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Q. What is the meaning of motivation ?

Motivation is the inner power or energy that pushes toward acting, performing
actions and achieving.

Motivation has much to do with desire and ambition and if they are absent, then
motivation is absent too.

Often, a person has the desire and ambition to get something done or achieve a
certain goal, but lacks the push, the initiative and the willingness to take action.
This is due to lack of motivation and inner drive.

Motivation strengthens the ambition, increases initiative and gives direction,

courage, energy and the persistence to follow one’s goals.

A motivated person takes action and does whatever it needs to achieve his/her
In other words motivation is an art of stimulating people to take desired
course of action.

The man ordinarily works only 70 to 75% of his capacity to work, but if he
has given some inducement, he may work to his capacity or in some cases
higher than their capacity.

As management is an art of getting the work done by the people to achieve

the best result.

But getting the work done depends upon the inducement of the people, by
improve their performance, by inspiring the people with a zeal to do work
for the accomplishment of objectives of the organization.
Motivation is derived from ‘motive’.

Motive means any idea, need that prompts a man to an action.

As the motive is within the individual. So it is necessary to study the human needs in
order to motivate him to do work efficiently and effectively.

There are two desiring factors in motivation such as fundamental needs like food,
clothes, shelter.

Second is ego- satisfaction need which includes recognition from others, opportunities
for achievement, self development and self actualization.

All these factors influence the man’s behavior and induce him for best performance to
meet his needs.

In fact, the activities of human beings are caused and behind every action there is a
particular motive or need.
Positive & Negative Motivation

Motivation is concern with inspiring the man to work to get the best possible
results. It may be done by two ways :-

1) By Positive Motivation
2) By Negative Motivation

1) Positive Motivation :-
In the real sense, motivation means positive motivation.

Positive motivation makes the people induce to do their work in the

best possible manner.

Positive motivation can improve the performance of worker.

In positive motivation employer provides better facilities and rewards

to improve the performance of their employees.

Such rewards and facilities may be financial and non-financial.

Financial motivational incentives may include :-

Wage and salary plans

Productive bonus schemes
Profit sharing scheme etc.

Financial incentives provide workers a better standard of life.

Non-financial motivational incentives may include :-

Praise for the work
Job security
Recognition etc.
2) Negative Motivation :-

In this employees create a sense of fear and an uncongenial,

unhelpful environment for the workers to improve their
performance in the interest of the organization.

Negative motivation based on the concept that if the man fails in

achieving the desired results, then he should be punished.

Punishment, fear of loss of job are some of the methods which

are taken as means to direct the man in the desired direction.

In negative motivational method employees do their work under

fear and try to produce more enough to get safety.
The negative motivation may also classified into monetary and
non-monetary motivation.

In negative monetary motivation wages may be cut in case

workers produces below the standard fixed.

And in negative non-monetary motivation includes :-

Cut In Facilities
Job Insecurity etc.

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