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Packetcapturing(pcap) saves a lot of time for the security analysis by extracting
files instead of perfoming a full analysis on amachine that is suspectte analysis
extract the files from the network traffic and chack their potentiality.In the
project we use wireshark tool to capture the packets.if we are involved in an
accident related to attackwe need to check the file that are downloaded.then we
analyze it by reverse engineering or the other methods.wireshark is the most
popular network protocol analyzer capable of extracting files that were
downloaded and we explain the procees of manually extracting
from the captured pcap packets.thus the familiarizes us with tools and knowledge
of the functioning tools
Nowadays , computer networks are usually large and diverse systems that
communicate using a wide variety of protocols.this complexity created the need
for more sophisticated tools to monitor and troubleshoot network
one of the the critical tools in any network administrator tool box is the
sniffer.sniffers, also known as the packet analyzerare the programs that have the
ability to intercept the traffic that passes a network.they are very popular
between network administrators and the black community because they can be
used for both- good and this article we will go through main principles of
the packet captur and the introduce libcp an open source and portable packet
capture library which is the core of tools like tcpdump,dsniffkismet snort or
Pcap(Packet capture)

 Packet capture is the action of collecting data as it travels over a network.

Sniffers are the best example of packet capture systems but many other types
of applications need to grab packets off a network card. Those include
network statistical tools, intrusion detection systems, port knocking daemons,
password sniffers, ARP poisoners, tracerouters, etc.
Stages of implementation:

 Start the wireshark.

 Capture the packets on the interface connected to ftp server
 Download the ftp server using ftp file server.
 Close the ftp session.
 Stop the wirshark capture.
 Save the captured packets in a capture.pcap file.


 Libpcap is an open source library that provides a high level interface to net-
work packet capture systems. It was created in 1994 by McCanne, Leres and
Jacobson – researchers at the Lawrence Berkeley National Labora- tory from
the University of California at Berkeley as part of a research project to
investigate and improve TCP and Internet gateway performance.
Wireshark :

 Wireshark is a network packet analyzer. A network packet analyzer presents

captured packet data in as much detail as possible.
 You could think of a network packet analyzer as a measuring device for
examining what’s happening inside a network cable, just like an electrician
uses a voltmeter for examining what’s happening inside an electric cable (but
at a higher level, of course).
 In the past, such tools were either very expensive, proprietary, or both.
However, with the advent of Wireshark, that has changed. Wireshark is
available for free, is open source, and is one of the best packet analyzers
available today.
Why packet capture?

Small scale
- Analysis of existing software
- Design and testing of new protocols
Large scale
-Traffic analysis and statistics
-capacity planning
- creation and implementation of traffic policy
Network attack and attack prevention
-verify security policy
-capture of credentials
Consideration of captured packets:
 Minimize the effect of capture on the network traffic
 Your capture device can only capture traffic that reaches its network
 The normal host interface behavior is to filter that doesnot match an
interface address
 Ntohs() :
The ntohs function takes a 16-bit number in TCP/IP network byte order (the
AF_INET or AF_INET6 address family) and returns a 16-bit number in host byte
 pcap_loop()
processes packets from a live capture or ``savefile'' until cnt packets are
processed, the end of the ``savefile'' is reached when reading from a

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