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Media Strategy & Planning

Chapters 14 & 15 with Duane

• Agency Compensation (15%
stat…now negotiated individually)
• More Media (e.g. internet)
• Media outlets are large and
powerful now
• Thinner margins for Media
• ROI more important
• Globalization
• Consumers get Free Content
• E-Commerce
• Hyper-Clutter
• Ethnic Media (on the increase)
Media Planning Process
Media Plan – specifies the
media for messages to
target audience
Media Class – broad category
of media (tv, radio, etc.)
Media Vehicle – that particular
class’s option (e.g. Nanaimo
Daily News for newspaper)
Media Mix – the effective blend
of media used to obtain best
GRP (reach and frequency).
Reach and Frequency
• Reach – number of people or households in
a target audience that are exposed to the

• Frequency – average number of times an

individual or household within the target
audience is exposed to the vehicle within a
given time period.

• GRP = Gross Rating Point = reach X


• Effective Frequency – number of times a

target audience needs to be exposed
before the advertiser’s objectives are
Reach and Frequency
• Continuity – pattern of placement of
advertisements in the media schedule:
– Continuous
– Flighting
– Pulsing
• CPM (Cost Per Thousand) – dollar
cost of reaching 1,000

• CPM-TM (CPM per Target Market)

see p. 504 for example

• CPRP (Cost per Rating Point) see

p. 504 for example

• Share of Voice = one brand’s ad

expenditures divided by total
product category expenditures in
a medium (see p. 510 for
Discussion Questions
• Question 2, p. 518
• Question 5, p. 518
MEDIA TYPES - Newspapers
• Advantages
– Geographic Selectivity
– Timeliness
– Creative Opp’s (lots of info at
low cost)
– Credibility
– Audience Interest
– Cost (low cost)
• Disadvantages
– Limited Segmentation
– Creative constraints (low
quality print medium)
– Cluttered
– Short Life
Media Types - Magazines
• Advantages
– Audience Selectivity
– Audience Interest
– Creative Opportunities (better
quality printing)
– Long Life (saved issue by issue
by subscribers)
• Disadvantages
– Limited reach and frequency
– Clutter
– Long lead times
– Cost (more expensive than
Media Types – TV
• TV advantages –
– Creative opp’s
– Coverage, Reach, Repetition
– Cost per contact (for broad
– Audience Selectivity
• TV disadvantages –
– Fleeting Message
– High Absolute cost
– Poor Geographic selectivity
– Poor Audience attitude and
– Clutter
Types of Advertising - Radio
• Advantages
– Cost (tends to be most cost
effective per target audience)
– Reach and Frequency – widest
exposure (portable medium)
– Target Audience Selectivity –
geographic, demographic and
• Disadvantages
– Poor audience attentiveness
– Creative limitations
– Fragmented audiences
– Chaotic buying procedures
Discussion Questions
• P. 556
– Question 1
– Question 6
– Question 7
– Question 8
– Question 9

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