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Tests of Hypothesis

A Presentation in Statistics
By: Rufo Tuddao
St. Paul University Philippines
A statement or tentative theory which
aims to explain facts about the real
An educated guess.
It is subject to testing. If it is found to
be statistically true, it is accepted, if
not rejected.
Kinds of Hypothesis
Null hypothesis (Ho): it serves as the
working hypothesis. It is that which
one hopes to accept or reject. It must
always express the idea of
nonsignificance of difference.
Alternative hypothesis (Ha): it
generally represents the hypothetical
statement that the researcher wants to
Type I and Type II errors
When making a decision about a
proposed hypothesis based on the
sample data, one runs the risk of
making an error. The following
table below summarizes the
Decision Actual Actual
Condition Condition
Ho is true Ha is true
Reject Ho Type I error Correct
Accept Ho Correct Type II error
Level of Significance
The probability of making a type I
error or alpha error in a test is
called the significance level of the
test. The significance level of a
test is the maximum value of the
probability of rejecting the null
hypothesis Ho when in fact it is
A level of significance of .05
signifies that one is 95 % confident
that he has made the right decision
and allocates only an error of 5 %.
Steps in Hypothesis Testing
 Step 1: Formulate the null
hypothesis (Ho) that there is no
significant difference between
items being compared. State the
alternative hypothesis (Ha) which
is used in case Ho is rejected.
Steps in Hypothesis Testing
Step 2: Set the level of
significance of the test, 
Step 3: Determine the test to
be used. Use the z-test if
population standard deviation is
given, and t-test if the standard
deviation given is from the sample.
Steps in Hypothesis Testing
Step 4: Determine the tabular
value for the test. For a z-test, use
the table of critical values of z
based on the area of the normal
Critical Value of z at Varying
Significance Levels

Level of Significance
Type of Test
.10 .05 .025 .01

± ± ± ±
One-tailed test
1.28 1.645 1.96 2.33
± ± ± ±
Two-tailed test
1.645 1.96 2.33 2.58
Steps in Hypothesis Testing
For a t-test, one must first compute
for the degrees of freedom (df)
then look for the tabular value
from the table t-distribution. For
a single sample df = n – 1
and for two samples df = n1 + n2
Steps in Hypothesis Testing
Step 5: Compute for z or t as
needed, using any of the following

It is used if the standard deviation of

the population is known or given.
Sample mean (X) compared with
population mean ()
Formula #1
(X - ) n where X = sample mean
Z = ------------  = population mean
  = population
standard deviation
n = number of samples
Comparing two sample means
(X1 and X2)
(X1 -X2)
Z = ---------------------------

 (1/n1) + (1/n2)
where X1 = mean of the first sample
X2 = mean of the second sample
 = population standard deviation
n1 = number of items in the first sample
n2 = number of items in the second sample
Formula #2
Comparing two sample
proportions (p1 and p2)

p1 - p2 where:
Z = ---------------- p1 = proportion of the first sample
p1q1 + p2q2 p2 = proportion of the second sample
----- ----- n1 = number of items in the 1st sample
n1 n2 n2 = number of items in the 2nd sample
q1 = 1 – p1
q2 = 1 – p2

Formula #3

It is used if the standard deviation of

the sample is known or given.
Sample mean (X) compared with
population mean ()

Formula #1
(X - ) where X = sample mean
t = ------------  = population mean
s /  n-1 s = sample
standard deviation
n = number of samples
Comparing two sample means
(X1 and X2)
X1 – X2
t = -------------------------------------------------------------------
(n1 – 1) (s1)2 + (n2 – 1 ) (s2)2 1 1
------------------------------------ ------ + ------
n1 + n2 – 2 n1 n2
where X1 = mean of the first sample
X2 = mean of the second sample
s1 = standard deviation of the first sample
s2 = standard deviation of the second sample
n1 = number of items in the first sample
n2 = number of items in the second sample
Formula #2
Steps in Hypothesis Testing
 Step 6: Compare the computed value with its
corresponding tabular value, then state your
conclusion based on the following guidelines:

 A: Reject Ho if the absolute computed value is
equal to or greater than the absolute tabular value.

 B: Accept Ho if the absolute computed value is
less than the absolute tabular value.
Example 1
Data from a school census show that
the mean weight of college students
was 45 kilos with a standard deviation
of 3 kilos. A sample of 100 college
students were found to have a mean
weight of 47 kilos. Are the 100
college students really heavier than the
rest using 0.05 level of significance?
1. Ho:The 100 college students are not really heavier
than the rest (X= ).
Ha: The 100 college students are really heavier
than the rest (X> ).
2. Set  = .05
3. The standard deviation of the population is given
therefore the z-test formula #1 is to be used.
4. The tabular value for a z-test at .05 level of significance
in a one – tailed test is ±1.645.
5. The given values in the problem are:
X = 47 kilos = 45 kilos
 = 3 kilos n= 100 students
Example 1
Formula # 1 is to be used:

(X - ) n (47 – 45) 100 2 (10)

Z = ------------ = ------------------ = -----------
 3 3

= 6.67
The computed value of 6.67 is greater than the tabular value
which is 1.645, therefore the null hypothesis is rejected.
Decision: The 100 college sampled students are really heavier
than the rest of the students.
Example 2
 A researcher wishes to find out whether or not there is
significant difference between the monthly allowance of
morning and afternoon students in his school. By
random sampling, he took a sample of 239 students in
the morning session. These students were found to
have a mean monthly allowance of P142.00. The
researcher also took a sample of 209 students in the
afternoon session. They were found to have a mean
monthly allowance of P148.00. The total population of
students in that school has a standard deviation of
P40.00. Is there a significant difference between the
two samples at .01 level of significance?
Example 2
1. Ho: There is no significant difference between the
samples. (X1=X2)
Ha: There is a significant difference between the
samples. (X1X2)
2. Set  = .01
3. The standard deviation of the population is given
therefore the z-test formula # 2 is to be used.
4. The tabular value for a z-test at .01 level of significance
is in a two- tailed test is ±2.58.
The given values in the problem are:
X1 = 142 x2 = 148
 = 40 n1 = 239 n2 = 209
Example 2
Formula # 2 is to be used:
The computed value of | -1.583 |
is less than the tabular value which is
2.58, therefore the null hypothesis is
Decision: There is no significant
difference between the two
Question: When do you consider
a test is one – tailed or two –
tailed test?
Answer: The formulation of the
alternative hypothesis (ha)
determines whether the test is one-
tailed or two-tailed test. If it is a
directional test, then it is a one-
tailed test. If it is a non –
directional test then it is a two –
tailed test.
Examples for a one - tailed test
• 1. Ha: Group A is really brighter than the
group B. A>B.
• 2. Ha:Method A is more effective than
Method B. A>B
• 3. Ha: The mean marrying age of adults in
locality A is really lower than the mean
marrying age of adults in locality B. XA< XB
Guiding principle for a one –tailed
• If there is an adjective used in (Ha) such as
taller than, heavier than, more effective,
lower than, brighter than etc. than it is a one
tailed test.
Examples for a two - tailed test
• 1. Ha: Group A is significantly different
from group B. A  B.
• 2. Ha:Method A is significantly different
from Method B. A  B
• 3. Ha: The mean marrying age of adults in
locality A is significantly different from the
mean marrying age of adults in locality B.
Guiding principle for a two –tailed
• If there is a phrase significantly different
from and no adjective used in (Ha) such as
taller than, heavier than, more effective,
lower than, brighter than etc. than it is a two
- tailed test.
Example 3
A sample survey of a television
program in Metro Manila shows that
80 out of 200 men and 75 out of 250
women dislike the “Rosalinda”
program. One likes to know whether
the difference between the two sample
proportions, 80/200 = .40 and 75/250 =
.30, is significant or not at .05 level of
Example 3
1. Ho: There is no significant difference between the two
sample proportions. (P1 = P2)
Ha: There is a significant difference between the two
sample proportions. (P1  P2)
2. Set  = .05
3. Use the z-test formula #3 to compare two sample
4 The tabular value for a z-test at .05 level of significance
in a two - tailed testis ±1.96.
5. The given values in the problem are:
p1 = .40 p2 = .30 n1 = 200,
n2 = 250 q1 = 1-.40 = .60 q2 = 1 - .30 =.70
Example 3
The computed value of 2.22 is
greater than the tabular value
which is 1.96, therefore the null
hypothesis is rejected.
Decision: There is a significant
difference between men and
women viewership.
Example 4
A researcher knows that the average
height of Filipino women is 1.525 meters.
A random sample of 26 women was taken
and was found to have a mean height of
1.56 meters, with a standard deviation of
.10 meters. Is there reason to believe that
the 26 women in the sample are
significantly taller than the others at .05
significance level?
Example 4
1. Ho: The 26 women in the sample are not significantly taller than
the others (X1= )
Ha: The 26 women in the sample are significantly taller than the
others . (X1 )
2. Set  = .05
3. The standard deviation of the sample is given therefore the t-test is
to be used formula # 1.
4. Df = n-1 = 26-1 = 25. Therefore, the tabular value of t-test at .05
level of significance with df = 25 in a one - tailed test is. ±1.708.
The given values in the problem are:
X = 1.56  = 1.525
s = .10 n1 = 26
Example 4
Compute the value of t using
formula #1.If the computed value
of t is greater than or equal to the
absolute tabular value which is
±1.708 reject the null hypothesis.
However, if the computed value of
t is less than the absolute tabular
value which is ±1.708 , accept the null
Example 5
 A teacher wishes to test whether or not the Case
Method of teaching is more effective than the
Traditional Method. She picks two classes of
approximately equal intelligence (verified through an
administered IQ test). She gathers a sample of 18
students to whom she uses the Case Method and
another sample of 14 students to whom she uses the
Traditional Method. After the experiment, an objective
test revealed that the first sample got a mean score of
28.6 with a standard deviation of 5.9, while the second
group got a mean score of 21.7 with a standard
deviation of 4.6. Based on the result of the administered
test, can we say that the Case Method is more effective
than the Traditional Method at .01 significance level?
Example 5
1. Ho: The Case Method is as effective as theTraditional Method .
Ha: The Case Method is more effective than theTraditional Method . (X1X2)
2. Set  = .01
3. The standard deviation of the sample is given therefore the t-test
formula # 2 is to be used.
4. Df = n1 + n2 -2 = 18 + 14 -2 = 30. Therefore, the tabular value of t-
test at .05 level of significance with df = 30 in a one - tailed test
is. ±2.457.
The given values in the problem are:
X1 = 28.6 x2 = 21.7 s1 =
5.9 s2 = 4.6
n1 = 18 n2 = 14
Example 5
Compute the value of t using
formula #1.If the computed value
of t is greater than or equal to the
absolute tabular value which is
±2.457 reject the null hypothesis.
However, if the computed value of
t is less than the absolute tabular
value which is ±1.708 , accept the null
Assignmment # 2

Direction: Solve the following

problems by following the sequential
steps of hypothesis testing. Submit
this on August 10, 2008. Good luck
Problem #1
• It is known from the records of the city schools
that the population standard deviation of
mathematics test scores on the XYZ test is 5. A
sample of 200 pupils from the system was taken
and it was found out that the sample mean score is
75. Previous tests showed the population mean to
be 70. Is it safe to conclude that the sample is
significantly different from the population at .01
Problem #2
• A company is trying to decide which of two types of
tires to buy for their trucks. They would like to adopt
brand C unless there is some evidence that Brand D is
better. An experiment was conducted where 16 tires
from each brand were used. The tires were run under
similar conditions until they wore out. The results are:
• Brand C: X1 = 40,000 kms., s1 = 5,400 kms
• Brand D: X2 = 38,000 kms., s2 = 3,200 kms.
What conclusions can be drawn at .05 level?
Problem #3
• A sample survey on the average total yearly
expenditure included 150 students of a
certain university. The mean total
expenditure per student per year for the
sample was P3,000 with a standard
deviation of P500. How likely is it that the
students spend an average of P3,500 per
year as claimed by a parent at .01
significance level.
Problem #4
• Incoming freshmen are given entrance
examinations in a number of fields, including
English. Over a period of years, it has been found
that the average score in the English examination
is 80 with a standard deviation of 7.8. An English
instructor examines the scores for his class of a
sample of 30 students and finds that their average
is 85. Can the instructor claim that the average
score has increased at .01 level of significance?
Problem #5
• Two methods of teaching Statistics are being
tried by a professor. A class of 49 students is
taught by Method A and a class of 36 is taught
by Method B. The two classes are given the
same final examination. The scores are: X1 =
77, X2 = 80. Using a .01 significance level, can
we conclude that the average final examination
scores produced by the two methods are
different if the population standard deviation is
Problem #6
• A manufacturer packs sugar into plastic bags.
Each bag is to hold 5 kilos of sugar. When the
production process is under control, each bag
contains on the average 5 kilos. At one period, a
sample of 17 bags was taken to check the process
and was found to weigh 5.2 kilos with a standard
deviation of .75 kilos. Is the manufacturing
process under control at .05 level?
Problem #7
• All freshmen in a particular school were
found to have a variability in grades
expressed as a standard deviation of 3. Two
samples among these freshmen, made up of
20 and 50 students each, were found to have
means of 88 and 85, respectively. Based on
their grades, is the first group really brighter
than the second group at  = .01?

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