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• Some functions of the hormones that affect
gastrointestinal cell growth, deoxyribonucleic
acid (DNA) synthesis, inflammation,
proliferation, secretion, movement, or
Enzymes in Digestion

• Digestion of food is accomplished by enzymatic hydrolysis.

• Cofactors such as hydrochloric acid, bile, and sodium
bicarbonate facilitate the digestive and absorptive
• Digestive enzymes synthesized in specialized cells of the
mouth, stomach, and pancreas are released into the GIT
lumen, whereas digestive enzymes synthesized in
enterocytes of the small intestine remain embedded within
the brush border membrane.
• Except for fiber and resistant carbohydrates, digestion and
absorption of intake is completed essentially in the small
Gastrointestinal Hormones
• Cholecystokinin [CCK] and somatostatin family) also
serve as neurotransmitters between neurons.
• Ghrelin, neuropeptide secreted from the stomach, and
motilin, a related hormone secreted from the
duodenum, send a “hungry” message to the brain.
Once food has been ingested, hormones PYY 3-36, CCK,
glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1), oxyntomodulin,
pancreatic polypeptide, and gastrin-releasing
polypeptide (bombesin) send signals to decrease
hunger and increase satiety
• Glucagon-like peptide-2 (GLP-2) is an example of a
hormone secreted from the distal GIT that increases
intestinal surface area and enhances nutrient
processing capacity. abolism have not been fully
• Gastrin, a hormone that stimulates gastric secretions
and motility, is secreted primarily from endocrine “G”
• Secretin, the first hormone to be named, is released
from “S”cells in the wall of the proximal small intestine
into the bloodstream.
• Motilin is released by endocrine cells in the duodenal
mucosa during fasting to stimulate gastric emptying
and intestinalmigrating contractions
• Somatostatin, released by “D” cells in the antrum and
pylorus,is a hormone with far-reaching actions
Intake: Digestion, Absorption, Transport, and Excretion
of Nutrients
Perlindungan terhadap kuman
patogen yang masuk secara oral 
• Asam lambung
• Enzyme pencernaan
• Asam empedu
• Lendir permukaan & phospholipids
• Gut-associated lymphoid tissue
• Endogenous flora
Sistem imunitas mukosa saluran cerna

• Luas permukaan saluran cerna mencapai

hampir 400m2 dan selalu terpajan dengan
berbagai antigen mikroba dan makanan
sehingga dapat menerangkan mengapa sistem
limfoid saluran cerna (gut associated lymphoid
tissue /GALT) memegang peranan pada
hampir 2/3 seluruh sistem imun. Pertahanan
mukosa adalah struktur komplek yang terdiri
dari komponen selular dan non selular.
Gut Ecology and the Microbiome
• the largest immune organ is located within the
gastrointestinal tract as gut-associated
lymphoid tissue (GALT) and mucosa-
associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) containing
innate and acquired immune systems
• The condition of the gut lymphoid tissue and
the microbial ecology has a large influence on
the body’s inflammatory state
• Antigen yang telah menembus mukosa juga dieliminasi dan reaksi
imun yang terjadi diatur oleh sel-sel regulator. Hal ini untuk
mencegah terjadinya respons imun yang berlebihan yang akhirnya
merugikan oleh karena adanya paparan antigen yang sangat
banyak. Sedangkan sistem imunitas sistemik bersifat memicu
respons imun oleh karena adanya paparan antigen.
• Sistem imunitas mukosa menggunakan beberapa mekanisme untuk
melindungi pejamu dari respons imunitas yang berlebihan terhadap
isi lumen usus. Mekanisme yang dipakai adalah barier fisik yang
kuat, adanya enzim luminal yang mempengaruhi antigen diri yang
alami, adanya sel T regulator spesifik yang diatur fungsinya oleh
jaringan limfoid usus, dan adanya produksi antibodi IgA sekretori
yang paling cocok dengan lingkungan usus.
• Semua mekanisme ini ditujukan untuk menekan respons imunitas.
Kelainan beberapa komponen ini dapat menyebabkan peradangan
atau alergi.

Mulut  100 juta kuman/Ml ludah

Lambung  sebagian kuman besar mati o.k.
asam lambung,
tersisa kuman : tahan asam  Bakteri Asam
Laktat, lactobacillus, Streptoccoci.
Proses penuaan “mulai dari usus”
• Usia 1 hari  Meconium / kotoran steril.
• Usia 2 hari  Bakteri “jahat” berkembang biak
 Coliform, Enterococci
• Usia 4 hari  Bakteri “baik” mulai berkembang
 Lacto-bacilli,Bifido-bakteria & mendesak
populasi bakteri “jahat”dg bantuan zat kekebalan
(IgA) dari ASI.
Bakteri “baik” < bakteri “jahat”

membentuk “senyawa busuk” (termasuk

karsinogen)  Amonia, amine, phenol,
indol, skatol, hidrogen sulfida, radical bebas
didetoksikasi di hati dan diekskresi melalui
urine & kotoran. Bilamana senyawa busuk >>
detoksikasi <<  racun memasuki darah 
inflamasi  kerusakan hati, kanker, proses
penuaan /aging.
Tentang mikroflora colon 

Bakteri yang melapisi usus besar.

Membentuk hubungan simbiose dg host
Melindungi host dari kuman patogen.
Beberapa manfaat bagi kesehatan: (e.g.,
meningkatkan sistem imun,meningkatkan
kesehatan sistem gastro-intestinal)
Beneficial bacteria 
Predominant species include Lactobacilli and
Help eliminate toxins and unnecessary
substances from the gut microflora
Associated with a healthy intestinal ecosystem
Reduce the risk of diarrhea, rotoviral infection,
and antibiotic-associated diarrhea
May also benefit immune functioning, digestion
and nutrient absorption
Harmful Bacteria 

Include Salmonella, Listeria, Shigella,

Campylobacter, Escherichia and Clostridium
Helicobacter pylori has been associated with
gastritis, stomach ulcers and gastric
Clostridia difficile causes diarrhea
Disruptions to the intestinal ecosystem can
stimulate growth of pathogenic bacteria,
which may produce toxins and cause acute or
chronic illnesses in the host

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