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Halliday (1975) described how language helps children to learn to
ascertain meaning from the world around them.

Chomsky (1972) found that children who are introduced to

literature at an early age tend to develop sophisticated language

Holdaway (1979) pointed out that the homes provide a setting

where interactions between adults and children are socially,
emotionally and intellectually conducive to literacy and growth.

Leichter (1984) identified the Three ways by which the families

influence literacy
Three ways by which the families influence literacy
•Interpersonal Interaction – literacy experiences
shared by the parents and adult family members with the
•Physical Environment – literacy materials available
at home.
•Emotional and motivational climate –
relationship among family members’ attitude towards
literacy and the aspirations for their children’s
Vehicles to Early Literacy



The Role of the Home
Family members / Parents
• must initiate literacy activities
• provide opportunities to naturally develop the child’s
ability and desire to read
• must read to a child and must be responsive to his
• read, collect, share books regularly
Family members / Parents
• involve child in their reading & take him in bookstore
or libraries

• involve child through reading and writing

• communicate with child through writing

• provide literacy materials

• take ownership of their critical role in their

child’s literacy
The Value of Language
• Frequently used meaningfully
• Regularly used in social context
• Used to comprehend print and
audio-visual materials
• Used to promote oral communication,
encourage correct pronunciation and
develop vocabulary
• Used to explore reading materials and
process writing activities
• Associated with pleasure and enjoyment
The Value of Reading
• Create a rich environment by providing varied reading materials

• Promote awareness in environment print.

• Enrich emergent reading through
school reading & writing materials

• Enhance early reading through audio-

visual materials
• Nurture love for reading through
whole family involvement in reading
The Value of Writing
• Create a rich environment by providing
varied writing materials
• Recognize environmental print
• Enrich emergent writing through
audio-visual materials and
computer software
• Nurture emergent writing through
whole family participation in
writing activities
• Establish pleasurable and enjoyable
The Role of School
• Take home literacy as the basis of early
literacy instruction
• Collaborate with parents
• Recognize individuality
• Consider that every child is an
emerging learner
• Provide meaningful literacy events for
emerging learners
• Recognize that children are active
constructors of their own learning
• Create a literacy environment with
guided and free-play, sensitive and
circle time
• Collaboration of parents, teachers,
school administrator and active
participation of the young learner
is the key to effective early literacy
“If a child cannot learn
the way we teach, then
teach them the way they
can learn.”
Thank you and God bless!!!

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