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and the
Specific Objectives

▪Define organization
▪Identify the different types
of organization
▪analyze the major
components of bureaucracy
Meaning of Organization

▪ Organization is a process of identifying

and grouping the work to be performed,
defining and delegating responsibility
and authority, and establishing
relationship for the purpose of enabling
people to work most effectively together
(Allen, 1958)
▪Organizations is a plan by which
a group of people pools its
efforts toward designated
objectives through definition
and division of activities,
responsibilities, and authority.
John Gaus defines organization
as the arrangement of personnel
for facilitating the
accomplishment of some agreed
purposes through the allocation
of functions and responsibilities.
▪According to White, organization is
the relating of efforts and capacities
of individuals and groups engaged
upon common task in such a way as
to secure the desired objectives with
least friction and the most
satisfaction to those for whom the
task is done and those engaged in
the enterprise.
Organization are human
groupings or social units
deliberately constructed
and reconstructed to meet
specific goals (Talcott
Parsons, 1960).
▪ Organizations are, by nature , large ,
formal , with complex status network.
These complex organizations make
major contribution to the overall quality
of life within society, because of their
size and complexity, they don’t supply
the cohesion and personal satisfaction
that small groups do. Members are
treated less important.
Organizations fill a broader variety of
social and personal needs. It became
a power social tool that coordinates
many human actions to achieve its
According to Amitai Etzioni, people
are dependent on organizations as “
the most rational and efficient form
of social groupings known”
Classifications of Organization
1.The formal organization- is a system of
well- define jobs each bearing a definite
measure of authority, responsibility,
and accountability , the whole
consciously designed to enable the
people of the enterprise to work most
effectively together in accomplishing
their objectives.
2. The informal organization-
refers to the relationship of
individuals due to similarity
of likes, dislikes, emotions,
needs, or attitudes. It may
exist within a formal
Meaning of Bureaucracy
▪According to Shepard, bureaucracy
is characterized by a division of
labor based on specialization, a
hierarchy of authority, a system of
rules and procedures, written
records of activities, full- time jobs,
and impersonal relationship.
Bureaucracy is a special type of
complex organization
characterized by explicit rules
and hierarchical authority
structure, all designed to
maximize efficiency.
( Brinkerhoff and White, 1988)
▪ Bureaucracy is an organizational model
rationally designed to perform complex task
efficiently. Through bureaucratic organization,
officials deliberately enact and modify policy to
make the organization as efficient as possible.
▪ A bureaucracy is a form of organizational
structure. It is a formal, rationally organized
social structure with clearly defined patterns of
activity in which, ideally, every series of action is
functionally related to the purposes of the
organization. ( Merton, 1957).
Elements of Bureaucracy
▪ Max Weber, one of the pioneers of Sociology,
wrote a classic analysis of bureaucracy that is
essentially useful in the study of organization.
Max Weber identified six key elements of the ideal
bureaucratic organization.
1.Specialization- In a bureaucratically structured
organization, each individual occupies an office,
or specific position.
2. Hierarchy of offices- In a
bureaucracy, a hierarchy of office is
arranged, in which there is a
supervision of lower offices by the
higher ones.
3. Rules and regulations – In a
bureaucracy, norms are usually
spelled out in written sets of
regulations and rules.
4. Technical competence- Bureaucracy
develops a high degree of specialization of
function within an organization.
5. Impersonality- In bureaucratic
organizations, rules take precedence over
personal feelings.
6. Formal, written communication-
Certainly, some truth lies in the adage that
the heart of bureaucracy is not people but
Limitations of Bureaucracy
1.Alienation- This is a term used to describe
sense to describe sense of loss of contract
and disconnectedness of individual
members to members brought about by
rigid adherence to rules, hierarchies, and
impersonal relationship.
2.Ritualism- Over conformity to rules often
results to ritualism.
3. Incompetence- According to Laurence J.
Peters, bureaucracy tends to rise to their
level of incompetence. Employees who are
successful at any level of the organizational
hierarchy are likely to be promoted to higher
4. Inequality- The strict exercise of authority
in the interest of attaining organizational
goals reduced democratic means of
achieving the goal.

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