My Skills and Qualities

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My skills and

A skills is something that you are good
at doing, it could come naturally to you

What is a skills?
or be something you have learnt through
experience or training. Having the right
skills can go along away to helping you
get the job you want.
 It is important that you identify and
appreciate what you consider to be your
skills, abilities, and personal qualities.
Identifying your skills
 An added advantage of assessing yourself
is that you will be able to identify your
weakness, and thereby plan to improve
and upgrade them.
 Start off by creating a list on a piece of
How to assess your
paper of what you believe you are good
 List what you have achieve to date and
those points you feel you did well.
Your Qualifications
List inTraining
detail all of the training and
qualifications that you have gained.
Academic qualifications are a
demonstration of your abilities and there
an asset that can help you when applying
for jobs.
 Job related skills
These are pretty self explanatory, if
you have skill that is related to the job you
are after then highlight it.
 Specialist skills
If you are a specialist on one
particular or have a particular expertise
◦ Organizational skills.
◦ Able to develop ideas.
 Generalistskills
These are qualities that most
people could have, but which you
could mention to show yours
better than others.
Other generalist skills sets could be:
◦ Problem solving
◦ Critical thinking
◦ Able to work as a part of a team.
◦ Ability to promote change.
 Transferrableskills
◦ These are skills in one particular
work environment that you can
take with you from one
employer to another.
List of transferrable
◦ Reporting information
◦ Speaking effectively
◦ Providing feedback
◦ Defining needs.
◦ Motivating
◦ Decision making
◦ Enforcing policies
What are Qualities?
Qualities your
resume should have
 Motivation
 Communication skills
 Organizational skills
 Leadership skills

◦ Show your employer that you are motivated

and have the initiative they are looking for.
 Flexibility (adaptability)
 Professionalism

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