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Expansionist nationalism

 is an aggressive radical form of nationalism or ethnic

nationalism (ethno nationalism) that incorporates
autonomous, heightened ethnic consciousness and
patriotic sentiments with atavistic fears and hatreds
focused on "other" or foreign peoples, framing a belief
in expansion or recovery of formerly owned territories
through militaristic means.
 The term was coined during the late nineteenth
century as European powers indulged in the 'Scramble
for Africa' in the name of national glory, but has been
most associated with militarist governments during the
20th century, including Fascist Italy, Nazi Germany,
the Japanese empire, and the Balkan countries
of Albania (Greater Albania), Bulgaria (Greater
Bulgaria), Croatia (Greater Croatia), Hungary (Greater
Hungary), Romania (Greater Romania)
and Serbia (Greater Serbia)

 The scramble for Africa

• Also called as the partition of Africa or the
conquest of Africa, was the invasion, occupation,
division, and colonization of African territory by
European powers during the period known to
historians as the new imperialism.
 As ideology

 Expansionist nationalism is distinguished

from liberal nationalism by its advocacy
of chauvinism and racialism, its belief in the
superiority of one's own nation and dominance
combined with the exclusive right of self-

 Liberal nationalism – or also known as civic nationalism, is a form

of nationalism identified by political philosophers who believe in
an inclusive form of nationalism that adheres to traditional
liberal values of freedom, tolerance, equality, and individual
 Chauvinism – is a form of extreme patriotism and nationalism
and a belief in national superiority glory.
 Racialism – is the belief that the human species is naturally
divided into races, that are ostensibly distinct biological
 Self-determination – is a cardinal principle in modern
international law, binding, as such on the united nations as
authoritative interpretation of the charter’s norm.

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