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Presented by Mohammed Mohsin
SOS Environment Studies
Jiwaji University,Gwalior
• Forest.

• Direct and indirect benefits.

• Forest cover in india.

• Conservation of forests.

• Measures to be adopted.

• Acts.

• Conclusion.

• Reference.
• Forest is a large area dominated by trees

• Known as Lungs of Earth

• Renewable resources(Regenerated)

• World forest area is 4B hectares,covering 1/3 total land area

• According to FAO(food and agricultural organization) 2015 report forests cover 31% of land area.

• Top forested countries in the world are Russia,Brazil,canada,united states and china.They cover
more than half of the global forest area.
Direct benefits.
• Employment to a large section of society.

• Habitat and biodiversity.

• Cattle grazing.

• Produce no of products like medicines.

Indirect benefits.
• Ecological balance.

• Protect soil erosion.

• Sound absorbers.

• Enrich underground water.

• Oxygen and control pollution.

• Cooling effect and rain.

Forest cover in india.
• According to forest survey report(FSR) 2013.
22.5% land were under forests.

• India contributes 2% of the total world forests and india contributes 17% of the total world

• National forest policy(NFP) 33% Land should be under forests.

• Madhya Pradesh largest forest area 7.75MH.

• Largest forest cover –Mizoram 82.7%.

• Least forest state is Haryana 3.5%.

Types of forests in india.
• There are 3 types of forests in india.

1.Reserved forests 55% .

(Grazing and cultivation is not allowed).

2.Protected 29%.

3.Unclassified 16%.
(Managed by local community).
How forests deplete.
• Deforestation.
• Forest fire.
• Soil erosion.
• Constructive activities.
• Tsunami.
• Land slides.
• Hunting and pouching.
Steps to conserve forests.
• Goal 33% forest area.

• Awareness.

• Massive afforestation.

• Deforestation stopped-punishable crime.

• Avoid forest fires.

• Forest nurseries established.

• Overgrazing should be controlled.

• Existing laws –properly implemented.

• Van Mohatsav-plant festival in india.

• National forest protection 1998- Protection., conservation and

development of forests.
Measures to be adopted.
• 33% under forests.

• Soil erosion control.

• Afforestation and reforestation.

• Deforestation stopped-punishable crime.

• Tribal areas (to meet their needs).

• Massive movement-involvement of women.

Acts passed by indian govt.
• Indian forest act 1927.

• Wildlife protection act 1972.

• Forest conservation act 1980.

• Environmental protection act 1986.

• Regeneration of Forest
• The renewal of a forest by some means (e.g. natural or artificial) is known as regenerations. The
regeneration has been defined in a number of ways by several workers.
• 1) "The renewal of a forest crops by natural or artificial means; also the new crop so obtained".
• 2) Regeneration as, "The renewal by self-sown seed or by vegetative means." It is of two types viz.,
Natural regeneration and Artificial regeneration.
• Methods of Regeneration:
• There are following methods of regeneration of forest:
A) Natural Regeneration,
B) Artificial regeneration and
C) Natural regeneration supplemented by Planting.
• However, first two methods are most important in regeneration of forests.
• A) Natural Regeneration:
• The renewal of a forest crop, by self-sown seed, or by coppice or root-suckers, also the crop so obtained
or also it can be defined as Reforestation of a stand by natural seeding.
• B) Artificial Regeneration:
It is defined as the renewal of a forest crop by sowing, planting, or other artificial methods; also the crop
so obtained or the renewal of a tree crop by direct seeding, or planting.
• CONCLUSION. Forests and the products they provide are
universally required for the continuation of human society as we
know it. ... Given this situation therefore, it is imperative that we
discover mechanisms to manage the forest for all the benefits it
can provide, in a sustainable manner.

Robert L Edmond,1972 “Forest Health and Protection”

Thoms Sikor, “Forest Ecosystem”

S.C Santra “Environmental Studies”

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