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Product Portfolio


Department of Management, MIMIT Malout

Product Portfolio Analysis

Product portfolio analysis looks at the range of products and

brands (product portfolio) that a firm has under its control. This type
of analysis can help a firm identify where every single one of its
products is positioned in the market.

The BCG Matrix is used as most common Product portfolio

analysis in many companies to analyse their product mix.

TATA group runs a business Empire. How many different type

of products does they have under its control?

2.15 Product
Department of Management, MIMIT Malout
Product Life Cycles and the BCG Matrix

 Product Life Cycle –  Product Portfolio –

shows the stages that the range
products go through of products a company
from development to has in development or
withdrawal from the available for consumers
market at any one time

Managing product portfolio

is important for cash flow

Department of Management, MIMIT Malout

BCG Matrix

Department of Management, MIMIT Malout

The BCG Matrix

 The BCG Matrix:

 A means of analysing the product portfolio and informing
decision making about possible marketing strategies
 Developed by the Boston Consulting Group – a business
strategy and marketing consultancy in 1968
 Links growth rate, market share and cash flow

What do
these terms mean?

Department of Management, MIMIT Malout

BCG Matrix – key terms..

Department of Management, MIMIT Malout

Drawing the BCG Matrix

Department of Management, MIMIT Malout

The BCG Matrix - STARS

 Stars – products in markets experiencing high

growth rates with a high or increasing share of the

- Potential for high revenue growth

Department of Management, MIMIT Malout

The BCG Matrix – Cash Cows

 Cash Cows:
 High market share
 Low growth markets –
maturity stage of PLC
 Low cost support

 High cash revenue –

positive cash flows

Department of Management, MIMIT

The BCG Matrix - Dogs

 Dogs:
 Products in a low
growth market
 Have low or declining
market share (decline
stage of PLC)
 Associated with negative
cash flow
 May require large sums
of money to support
Is your product starting to
embarrass your company?

Department of Management, MIMIT

BCG Matrix - ? Problem child

 Question mark ???

 Or Problem Child:
- Products having a low
market share in a high
growth market
- Need money spent to
develop them
- May produce negative
cash flow Problem children – worth spending
good money on?
- Potential for the future?

Department of Management, MIMIT

The BCG Matrix
Market Growth
HighProblem Children Stars

Dogs Cash Cows

Market Share
Low Department of Management, MIMIT High
What stage of the BCG Matrix are
these at?

Put these onto a grid

Department of Management, MIMIT Malout

BCG Matrix Grid
Market Growth

Problem Children Stars


Dogs Cash Cows


Low Department of Management, MIMIT High

Market Share
The BCG Matrix

 Implications:
 Dogs:
 Arethey worth persevering with?
 How much are they costing?

 Could they be revived in some way?

 How much would it cost to continue to support such

 How much would it cost to remove from the market?

Department of Management, MIMIT Malout

The BCG Matrix

 Implications:
 Problem Children:
 What are the chances of these products securing a hold in the
 How much will it cost to promote them to a stronger position?

 Is it worth it?

Department of Management, MIMIT Malout

The BCG Matrix

 Implications:
 Stars:
 Huge potential – how?

 May have been expensive to develop – why?

 Is it worth spending money to promote?

 What issues are there with product life cycle?

Department of Management, MIMIT Malout

The BCG Matrix

 Implications:
 Cash Cows:
 Why are they cheap to promote?
 Generate large amounts of cash – are these used for
further R&D?
 Do you think there are any costs of developing and
promoting these products?
 Is there a need to monitor their performance – the
long term?
 What stage of the PLC are these at?

Department of Management, MIMIT Malout

The Product Life Cycle and the BCG Matrix

Importance of
maintaining a balance
of products in the
portfolio at different
stages of the PLC –
BCG Matrix helps with
the analysis

Department of Management, MIMIT Malout

The Product Life Cycle and the BCG Matrix

Sales (3)
(2) Cash
Cash from
from ‘C’
The ‘A’ is at
product maturity
stage to
used to support
– cash cow.
growth – four
of funds
‘D’ and
(1) (2) (3) ‘C’ through
Generates growth
the in
development the
stage and
launch ‘D’.strategy
‘D’ ‘A’ now
for ‘B’? a dog?



Department of Management, MIMIT Malout

Portfolio Analysis



Department of Management, MIMIT Malout

GE Portfolio Analysis

 Classification of SBUs/products into nine cell

matrix based on
 Market Attractiveness
 Multiple Indicators

 Business Strength
 Multiple Indicators

Department of Management, MIMIT Malout

Department of Management, MIMIT Malout
Steps In Developing GE Matrix

1. Select Factors & Indicators.

2. Assign each indicator a weight (total = 1) based on
its importance.
3. Rate the industry on industry indicators and
company on business indicators on scale of
1(weak) – 5 (strong).
4. Multiply weight times rating and total for
summary measures.

Department of Management, MIMIT Malout

GE Portfolio Analysis
Sample Industry/Market Indicators

 Market Factors
 Size
 Growth Rate
 Cyclicality
 Seasonality

 Competition
 Type of competitors
 Degree of Concentration

 Financial & Economic

 Contribution Margins
 Barriers to Entry or Exit

Department of Management, MIMIT Malout

GE Portfolio Analysis
Industry/Market Indicators

 Technological
 Patents & copyrights
 Will it become obsolete

 Sociopolitical
 Social attitudes & trends
 Laws & government regulations

Department of Management, MIMIT Malout

GE Portfolio Analysis
Business Strength Indicators

 Market
 Company’s Market Share
 Company’s Sales or Share Growth Rate

 Competition
 Strength of product, promotion, price, distribution, financial
resources, management relative to competition
 Financial & Economic
 Company’s Margins
 Economies of scale

Department of Management, MIMIT Malout

GE Portfolio Analysis
Business Strength Indicators

 Technological
 Company’s ability to cope with change
 Technological skills
 Patent Protection

 Sociopolitical
 Company’s responsiveness & flexibility

Department of Management, MIMIT Malout

Growth in GE Matrix
As the name suggests, the business units that fall in this
category are products which will be giving higher
returns in the near future.
So the investments required here are more in R & D,
promotions, advertisements etc.

Selectivity in GE Matrix
It is quite similar to the question mark product of
the BCG matrix, wherein the state of the product is still
in ambiguity. However as uncertainty prevails and as
business units are always going to be risky, the final
decision is made by the management which is in line
with their vision.

Harvest in GE Matrix
This category is similar to the dog products of the BCG
matrix. Herein, the products are not going to reap the
desired profits and are likely to fail.
Investing in such products will be an in elevation risk
for any organization.
Department of Management, MIMIT Malout
GE Portfolio Example

Market Factor Weight Rating (1- 5) Value

Size .33 5 1.65

Growth .33 3 .99
Profit Margins .34 2 .68
Market Share .33 1 .33
Product Quality .33 5 1.65

Distribution Net .34 2 .68

Department of Management, MIMIT Malout
Product Planning & Control

PRODUCTION PLANNING can be referred to as a technique of forecasting

every step in the long process of production, taking them at right time and
in the right degree and trying to complete operations at the maximum
efficiency. “The planning of industrial operations involves Three
considerations, namely, what work shall be done, how the work shall be
done and lastly, when the work shall be done.” (by – Kimball)

PRODUCTION CONTROL is the process that keeps a watchful eye on the

production flow, size of resources along with any deviation from the
planned action. It also includes arrangement for the prompt remedy or
adjustment in case of any deviation so that the production may run
according to the original or revised schedule. “Production control refers to
ensuring that all which occurs is in accordance with the rules established
and instructions issued.” (By – Henry Fayol)

Department of Management, MIMIT Malout

• Inputs like materials, men and machines are
efficiently used
• Factors of production are integrated to use them
• Division of work is undertaken carefully so that
every available element is properly utilized
• Work is regulated from the first stage of procuring
raw materials to the stage of finished goods
• Questions like what, when and how to be
manufactured are decided

Department of Management, MIMIT Malout

PPC : Objectives

Department of Management, MIMIT Malout

Thank You

Department of Management, MIMIT Malout

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