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English 10
• the expression of or the ability to
express thoughts and feelings by
articulate sounds.

• a formal address or discourse delivered

to an audience.
Types of
Demonstrative speech

The idea behind demonstrative

speech is basically to educate the
audience that is listening to
something they are not aware of.
The unique thing about
demonstrative speeches is that they
could include various visual aids
which can help further demonstrate
or describe in practical terms how
to effectively do something. At first
glance, one can say that
demonstrative speech is more like
but the difference is in the fact that
informative speeches do not
exactly include actual
demonstrating of how to do or
perform an action.
Entertaining speech
is quite a common or familiar one
amongst the types of speech in our
contemporary society. If you have
ever been to a birthday party or
wedding, which I know you most
certainly must have,
then you have experienced what
an entertaining speech is like. The
main purpose of a best man’s
speech in a wedding or an after-
dinner MC is to entertain the crowd.
Informative Speech

Informative speeches are speeches

mainly performed for the purpose of
educating the audience on new or
relevant piece of information on a
particular topic.
Informative speech givers do not
make use of visual aids in their
speeches but rather make use of
facts, statistics, educative
information, and data, all this so
that the audience can learn
something and say they have been
informed on the topic.
Persuasive Speech
Given solely for the purpose of
convincing the audience listening that
the opinion of the speaker on a
particular topic is the right or correct
one. Whether you are discussing what
movie to watch next or which political
standpoint is best for the economy, you
are making a persuasive speech.
In order to successfully convince an
audience, most speakers tend to use
concrete evidence and facts to back up
their argument. The use of those
various facts makes their own
argument seem more sensible and
believable, thereby persuading the
audience to stand with them and
support their claim.
This is one of the best ways to
ensure your persuasive speech is
very effective, by giving solid facts
you can easily get the audience to
rally around you and give you their
Oratorical Speech
This type of speech is usually given
on very special occasions like a
graduation ceremony, inauguration
or ribbon-cutting event. This type of
speech can take shape in two
distinct forms, they can be long and
quite formal in situations like
graduations, and inaugurations, or
they can be short and informal in
situations like the speech given
during a toast in a special event.
Motivational Speech

One can consider the motivational

speech as a special type of speech in
which the general self-improvement of
the audience is the goal to be attained.
A speaker generally engages in this
type of speech to encourage and
inspire the confidence of his audience
to do better with and for themselves.
Explanatory Speech

Explanatory speech is one of the

types of speech which is given to
critically explain a situation or thing.
They are somewhat similar in
nature to the demonstrative
However, the explanatory speech is
different from the demonstrative
speech in the sense that the
explanatory speech gives a detailed
step by step and breaks down of how
to do something. It is also different in
the sense that it does not make use of
visual aid to assist in understanding.
During the cause of a formal
debate event, there is a lot of
verbal exchanges being made by
the two or more parties involved.
This act of debating takes shape in
many forms in our contemporary
These forms include the following;
classical, impromptu,
parliamentary, mock trails,
extemporaneous and even public
Debates have certain rules, regardless
of what side of the argument you pick,
both or all parties get an equal amount
of time to prepare for it. Being a
debater you get to develop and
harness certain skills like public
speaking, researching, initiative skills,
and even leadership skills.
Forensic Speech

The term forensic speech is mainly

regarded as the practice and study of
public speaking and debating. This
definition is from the American Forensic
Association, and they believe according
to their research that millions of high
school students and college students
engage in this activity.
The reason why this type of speech
is called forensic is because of its
strong similarities to the
competitions at public forums
during the time of ancient Greece.
Impromptu Speech
Deliver with no prior preparation or
rehearsal time, it’s one of those
moments where you are simply
called up to speak in an event, in
an interview, or in so many other
Pitch Speech
The term Pitching Presentation
comes from a type of speech that is
specifically targeted at getting buy-
in and approval for support,
generally financial, for an idea, for
a business, a product prototype, or
a solution.
Being in the working environment and
working as a Salesperson you’d
probably use this type of speech more
often than most people. That is not to
say that other professionals, other
than salespeople don’t need to master
the skills required to ace this type of
speech, most of us do.
Farewell Speech

as the name implies, the type of

speech where you have to say
goodbye to people. It can be a
Farewell speech done at work,
when you are moving on to your
next opportunity, or it could be a
goodbye speech to your loved ones
when traveling for a long time.
The farewell speech has a unique
tone to it, it is both sad and
encouraging and most often it triggers
strong emotions in the audience and
the speaker. There is a special level of
care with wording and body language
that you must have in order to deliver
a memorable one.
Funeral Speeches
Also called as Eulogy is a type of
speech where the main aim is to
praise, honor and remember the
deceased in front of those
attending the service. It can be
done by someone who is related to
the deceased or by a minister who
is asked by the family.
The art of public speaking or giving
a speech is all embedded in one’s
understanding and mastery of the
different types of speech. As a
public speaker, you have to know
what occasion deserves what type
of speech.
You first have to consider your
message and how you what to
deliver it, then on a more important
note, you have to consider the
desired outcome or effect you want
your speech to have.
Things to
Remember in
1. Sound Conversational

In order to be believable and to win

the attention of your audience, it is
important to speak in a
conversational style. To sound
conversational, pretend as if you are
delivering your speech to only one
person such as your grandmother or
a respected friend.
2. Project Your Voice
You must attempt to project your
voice and sustain this projection
throughout your presentation.
Some people have a naturally soft
voice. Others have been
conditioned to speak in very low
However, persons at the back of
the room should still be able to
hear you even without a
microphone. Projecting your voice
is not the same as shouting.
Make Eye Contact

It is incredibly important to connect

with the people who are talking to.
The most effective way is at first to
make eye contact with them. Do
not stare at one person, but make
your eyes wander around the room
as you speak.
Pace Yourself

Some folks speak way too fast.

Others speak in a slow pedantic
fashion which is likely to bore their
audience. Pace yourself. This
means try not to speak too fast or
too slow.
For naturally fast speakers, slow
down and ensure that the audience
hears and understand what you
saying. For slower speakers, my
advice is to pick up the pace a bit.
Show your personality; be
animated and the audience will
become engaged with you as well.
Have Good Posture
Posture and body language are
essential to good speech delivery.
Stand straight, imagine that each
vertebrae in your spine sitting on top of
each other and your head on top of the
last vertebrae. Try not to slouch, or to
dance. This will be distracting to your
audience. Aim for an erect, confident
Be Confidence

Confidence is the core element of

effective speech delivery. Great
speakers are usually confident and
engaging. If you are not naturally
confident, pretend that you are. Fake it
til you make it. The more you project,
exhibit a confident air, the more it will
become like second nature to you.
Speak Passionately

Finally, invest your speech with

passion. Be excited about your
topic; show your enthusiasm, Do
not be afraid to laugh, smile,
become animated while delivering
your speech. Be yourself.
The audience will connect more
with you than if you stand there stiff
reading from a script. They have
come to hear you and to engage
with the person you are.

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