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Advanced Inorganic Chemistry

Chemistry 470
Br. Manner
What is Inorganic Chemistry?
• The chemistry of “everything else”
– Chemistry of coordination compounds
• [Mo2Cl8]4-; Mo2(O2CCH3)4; [Co(en)3]3+; and [Cr(H2O)6]2+
– Chemistry of organometallic compounds
• Fe(C5H5)2 and [PtCl3C2H4]-1
– Chemistry of bioinorganic materials
• Vitamin B12 and hemoglobin
– Chemistry of materials
• Kaolinite; montmorillonite, zeolite, and polyoxometalates
And there is even more!!
Bonding in Inorganic Compounds
• Type of bonding encountered in inorganic
– Metals can bond to virtually anything
• Includes metal-metal bonding (shown previously)
– , , and  bonding in compounds and ions
• [Mo2Cl8]4-
– Coordination number commonly exceeds four
• Octahedral environment is very common
– SF6
Formation of the Elements (the
Big Bang)
• Questions from the scientific world.
• Scriptural account of the creation.
• Big Bang Theory
– Journal of Chemical Education (read these)
• 1973, 50, 306
• 1973, 50, 380
• Curve of cosmic abundance of the elements.
– The stability of Fe-56. Prove that it is more stable than Ti-48.
• Use Einstein’s theory of relativity.
– Why the difference between even and odd Z elements?
The Detectable Elements
Subatomic Particles Involved in
the Formation of the Elements

All of these particles are involved with the existence or formation

of the elements.
What’s Out There? Is There Enough
Matter for the Formation of New
• The universe consists of mostly empty space and
energy. Relatively, there is very little mass.
– Matter consists of normal matter and dark matter
(discussed later)
• The estimated density of the universe is 5 atoms/m3
– 2  10-28% of the universe’s volume is occupied by matter
• There is still enough mass in the universes to form
many new planets and galaxies (especially since
there is no end).
– No need to worry
Keyhole Nebula in Carina
Galaxies NGC 2207 and 2163
Even More Matter
• Scientists believe that most of the universe is made up
of ‘dark matter’.
– Dark matter is non-luminous matter, that cannot be directly
detected by observing any form of electromagnetic radiation
(light), but whose existence is suggested because of the
effects of its gravity on the rotation rate of galaxies and the
presence of clusters of galaxies. It is believed that neutrinos
count for a large portion of this dark matter.
• Only a small portion of the mass is ‘normal’ matter
(probably <10%). The rest is dark matter.
Inorganic Chemistry
• History of inorganic chemistry (pages 11-14).
• Use of molecular orbital theory, symmetry, and
group theory will be a common thread throughout
this course.
– 6-benzenetricarbonylchromium
• (6-C6H6)Cr(CO)3
If needed and when encountered, use the recommended
texts and reviews to bring you up to speed on these

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