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Wheels India limited is a company promoted by the TVS

group, India’s largest auto component manufacturers. Starting with
a bus service in 1911, the TVS group has grown to become one of
India’s largest business houses with businesses in two wheelers,
vehicle dealership and logistics and auto components.
Wheels India established in1962 is one of the largest steel wheel
manufacturers in the world. The company also manufactures air
suspension kits for trucks and buses. With over 15% of its turnover
coming from exports, particularly from the construction and earth
mover equipment segment, it is truly a global player in the auto
component industry.
Wheels India started production of wheels for commercial vehicles in
1962 at our plant in Padi, Chennai. The company started the
production of car and tractor wheels in Padi in 1965. In 1982, the
company opened its second facility in Rampur for tractor wheels.
Wheels India entered the wire wheels business in 1988 and also
entered the air suspension market under the brand “WILRIDE”. In
1988 the company opened a facility in Pune to cater to its growing
automobile hub. This facility manufactures wheels for car, trucks and
TVS GROUP is an Indian multinational conglomerate was started
as family owned business. It has roots in various sectors like motor
parts, finance, logistics, energy, road transport, insurance, etc.
TVS GROUP was founded by Sri T.V. Sundaramiyengar in 1912.
He was a visionary, whose ideas were year ahead of their times,
and a man of principles. Both these things combined to make him
a legend in his own lifetime all over South India.
Wheels India, incorporated in 1960, is promoted by the TVS Group and
was started in the early sixties to manufacture automobile wheels. Today,
Wheels India has grown as a leading manufacturer of steel wheels for
passenger cars, utility vehicles, trucks, buses, agricultural tractors and
construction equipment in India. The company supplies 2/3rd of the
domestic market requirement and exports 18% of the turnover to North
America, Europe, Asia Pacific and South Africa. The company also has a
technical–financial collaboration with Titan Europe.
The company's manufacturing units have received ISO 9001:2000 and
ISO/TS 16949:2002 for quality management.
Padi – The unit located in Padi, Chennai is engaged in manufacturing of
wheels for trucks & buses, passenger cars and utility vehicles, off–road
construction equipment, agricultural tractors and farm equipment, tracked
vehicles and wire wheels. This unit stretches across 29 acres of land.
Pune – This unit located at Pune is spread across 15 acres of land
manufacturing wheels for wheels for passenger cars and utility vehicles,
agricultural tractors and farm equipment and truck (LCV) wheels.
Rampur – The unit located at Rampur, Uttar Pradesh is spread across 14
acres of land. The company manufactures wheels for agricultural tractors
and farm equipment.
Bawal – The unit located Bawal, Haryana manufactures wheels for
passenger cars and utility vehicles, agriculture tractors and farms
Wheel India is planning to set up a plant in Maharashtra spread across in
30 acres of land. The plant will undertake manufacturing of steel structural
parts for power plant projects

Wheels for Heavy Vehicles (Trucks, Buses, Light Commercial
Vehicles, Trailers, Tippers etc.)
Wheels for Light Vehicles (Passenger Cars, Mini Vans, SUVs &
Wheels for Agricultural Applications (Tractors, Combines, Farm
Equipments etc.)
Wheels for Off–Road Construction Equipments
Wire Wheels (For Contemporary & Classic Cars, MUVs & SUVs)
Air Suspension
The concept of Industrial Relations means the relationship between
employees and management in the day-to-day working industry.
Industrial relations at WHEELS INDIA has three major participants ,

Workers and their organizations

The total workers at WHEELS INDIA includes their working age,
educational background, family background, psychological factors,
culture, skills etc.

Employers and their organizations

Employer employs the worker, pays the wages and various allowances,
and regulates the working relations through various rules, regulations
and by enforcing labour laws

At WHEELS INDIA the government of TAMIL NADU playing a vital role
.Government exerts its influence on industrial relations through its
labour policy, industrial relations policy, implementing labour laws, the
process of conciliation an adjudication by playing the role of a mediator

Establish and foster sound relationship between workers and

management by safeguarding their interests.
Avoid industrial conflicts and strikes by developing mutuality
among the interests of concerned parties
Keep, as far as possible, strikes, lockouts and gheraos at bay
by enhancing the economic status of workers
Provide an opportunity to the workers to participate in
management and decision making process.
Raise productivity in the organisation to curb the employee
turnover and absenteeism.

1) For a dispute at wheels India to become an industrial dispute, the

following parameters have to be met:
The dispute must be between:
• Employers and Employers
• Employers and Labour.
• Labour and Labour.
2) It should be in relation to employment, non-employment, terms of
employment, with the conditions of labour (except managers and
supervisors), or must pertain to any industrial matte
3) The workman shouldn’t have an income over Rs 1600 per month.
4) There should be a valid and contractual relation between the
employer and the employee.
•Low wages of industrial workers constitute a major cause of
industrial disputes at Wheels India.
•Wages have not been rising in proportion to the rise in prices.
• This has forced the labourers to demand higher wages,
consequently leading to disputes.
•The demand for bonus or increase in bonus has been the second
major cause of industrial disputes.
•The workers feel that they should have a greater share in the
profits of the industrial concern.
•Non-acceptance of this fact by the employers has been a source of
friction among the employers and the workers.
Working Conditions
The demand for improvement in working conditions such as
lesser working hours
Security of job,
Better safety measures in the factory, leave,
Canteen, gratuity facilities, etc., are also responsible for
industrial disputes.
Measures for Industrial Peace

1. Some of the measures for establishing industrial peace are as follows:

2. Enactment of the Factories Act, 1948 and other labour laws for
regulating conditions of work in factories.
3. Introduction of schemes like profit sharing, workers participation in
management, subsidised industrial housing etc.
4. Framing of Industrial Employment, (Standing Orders) Act, 1948 for
defining conditions of employment and for framing model service rules.
5. Introduction of bonus scheme , Enactment of an Equal Remuneration
Act 1976, which provides for payment of equal remuneration to men and
women workers for the same work
6. Arrangement for settlement of industrial disputes under the Industrial
Disputes Act, 1947.
The Company strongly believes that human resources which manage the
other resources have infinite potential, and therefore, their development is
the key to organizational effectiveness. We commit ourselves to integrate
human resources with Organizational growth and development for mutual
In pursuance of the above philosophy and in order to optimize utilization of
human resources in the Company, the Company is committed to the
To plan and induct appropriate manpower in terms of knowledge, skill and
To provide opportunity for growth to employees, in terms of remuneration,
career and skill development and for attracting and retaining talent.
To value individual dignity and respect the time and efforts put in by
To support innovation and well reasoned risk taking by employees, aimed
at growth and development of the Company and employees.
Maintain a healthy and harmonious relationship with the Union, employees
and their family, built on mutual trust, respect.
Performance Management in Wheels India

A roadmap for developing, implementing and evaluating

performance management systems, which is also known as PMS.
Performance management is the process of reviewing an employee's
performance during the preceding year or cycle and deciding where
he or she stands as far as their peers in the same band are
Performance Management is a set of guiding principles used to
create and sustain a high-impact approach that engages the entire
organization. Performance management is an ongoing process of
communication between a supervisor and an employee for the
successful accomplishment of the strategic objectives of the
organization. The communication process includes clarifying
expectations, setting objectives, identifying goals, providing feedback,
and also reviewing results. There are 3 fundamental stages in a
performance management cycle.
Possible Outcomes from Effective Performance
1. Clarifying job responsibilities and expectations.
2. Enhancing individual and group productivity.
3. Developing employee capabilities to their
fullest extent through effective feedback and
4. Driving behavior to align with the
organization’s core values, goals and strategy.
5. Providing a basis for making operational human
capital decisions (e.g., pay).
6. Improving communication between employees
and managers.
Benefits of Performance Management
Managing employee or system performance and
aligning their objectives facilitates the effective delivery of
strategic and operational goals. Some proponents argue
there is a clear and immediate correlation between using
performance management programs or software and
improved business and organizational results. In the public
sector, the effects of performance management systems
have differed from positive to negative, suggesting that
differences in the characteristics of performance
management systems and the contexts into which they are
implemented play an important role to the success or
failure of performance management.
Direct financial gain
Grow sales
Reduce costs in the organization
Stop project overruns
Aligns the organization directly behind the CEO's goals
Decreases the time it takes to create strategic or operational
changes by communicating the changes through a new set of goals
Motivated Workforce
Optimizes incentive plans to specific goals for over achievement,
not just business as usual
Improves employee engagement because everyone understands
how they are directly contributing to the organizations high level
Create transparency in achievement of goals
High confidence in bonus payment process
Professional development programs are better aligned directly to
achieving business level goals
Improved management control
 Flexible, responsive to management needs
 Displays data relationships
 Helps audit / comply with legislative requirement
 Simplifies communication of strategic goals scenario
 Provides well documented and communicated process
Components of a Performance Management System
The performance management system may contain all of
these components, but it is the overall system that matters,
not the individual components. Many organizations have
been able to develop effective performance management
systems without all of the following practices.
Performance Appraisal

Performance appraisal is the process of evaluating and documenting an

employee's performance with a view to enhancing work quality, output and
efficiency. Performance appraisals perform three important functions within
companies. They provide feedback to a person on their overall contribution
for a period.
Performance appraisal is done?
Managers should give a written performance appraisal to every career
employee at least once a year. The goal of a performance appraisal is to
assess and summarize past performance and develop future work
performance goals and expectations.
Process involved in performance appraisal
Identifying the goals in Wheels India:
Performance management systems help rally staff members around your
organization's goals because they help staff know how they are to be involved in
reaching that goal. Take the time to clarify what your goals are for the next year as
a company.
Identify processes or procedures that could be simplified or done more
Declare your sales goals for the next year or new products you would like to
Share your hope for better communication between departments and staff
Set performance expectations. As you sit down with each employee, clearly lay
out your expectations for them.
 Acknowledge what they are already doing well. Use this to encourage them.
Share some weaknesses that you have observed in them and in their work habits,
and how overcoming those would help their performance in the company.
Identify specific things you would like them to accomplish over the next year, or
whatever time frame works best for you. Prioritize these so the staff member
knows which is most important and make sure to give them a deadline for each
Maintaining Industrial Relationship is the most crucial factor in order
to sustain the relationship in the workplace environment and also to have a
balance of relationship between the employee, trade union, shareholders,
stakeholders and the employer.


The name of the Industrial Relation approach is called as TRIPARTITE
APPROACH. Now, they are classified into three following types. They are
showcased below:
•EMPLOYEES: Employees with their various characteristics such as there skills,
knowledge, commitment, attitude, etc may affect and thus it affect the system of IR.
Employees working in Wheels India Limited perceive IR as a mean to improve their
conditions of employment, sort out their grievances and exchange their ideas with
management; thereby the employees in Wheels India participate in the decision
•EMPLOYERS: IR helps in developing machinery to avoid any forms of disputes,
creating and sustaining employee motivation, ensuring employee’s commitment,
achieving higher efficiency, negotiating terms and conditions of employment, sharing
decision making with employees.
•GOVERNMENT: Role of Government changes with the change in industrial
environment and management perspectives. Till 19th century, Govt. had adopted the
policy of laissez faire, but towards the end of 19th century, Govt. started intervening in
the matters of IR. Totally today the Government has a regulatory role and uses
machinery of labour courts, industrial tribunals, enquiry committees etc.
Therefore, it is in the interest of all to create and maintain
a good progress that which is impossible without cooperation of
labours and harmonious relationships. And especially the
relations between employees (labour) and employers


The industrial relations is quite vast. The main issues involved
here include the following:
1.Collective bargaining
2.Machinery for settlement of industrial disputes
3.Standing orders
4.Workers participation in management
5.Unfair labour practices

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