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List of Nautical Publication to be carried on board

1. Charts
2. Chart Catalogue
3. The Mariners Hand Book
4. Ocean Passages for the World
5. Routing Chart
6. Admiralty Sailing Direction(NP-1 to 72)
7. Admiralty Tide Tables
8. Admiralty List of Lights (NP-74 to 84)
9. Admiralty List of Radio Signals (Vol A-L)
10.Distance Tables (REEDS/ADMIRALTY)
11.The Nautical Almanac
12.Norie’s Table
13.Passage Planning Charts
14.Notices to Mariners – Weekly, Cumulative and Annaual
15.Guide to port Entry
16.Charts symbols and Abbreviations (NP-5011))
Take out the “Cumulative List Of Notices To Mariner” and check the chart is
corrected up to last chart correction
In latest ‘Weekly NTM Section I ‘find out chart number in “Index of Charts
Affected” and note ‘Notice No’. From “Index of Notices and Chart Folios” find out
page of ‘Notice No’.
In ‘Weekly NTM Section II’ check ‘Notice No’ the Chart [Last correction] number.
If chart is not updated to above last correction then find it in previous weekly
NTM. Until we find the correction written on bottom left of chart.
Take out tracing of correction or position from weekly NTM /Annual summary of
NTM, one by one from bottom, update chart, write correction number in bottom
left corner and in chart correction book. Do up to last correction and write on the
back of chart “Corrected up to NTM (No of NTM) / (year)” eg. 22/2018
I Notes. Publications List
II ADMIRALTY Notices to Mariners.Updates to Standard Nautical Charts
III Reprints of NAVAREA I Navigational Warnings
IV Updates to ADMIRALTY Sailing Directions
V Updates to ADMIRALTY List of Lights and Fog Signals
VI Updates to ADMIRALTY List of Radio Signals
VII Updates to Miscellaneous ADMIRALTY Nautical Publications
VIII Updates to ADMIRALTY Digital Services

Cut and paste the corrections for sailing direction , list of lights and radio
Signals from Section IV, V and VI of the weekly notices to mariners.


DIST. IN NM = Height of Light House(Meters) X 1.854
VSA in mins
Geographical range = 2.08 × (√ (height of eye h metres +
√ height of light H metres )

Luminous Range: is the range of light as determined by the

luminosity (candle power) of the light and metrological
visibility prevailing at the moment. It can be obtained by
using the Luminous range diagram.

Nominal Range: is luminous range of the light when

metrological visibility is 10 miles. It is given in the List of
lights and charts.

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