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Supply type items/Constructed response test
 requires students to create and supply their own
answer or perform a certain task to show the
mastery of knowledge or skills.

Classification of constructed response test /supply

1.Short answer or completion type
2.Essay type items(restricted response or
extended response 2
Completion Type or Short Answer Test
is an alternative form of assessment because
the examinee needs to supply or create the
appropriate word(s),symbol(s),or number(s)to
answer the question or complete the statement
rather than selecting the answer from the given
options.There are two ways of constructing com
pletion type or short answer type of test ques-
tion form or complete the statement form.

Guidelines in Constructing Completion Type or Short
Answer Test

1.The item should require a single word answer or

brief definite statement. Do not use indefinite statement
that allows several answers.
2.Be sure that the language used in the statement is
precise and accurate in relation to the subject matter
being tested.
3.Be sure to omit only the key words, do not eliminate
so many words so that the meaning of the item
statement will not change.
4.Do not leave the blank at the beginning or within
the statement. It should be at the end of the statement.
5.Use direct question rather than incomplete
statement. The statement should pose the problem to
the examinee.
6.Be sure to indicate the units in which to be
expressed when the statement requires numerical
7.Be sure that the answer the student is required to
produce is factually correct.
8.Avoid grammatical clues.
9.Do not select textbook sentence.
Examples of Completion and
Short Answer
Direction: Write your answer
before the number in each item.
Write the word(s),phrase, or
symbol(s) to complete the

Essay Item 1.Which supply type item is used to Essay Item1.Supply type item is used to mea-
measure the ability to organize sure the ability to organize and inte-
and integrate material? grate material is called ________
Distracters 2.What are the incorrect options Distracters2.The incorrect options in a multiple
in a multiple choice item called? choice test item are called_________
Pentagon 3.What do you call a polygon that Pentagon3.A polygon with five sides is called
has five sides? ___________
Evaluation4.What is the most complex level Evaluation4.The most complex level in the
in the Bloom’s taxonomy of cog- Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive domain is
nitive domain? called___________
Multiple-choice Test Item5.Which test item Multiple-choice Test Item5.The test item that
measures the greatest measures the greatest va-
variety of learning riety of learning outcomes is
outcomes? called_____________

Advantages of a Completion or Short Answer Test
1.It covers a broad range of topic in a short span of
2.It is easier to prepare and less time consuming
compared to multiple choice and matching type of test.
3.It can assess effectively the lower level of Bloom’s
Taxonomy. It can assess recall of information rather than
4.It reduces the possibility of guessing the correct
answer because it requires recall compared to true or
false items and multiple-choice items.
5.It covers greater amount of contents than
matching type test.
Disadvantages of a Completion or Short Answer Test
1.It is only appropriate for questions that can be
answered with short responses.
2.There is a difficulty in scoring when the questions
are not prepared properly and clearly. The question
should be clearly stated so that the answer of the
student is clear.
3.It can assess only knowledge, comprehension and
application levels in Bloom’s taxonomy of cognitive
4.It is not adaptable in measuring complex learning
5.Scoring is tedious and time consuming.
Another way of assessing the performance of the
students is by using the performance-based assessment
And portfolio assessment are categorized under
constructed response test.

Subjective test items

 requires the student to organize and pressed an
original (essay test) and perform task to show mastery
of learning (performance-based assessment and
portfolio assessment) or supply a word or phrase to
answer a certain question (completion or short answer
type of test.
Another test format where the student supplies answer
rather than select the correct answer.

2 types of essay items

1.extended response essay
2.restricted response essay

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