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Human sexual behavior is

defined as any activity- solitary,
between two person, or in a
group that induces sexual
arousal- there are two major
factors that determine sexual
bahavior the inherited sexual
resonse and genetic inheritance.
Types Of Behavior
The various types of human sexual
behavior are usually classified
according to the gender and number of
• Solitary Behavior
Self-gratification means self-stimulation that
leads to sexual arousal and generally sexual
climax.Usually self-gratification takes place
in a private place as and end itself, but can
also be done in a sociosexual relationship.
Majority of males and females have fantasies
of some sociosexual activity while they
gratify themselves it involves idealized
sexual partners and activities that the
individual has not experienced and even
might avoid in real life.
• Sociosexual Behavior
Sociosexual behavior is devided into

1. Heterosexual Behavior
2. Homosexual Behavior
In sociosexual behavior heterosexual is
the greatest amount that occurs between
only one male and one female. It usually
begins in childhood and maybe motivated
by curiousity such as showing or
examining genitilia. Necking or petting is
considered as ingriedient of learning
process and eventually of courtship.
Petting differs from hugging,kissing,and
generalized caresses of cloth body to
practice involving stimulation of the
• Physiology Of Human Sexual
Sexual response follows a pattern of sequential stages or
phases when sexual activity is continued.

1. Exitement Phase
2. Plateau Phase
3. Sexual Climax
4. Resolution Phase

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