

Statement: if some induced norm of A, A  1 , then A is convergent.

Proof: Apply A to any vector v, and get:

Av  A  v
k k
Continuing the iterative process we obtain: A v  A v

Since A  1 the process converges.

Spectral radius is not a norm.
The matrix norm is a sufficient but not necessary condition for testing for
convergence: on the next slide we will see an example of the converging
matrix with Euclidian norm >1.

Question: Is the spectral radius of a matrix a valid norm? NO!

0 1 
Proof: Consider the matrix A   
 0 0 
Its both eigenvalues are 0, and therefore the spectral radius=0. However,
A≠0 and therefore its norm must be positive.

In fact, this matrix gives a convergence within one iteration (A2=0).

Example – See the Gap
Statement: The Euclidian (p=2) norm of a matrix equals its maximum
singular value.

Proof: Done in class.

0.5 1 
Consider the matrix: A 
 0 0.25 

We have that A  1.5; A  1.25; and A  1.14

 1 2

and yet, the eigenvalues are 0.5 and 0.25, implying a

spectral radius of 0.5.

This matrix leads to convergence.

Gerschgorin Circle Theorem

Let A be an n×n matrix. For each 1 ≤ i ≤ n, the Gerschgorin disk is

defined as  
 n

D i   z  a ii   a ij , z  C
 j1 
 j  i 
The Gerschgorin domain is defined as a union of all the Gerschgorin
disks: n
D A  D i
i 1

Gerschgorin Circle Theorem: All eigenvalues of Matrix A lie in its

Gerschgorin domain DA.

Proof of Gerschgorin Circle Theorem
Let v be an eigenvector of A with an eigenvalue λ. Let u  be a
v 
corresponding “normalized” eigenvector.

Let ui be a maximal entry of u: ui = 1. Writing an i-th component of the

eigenvalue equation Au= λu, we obtain:
n n
 a iju j  u i   a iju j     a ii  u i
j1 j1, j i
Now, we obtain
n n n n
   a ii  u i    a ii   a iju j   a iju j   a ij  u j   a ij
 j1, j i j1, j i j1, j i j1, j i
u i 1
   a ii    a ij
j1, j i

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