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Instruction in the development and care of the body ranging from simple
exercises to a course of study providing training in hygiene, gymnastics, and the
performance and management of athletic games .

H C BUCK “Physical education is the part of general programme ,which is consider
with the growth , development and education of children through the medium of
big muscle activities . It is the education of whole child by means of physical
activities are the tools . The are so selected and conducted as to influence every
child ‘s life physically , mentally, emotionally .
Benefits of physical education
There are a numbers of benefits of adopting physical education
such as given below:
Strengthen Cardio Vascular Activities: By doing various types of warm-up
activities will lead to the effective blood circulation in your body and you will become
healthy . Control your weight: People those do the exercise daily will never face any
kind of diseases. They will always being a deficit of calories, which reduces the fat
and lose your weight.
Decreases the Sugar Level: Performing exercises prevent sugar
accumulating in the blood by triggering muscles to take up more glucose
from the bloodstream.
Increase your Energy Level: If a person doing physical exercises by
following a daily routine, then it will definitely make them healthier and
fresh all the time.It feels person energetic and allow them to be more
active and create positivity in individuals.
The philosophers like Socrates , Aristotle and plato were of the opinion
that physical training is must for youth. physical education is the sum of
those experiences which come to the individual through their movements.
The aim of physical education is the wholesome development of an
individuals. physical education is an integral part of total education
process. It has various aims and objectives to understand.
Physical development:
It helps us to development of our organic system such as circulatory systems,
respiratory system, nervous system, muscular system etc. During physical activities,
the body demands more and more from various systems and organs, which in turn
have to function optimally to cope with stress of activity.

Social development:
It provides ample opportunities to its participants to interact with other individuals
and groups. This gives wholesome experience to learn social norms.
Neuro-muscular coordination:
It helps us to concern with better co-ordination between nervous system and muscular
system. It helps us to keep of fatigue during vigorous activities. It is also known as
psycho motor development.
Emotional development:
It helps us to aims at emotional stability which helps in facing any type of situation. It
teaches to accept success and failure gracefully, which is also helpful through out the
life time.
Development of health:
This helps health related habits through health education prevention of communicable
diseases. It helps to reduce anxiety, stress and tension up to a large extent, so that the
health of individuals could be promoted.

Mental development
Needs alertness of mind, deep concentration and calculated movements. moreover it
should be called the indispensable requirement of various physical activities.
Careers in Physical Education

Jobs offered in physical education:

1. Teaching career like:

elementary school, middle school, high school, senior secondary high school,
college and universities.
2. Coaching career like:
To work as a coach you will teach your players the skills and techniques necessary
to improve their chances for victory. You may work for an extracurricular
organization or a school or you may work as a private coach.
Administration related careers:
1. Department of physical education.
2. Sports department.
3. Industrial recreation.
4. Sports facilities management.

Careers in communication media:

1.Sports journalism.
2. Book writing.
3. Sports photography.
4. Book publishing.
5. Sports broadcasting.
6. Marketing.
7. Sports industry.
Skills Required in physical education
Observation & Analytical Skills.
Knowledge of Health Issues and Physical Activity
Motivation, Empathy and Leadership Skills
Good Explanation Ability
Attention to Detail Skills
Interpersonal Skills
Awareness of the environmental effect on human health
Mentoring & Guiding skills
Interpersonal skill
Strong people skills can help teachers can rise above average to become truly
effective. First of all, teachers should be oriented toward helping others.
A love of teaching and for students creates warm relationships that enhance learning.
Creative Intelligence
Teachers need creativity to keep students interested. Ingenuity is necessary to
adapt materials to the needs of each class or student. Teachers also
need creativity to address discipline problems effectively without taking too much
class time.
Management and Organizational Skills
must be strong managers who command respect and lead by example.
Organizational skills are also necessary to plan lessons for each class, week and
semester . Keeping students on task requires a well-ordered classroom

Teamwork Skills
Person need teamwork skills to cooperate with the administration,
other teachers, support staff and parent-teacher organizations. In addition to
meeting goals for the individual class,
they fulfill the school goals and implement the grade-level curriculum.

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