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Made By : Dinesh Garhwal

Class :

Roll no. :
Global Warming is the
increase of Earth's average
surface temperature due to
effect of greenhouse gases,
such as carbon dioxide emissions from burning
fossil fuels or from deforestation, which trap
heat that would otherwise escape from Earth.
This is a type of greenhouse effect.
A greenhouse gas (sometimes abbreviated GHG)
is a gas in an atmosphere that absorbs and emits
radiation within the thermal infrared range. This
process is the fundamental cause of the
greenhouse effect.The primary greenhouse
gases in the Earth's atmosphere are :

1. Increasing atmospheric
concentrations of greenhouse

2. Global changes to land

surface, such as deforestation.

3. Increasing atmospheric
concentrations of aerosols.
1. Acclerating Sea Level Rise and
Increased Coastal Flooding
Average global sea level has increased
eight inches since 1880. Global warming is
now accelerating the rate of sea level
rise, increasing flooding risks to low-lying
communities and high-risk coastal
properties whose development has been
encouraged by today's flood insurance

2.Longer and More Damaging Wildfire

Wildfires are increasing and wildfire season
is getting longer in the Western U.S. as
temperatures rise.
3. More Frequent and Intense Heat
Dangerously hot weather is already
occuring more frequently than it did 60
years ago—and scientists expect heat
waves to become more frequent and severe
as global warming intensifies.

4. Costly and Growing Health

Climate change has significant implications
for our health. Rising temperatures will
likely lead to increased air pollution, a
longer and more intense allergy season, the
spread of insect-borne diseases.
5. An Increase in Extreme Weather
Strong scientific evidence shows that
global warming is increasing certain types
of extreme weather events.
6. More Severe Droughts in Some Areas
Climate change affects a variety of factors
associated with drought and is likely to
increase drought risk in certain regions. As
temperatures have warmed, the prevalence
and duration of drought has increased.

7. Destruction of Coral Reefs

As global temperatures rise, so too do
average sea surface temperatures.
These elevated temperatures cause
long-term damage to coral reefs.
Scientists have documented that
sustained water temperatures of as
little as one degree Celsius above normal
summer maxima can cause irreversible




1.Reduce Fossil Fuel Use
Burning fossil fuels
increases the levels of
greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere. There are
two ways to reduce fossil
fuel use: Use less energy,
or use alternative,
nonpolluting energy
sources like solar and wind
2.Plant Trees
Because carbon dioxide is the
most important greenhouse
gas, planting trees and other
plants can slow or stop global
warming. Plants take in
carbon dioxide and release

3.Reduce Waste
The production of garbage
contributes to global
warming. Decomposing waste
in landfills produces methane
and other greenhouse gases.
4. Conserve Water
Cities consume significant amounts of
energy when purifying and distributing
water, which contributes to greenhouse
gas emissions. Saving water reduces the
amount of energy used.
Make Earth Green And Stop Global Warming

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