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Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management


“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Human resource management is essential in any organization or

firm, its main objective is to maximize the performance of the
employee in the service of the concerned organization.

HRM is extremely important for any organization as it affects the

entire workforce of the organization.

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

But, very often the HR team encounters a number of different

challenges, about which we shall discuss further.

Newer trends and issues in human resource management have

been emerging these days.

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Human Resources Management was exclusively viewed as an

administrative function.

HR processed payroll, handled benefits and compensation,

maintained personal files and other relevant records, managed
the hiring process and provided other administrative sub
services to the organisation.

The role of HRM is changing globally as fast as technology and

the global market place.

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

The changes happening at the global level is challenging HR

professionals and motivating them to play professional role of
strategists in the role of business model.

To keep them selves abreast of latest information and

innovations in HR skills, HR technological , legal and otherwise.

HR managers need to address these challenging issues and

trends and redress most of the HR issues

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Factors Influencing Recent HRM


“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

External Factors

Social and Cultural
Local and Government Issues
Employers demand
Workforce diversity

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Internal Factors

Organisational Culture
Organisation Structure
HR Systems

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

HRM Activities

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

New Trends in HRM

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management


“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Technology includes

Tools and Techniques

Machinery and Equipment

Work Procedures

Employee Knowledge

And skills

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Impact of Technology on HRM

New skills, Knowledge , Experience and expertise required to gain

edge over other competitors.

Downsize operations, cut down layers of organisation, and cut

unnecessary extra financial burden on day to day basis.

Collaborative and team work

Relocate work from office to home

Revolution and internet connecivity.

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

How to deal with

Technology Impact

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Reasoning Consequences Management

Automation Cuts Pay Expenses Anger, Bitterness
Restructuring Eliminates Extras To be handled
Mergers Overall Give Reasons and
Improvement explain
Acquisitions Shocking to others How this will help
the employee and
the organisation
Competitive Impact on
Pressures Motivation and
Morale of

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Impact of Economic,
Political and Social Factors

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Business is complete Global Trend

Global Competition

Quality of Products and Servces

Competitive Prices

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

People Dimension like

Favourable Work Climate
Team Spirit
Freedom for Innovation
Act Independently
Host other Programmes

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Manage Impact of Economic , Political

and Social Factors

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Use Work Force Skill and abilities to exploit opportunities and

eliminate risk.

Induce Reward plans and recognise employee contributions

Indulge in TQM and HR Training

Induce with distinctive capabilities and create unsurpassed

competency level

Decentralise Operations

Create self managed teams

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Lay off workers smoothly

Explain the various facts about factors influencing HR

Boost morale of the individual

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Political Factors

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Political Stability

Formation of New Political Parties

Influence of new wages by the Ministry of Labour

Political Party affiliation to Unions of Employee

Opposing to Downsizing, VRS, Restructuring excercises.

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Social Factors

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Being Social Relevant and Reponsible

Hire Qualified personnel

Hire inexperienced people to train Local people

Helping economically poor people

Help unemployed

Help Underprivileged ones.

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Local and Government

related factors

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Meet Legislative requirements

Offer jobs to local and certain sections of the society

Demand for Higher Wages

Better working conditions

Incentives, Benefits and Service Records.

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Managing Work Force


“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Work force diversity is common

Organisation best to do away with employee concerns

Maximize benefits

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Work Force Diversity issues

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Composition of work force in terms of age education culture

region and religion

Minority Groups

Economically Weaker Groups

Displaced Work Groups

Child Labour

Contract Labour

Women Employees

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Composition of work force in terms of age education culture

region and religion

Minority Groups

Economically Weaker Groups

Displaced Work Groups

Child Labour

Contract Labour

Women Employees

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Composition of work force in terms of age education culture

region and religion

Minority Groups

Economically Weaker Groups

Displaced Work Groups

Child Labour

Contract Labour

Women Employees

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Internal Environment Issues

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Mission and Strategy

Internal Policies

Organisational Culture

Organisation Structure

Human Resources System

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Issues Solutions
Nature of Employment Jobs Availability
Recruitment Internal and External
Selection Merit
Training To use WWW
Participation Top to Bottom
Incentives Individual Merit and group out
Job Security Life Long Employment
Employees Welfare Model Employer

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Aging Work Force

Values tend to change from generations to generations

Organisation struggle to retain employees and cut costs on

recruitment and selection process

Aged over 40 exceeds those below that age in organisations as

on date

Phenomenal growth in the Indian Labour

16 – 25 years labour to grow faster in the recent past.

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Skilled Work Force Deficiencies'

Use of technology has changed the need of skills in employees

Composition of varieties of task and responsibilities

Educational achievements given priority for employment

Lack of skills to upgrade technology , recognise work and

empower Employees

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

High Performance Work Systems

Organisations have best of possible fit in social and technical


Rely on Knowledge Workers

Empowerment of Workers to take decisions

Team Work

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Knowledge Workers

Organisations possess employees with specialised knowledge

Affects the kind of recruitment and selectiion

Performance Management and Training

Trained link to employees with skills

Focus on the relevant skill sets and requirements.

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Team Workers

Team work of assigned job to group of employees .

Engage with many activities

Virtual teams rely on communication

Motivates employees to work with interest

Make significant contribution

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Focus on Strategy

Level of Involvement and use of Strategy

International Expansion
Re Organising
Mergers and Acquisitions
High Quality Standards

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Distinction Traditional HR Modern HR

Focus Employee Relations Partnerships internal and

Role of HR Transactional Change Transformational Change

Initiatives Slow and Traditional Fast and Proactive
Time Horizon Short Term As required
Control Bureaucratic Flexible
Job Design Div of Labour Flexible and as required
Key Investments Capital People Knowledge

Accountability Cost Centre Investment Centre

Responsibility Staff Specialists Line Managers

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Economy Change

Change in the way business conducted

Connected to WWW to change the perspective of look
Internet connects the business to the outside world
E Business is the rule of the day
Business to Business
Business to Consumers
Consumer to Consumer
Psychological Contract
Survival of the Fittest
Flexibility in HRM

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management

Economy Change

Independent Employees
Alternative Work Arrangements
On Call Workers
Contract Workers
Globalisation of World Economy
Flexible work schedules.

“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher
Unit 10 – New Trends in Human Resources Management


“ Adapt to changes… Change will lead you to grow”… Prof Dr. S. Edwin Christopher

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