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“ Christ is risen from

the dead!
Dying, He
conquered death
Rising, He restored
Life” (CCC,638)
Sharing: My Symbol for New Life
The Resurrection of
 the fundamental truth of ou
r faith in Christ
 a faith believed and lived by
the first Christian communi
 an essential part of the Pasc
hal mystery along with the c
What the Resurrection Is Not
(Theological-Historical Commission, Jubilee Year
 a reanimation, 2000,
that is,
94-95)a simple return to eart
hly life, to be followed
by a second death
 simply the immortality
of the soul
 a reincarnation (samsa
ra) like the beliefs of H
indus and Buddhist
Teachings of the Church about
the Resurrection
 Jesus was restored, together
with His humanity, to God’s
glorious, full and immortal l
 In His risen body, He passes
from the state of death to an
other life beyond time and s
 Jesus’ body is filled with the
power of the Holy Spirit.
 Christ’s Resurrection conf
irmed everything Christ h
ad done and taught, and
His divinity.

 Through His Resurrection

, Christ fulfilled the Old T
estament prophecies pro
mising a Savior for all the
 “Christ’s death freed us fro
m sin, and His Resurrectio
n brought us a share in the
new life of adopted sons/da
ughters of the Father in the
Holy Spirit. “If then we hav
e died with Christ (freed fr
om sin), we believe that we
shall also live with him” (R
om. 6:8).
 Christ is the principle and s
ource of our future resurrec
“I have come that you might have life,
a life to the full” Jn.10:10
As a CHRISTIAN- how can I be
follower of the Risen Christ?

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