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 Background of the Study
Everywhere Facebook is popular, anyone can access it at anytime in any
places, for it is free social networking site. It was created decades had
passed, on which few people can only access it but suddenly as innovation’s
development happened, Facebook development as well are being upgraded
it became popular in which it is impossible for one person not to have this
app or not to access it even students that don’t have gadgets to access it find
ways. Facebook is considered one of the tools used to communicate with
families, friends or relatives that are away from each other. It is accessible
almost anywhere at any time, all of ages are now possible to be addicted in
using Facebook such as kids aged 10-13, young, adults and even aged are
using it. But the most numerous user of Facebook are students, mainly the
so called “Millenial” which at the end of the day they become less care
about themselves and their performance at school. Students are engrossed
in Facebook, they are easily get tempted by using this site that they even
forgot their behaviors while using it.
Students are engaging Facebook in their studies, it seems
like it was added in their study habits because they are using
it most of their time that they even forget about their
learning processes. Students became addict on this site. The
definition of addiction according to the Oxford dictionary
(2014) is the fact or condition of being addicted to a
particular substance or activity. Other definition defined
addiction as the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice
or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-
forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation
causes severe trauma. Researchers purpose in this study is to
determine the several effects of Facebook on students’ study
habits and researchers will conduct this study to the Grade
11 students at Piaz National High School, Piaz, Villasis,
 Statement of the Problem

This study aims to document the numerous students who are using
Facebook which may affect their study habits.
Specifically, this study seeks to answer the following questions:
1. What are the effects of Facebook usage on students in terms of their:
a. Behavior
b. Study Habits
2. How do Facebook affects the study habits of students? Positive or negative
3. Is the use of Facebook beneficial for students or does it simply distract
Significance of the Study
The significant point of this study is to assess the effects of Facebook usage to the
study habits of students. The outcome of the study hopes to benefit the following group
of individuals:
 Students. They will be aware of the effects of excessive use of Facebook and will be
able to assess themselves as to how their study habits will be affected and ho they
will deal with it.
 Parents. They will be aware on what is going about their child/children’s learning
process and able to coordinate with teachers to guide and help children improve
their study habits.
 Teachers. They will be able to assess the students behavior and academic
performances to those who have access to electronic devices such as smartphones,
laptops, computers and tablets
 Researcher. To be able to know if there is positive or negative effects on the students
who is excessive user of facebook.
 Future Researcher. This study will provide significant information that may be use
to other researchers concerning the study habits of students.

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