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Expression politeness

Name :
Iin indriani
Imelda agustin
Nuke anggrayni
Nur khasanah
Reza dalevi
Definition of expression politeness
• Expression politeness is how tp
express or ask things in more
politely to people who are older
than us or when we meet people we
don’t know. Here is an example of
a sentence that shows politeness in
Function of expression politeness
• To ask something politely
• Get the trust of others
• Offering Help
• to avoid conflict with others

When Offering help : please?

• May I help you? • Could you please
turn on the light?
• What can I do for
you, Sir? • Shall you get me
some drink?
• Do you need any
When Asking/
Requesting Help :
• Would you mind
opening the door,

• Could you + V1 ( example : Could you give me the information about a good
restaurant around here, please ! )
• Please + V1 ( exsmple : Please write your name on the paper )
example of the expression politeness and
expression politeness response

Could you give me the information about Yes, of course.

your friend’s identity, please !

Would you please give the letter to the No problem.

Do you need any help? No thanks, It’s fine.

Excuse me, can you show me where the It is on the second floor, next to headmaster’s
teacher’s office is? room.
response use expression politeness

1. Thank you 1. No, thank you

2. Yes, please 2. No, i really won’t thank you
3. With pleasure thank you 3. It’s okay i can do it my self
4. Yes please, i really appreciate it 4. Don’t worry, i will do it my self
5. Thank you, it’s very kind for you 5. No thanks, i don’t need any help
6. Yes, please, that would be lovely 6. That’s alright, i will manage it on my own
Polite Expressions is an English expression that is useful for expressing
politeness in talking to others in formal and informal situations. Expression
politeness is usually used to express politeness and is often used in providing
services to other people, for example: in hospitals, hotels, restaurants, shops
and more.

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