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Working on Flash

Session Objective
1. How does Animation Work
2. What is Flash ?
3. Symbols
4. How to create a symbols
5. Types of Flash Animation
6. Create a Motion Tween
7. Shape Tween
8. Motion Guide Tween
How does Animation works

 In Animation, they draw and copied dozens of static

drawings, each one showing a small progression like walking
or running over the previous one. When these Static drawings
were shown in rapid succession creates effect of Animation.

 Similar principle followed in Flash.

 Flash is a Vector animation software, originally designed to
create animations for display on web pages. Vector graphics
are ideal for the web because they are so lightweight.
 Flash is a multimedia graphics program specially for the use
on the Web.
 Flash enables you to create interactive “Movies” on the Web.
Flash page
Flash Page
 The stage, the rectangular area where the movie plays
 The timeline, where graphics are animated over time.
 Symbols, the reusable media assets of the movie.
 The library windows, where symbols are organized.
 Movie Explorer, which gives an overview of the movie and its
 Timeline is where you coordinate the timing of the animation and
assemble the artwork on separate layers.The timeline displays each
frame in the movies.
 Layers acts like stacked sheets of transparent acetate, keeping
artwork separate so you can combine different elements into a
cohesive visual image.
Tools in Flash
Symbols: Same graphics can be used in multiple times in a
document called Symbol.
For eg: Different parts of cars can be grouped together
and converted into a ‘car’ Symbol.
Three types of Symbols:
Graphics(Same static graphics objects in multiple places)
Movie Clips(create reusable pieces of animation)
Button(create reusable pieces of buttons)
How to create Symbols
Follow these steps in Flash for creating a truck symbol:
(a) Click on tools and Oval tools respectively
(b) Choose Selection Tool and double click on object to select it
(c) When it is selected,choose Modify> convert to symbol.
(d) You will get a convert to Symbol dialog box with three behaviour options.
(e) Choose the Graphics behaviour and specify the symbol’s name-’Truck’ and
click on OK.
(f) The Name of Symbol and appears on the Scene name and Truck appears with
Blue line around it.
Flash Symbol for creating Truck
Type of Flash Animation
Flash Animation

Frame by frame Animation Tweened Animation

Motion Tweening Shape Tweening

Type of Flash Animation
Frame by Frame Animation:
 Every frame is key frame.
 Contents of the stage changes with each frame.
 This model is used to create complex Animation.
 Size of flash file with frame-by-frame animation is usually
large as flash stores the complete information about each
Tweened Animation
Tweened Animation:
 Key frame area defined only at Significant point of animation.
 Flash can fill in the contents for the frames in-between.
 It is an effective way to achieve simple movement and shape
changes with time.
 Size of Flash file is also smaller as only changes in values
between frames area are stored and not the complete frames.
Type of Tweened Animation
Motion Tweening : Position of the graphics objects changes with

Shape Tweening : Shape of the graphics objects changes with

Motion Tween
We create a motion tween by defining properties for an
instance, a group object or text in a starting key frame and then
changing the object’s properties, if needed at another point of
succeeding key frame.
Step to create a Motion tween
1. Draw a circle in the object drawing mode using a oval tool.
2. In the timeline ,double click on the layer 1 title and type the layer name –Ball
and press Enter key.
3. Right now the object in the frame 1 of Ball layer.
4. Move the pointer to frame 40 in the time line and right click in this field and
choose the Insert Key frame option to insert a new Keyframe.
5. Select the Ball and move it to the right side of the stage.
6. Select the timeline at any place between frame 1 and frame 40.Right click
and select create Motion tween.
7. A light ‘greyish’ blue bar with a solid arrow will appear between the two
8. Select Control menu and click on Test Movie option to view the effect of
Motion tween.
Shape tween
 When we do not want to change the position of an object on
the stage,but rather its shape progressive way,flash provides
us the technique of the shape tweening.

 It can simply transform the outline of the object created until

its becomes just like the outline of another different object.
Shape Tween
Motion Guide Tween
 Motion guide defines the path of the movement of the object.
If we apply motion guides, a new layer is introduced called as
a Motion guide Layer.
 Whatever we draw in the motion guide layer is not visible in
the final animation.
Motion Tween
 The symbols is added to the library and can be seen in the Library
 Symbols are three types : Graphics, Movie clip and Button.
 The two common types of animation in flash are: Frame –by-
Frame animation and Tweened animation.
 The position of graphics object changes with time in motion
 Shape tweening consists in transforming the outline of the object
created until it becomes just like the outline of another different
 In flash, Motion guide defines the path of the movement of an
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