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Reflexive Verbs
In a reflexive verb, the action of the subject is
performed on itself.
◦In English, we say In French, we say

o Nous nous amusons

 We enjoy ourselves. o Il s’habille

In Spanish, we say
 He dresses himself
(Nosotros) nos divertimos

Él se viste.
Conjugation of a reflexive verb
Se laver
◦ To conjugate a reflexive verb, you must:
◦ 1). Know the subject of the verb Singular Plural
Je me lave Nous nous lavons
◦ 2). Select the correct reflexive pronoun that
goes with that subject Tu te laves Vous vous lavez

Il se lave Ils se lavent

◦ 3). Conjugate the verb according to the
Elle Elles
type of verb it is.
Correct word order with reflexive verbs
In an affirmative sentence Note the word order in other cases.

Subject Verb In a negative sentence

Pronoun Tu ne te peignes pas les cheveux.

Tu te peignes les cheveux.
In an inverted question
Te peignes-tu les cheveux?
Reflexive Pronoun
In a negative inverted question
Ne te peignes-tu pas les cheveux.
Common Reflexive Verbs

s’appeler To be named se lever To get up

s’amuser To enjoy se moquer de To make fun of
se brosser To brush se méfier de To mistrust
se cacher To hide se passer To happen
se coiffer To do one’s hair se peigner To comb
se demander To wonder se préparer à To get ready to
s’ennuyer à To get bored se présenter To introduce
s’endormir To fall asleep se réveiller To wake up
se fâcher contre To get angry with se sentir To feel
s’habiller To get dressed se trouver To be located
se laver To wash oneself se tromper To be mistaken
Many verbs can be both reflexive and non-
Reflexive Non- reflexive
1. La mère couche son enfant. 1. L’enfant se couche à 8h30.

2. Nous cachons l’argent. 2. Trotro se cache dans le jardin.

3. J’appelle le chien. 3. Tu t’appelles comment?

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