6.1 Pumping Lemma and Non-Regular Language Grammars

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Pumping lemma( for regular language)

By Solomon Getachew
Pumping lemma( for regular language)
Pumping Lemma is used to prove that the language is not
It cannot be used to prove that a language is regular
The language must be infinite
If A is a regular Language, then A has a Pumping Length ‘P’ such
that any string ‘S’ where |S| ≥ P maybe divided into 3 parts
S=xyz such that the following condition must be true:
1) xyiz A for every i ≥ 0
2) |y|>0
3) |xy|≤ P
To prove that a language is not regular using pumping LEMM,
follow the below steps: (We prove using Contradiction)

Assume that A is regular

It has to have a pumping length(say P)
All string longer than P can be pumped |S| ≥P
Now find a string ‘S’ in A that |S| ≥p
Divide S into xyz
Show that xyiz  A for some i
Then consider all ways that S can be divided into xyz
Show that none of these can satisfy all the 3 pumping conditions
at the same time
S cannot be pumped== CONTRADICTION
Theorem: The language

L  {vv : v  *}
  {a, b}
is not regular

Proof: Use the Pumping Lemma

L  {vv : v  *}

Assume for contradiction

that L is a regular language

Since L is infinite
we can apply the Pumping Lemma
L  {vv : v  *}

Let p be the critical length for L

Pick a string w such that: w  L

and length | w |  p

We pick wa b b a
p p p p
From the Pumping Lemma:
we can write: w  a b b a  x y z
p p p p

with lengths: | x y |  p, | y | 1
p p p p

w  xyz  a...aa...a...ab...bb...ba...a
x y z

Thus: y  a , 1 k  p
x y za b b a
p p p p
y  a , 1 k  p

From the Pumping Lemma: xy z  L


i  0, 1, 2, ...

Thus: x y z  L
x y za b b a
p p p p
y  a , 1 k  p

From the Pumping Lemma: x y z  L


pk p p p
xy z = a...aa...aa...a...ab...bb...ba...a ∈ L
x y y z

Thus: a
b b a p p
a p
b b a p p
L k 1

BUT: L  {vv : v  *}


a p
b b a p p


Prove Weather the given language L is not

regular L  {a nb n : n  0}

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