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“ Nothing worth learning
can be taught.

01 Relevance Unfound

02 The Allure of Deep Learning

03 The Challenge

Relevance Unfound
Gallup Poll (2016)
reported that at least a
job market is
third of students are
“actively disengaged”

A confirmation that
There is no reason for
schooling as it was set
the majority of
up 150 years ago is no
students to take
conventional schooling
suited for the present
The Allure of Deep Learning

What gives humans

01 meaning in life is a strong sense of
identity around a purpose or passion,
creativity and mastery in relation to a
valued pursuit, and connectedness
02 with the world and others (for a similar
list, see Mehta & Fine, 2015).

Deep learning is good

02 for all but is especially effective for those
most disconnected from schooling.
Disconnected Student
Alex, Elementary Student; Ontario, Canada

Deep learning

collaborating with a group of high school

students with a diverse set of needs.
Problems collaboration occurred using Google Apps
for Education including Google Hangouts,
seeing himself as being different from Google Docs, and Google Slides
everyone else because
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he became Title
so engaged in the deep learning
he stutters
process—solving real world problems with
rarely participate or join group tasks his team, having the opportunity to
because of his contribute to hisTitle
own learning through
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fear of stuttering and how he would be research, and sharing out his ideas in new
perceived by his peers. ways, as well as having his ideas validated
by not only his peers but also high school
6Cs Go to Sweden
Mara, Middle School Student; Ottawa, Canada

Mara is in a middle school that calls A student creatively submitted

itself a “6Cs school” (6Cs: character, a suitcase filled with travel documents
citizenship, collaboration, including a boarding pass and a list
communication, creativity, and of things to remember as her pplication
critical thinking) for one of 12 spots on the trip.

As part of a school initiative, a group To some people those words (the 6Cs)
of 13-year-old students with their may not mean anything special but at
principal and teachers planned to [our school] it is a highly incorporated
visit and study sustainability in part of our school life and our
Christopher, Student;
Ontario, Canada
Infographic Designed
Easy to change colors, photos and Text.

Is it possible for
virtually all
students to flourish
though deep learning?
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…it is not only possible but also

essential to the future of the
The Challenge

Once educators, students, and

The challenge is enormous, but their families experience the
we offer a way forward, which is excitement and learning potential
of deep learning, they become
essentially: go deep or go home.
A B more committed, and as they
And be pervasive (system
minded) or stand aside interact with others, the contagion
factor sets in
Thank you

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