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What is the Whole Brain Theory?
• In 1861, Paul Broca conducted a
study on the language and left-right
brain specialization on a patient who
had problems with language. After
several tests, Broca theorized that
some language functions reside on
the left side of the brain.
“Split-Brain Theory”
• Dr. Roger Sperry conducted a study for epilepsy. Sperry
explained that the brain has two hemispheres that
perform tasks differently from each other. He discovered
that the left hemisphere of the brain was performing
tasks that were intuitive, creative, and synthesizing; while
the right hemisphere of the brain was more adept with
analytical, logical, reasoning, and critical thinking.
“The Triune Brain Theory.”
• Dr. Paul MacLean identified three distinct parts of the brain,
namely: neocortex, limbic system, and reptilian complex,
• the neocortex or rational brain is responsible for intellectual tasks
such as language, planning, abstraction, and perception
• the limbic system or the intermediate brain is responsible for the
motivation and emotion involved in feeding, reproductive behavior,
and parental behavior.
• the primitive brain or the reptilian complex, which controls the self-
preservation and aggressive behavior of humans similar to the
survival instincts of animals.
“Brain Dominance Theory”
• Ned Herrmann - “Father of Brain Dominance Technology.”
• People normally have a more dominant part of their body, like a
more dominant leg, eye, or arm, which a person often prefers to
use. Herrmann extended this dominance theory to the brain
which he concluded to having not just two parts but four, the
upper left and right hemispheres, and the lower left and right
limbic halves. They are all connected to each other.
Herrmann’s Four Dominant Quadrants

• Upper Left (A) Cerebral Mode –ANALYTICAL

• Lower Left (B) Limbic Mode –ORGANIZED
• Lower Right (C) Limbic Mode –INTERPERSONAL
• Upper Right (D) Limbic System –IMAGINATIVE
A Logical factual, critical, Collecting data, listening to Technical or financial Too focused, may miss CEO of technical
Analytical Thinking technical, quantitative, informational lectures, reading information, theories, synergistic opportunities, organizations, stock market
abstract, impersonal textbooks, judging ideas based charts and graphs, formal favors individual vs. group broker, chemist, computer
on facts, criteria, and logical approach, data heavy work, tends to place facts over programmer, finance
reasoning content people, problems with manager
B Conservative, structured, Following directions, Agendas, goals and Reluctant to changes, tends to Technical manager,
Sequential Thinking organized, detailed, planned repetitive detailed homework objectives, simple graphs miss the big picture, does not operations manager,
problems, time management and presentations, stickler appreciate innovative ideas, bookkeeper, drill sergeant,
and schedules, planning and for time, step-by-step avoids dynamic situations supervisory nurse,
organizing procedures before construction engineer
C Emotional, spiritual, feeling, Listening to and sharing ideas, Creative and free flowing Dislike for routine and Marketing, sales, real estate,
Interpersonal sensory, kinesthetic looking for personal meaning, activities, experiential structured activities, tendency elementary school teacher,
Thinking sensory input teamwork, win- activities like music and art, to be impulsive and social worker, counselor,
win situations people-centered activities emotional. Often misses out secretary
and discussions on details

D Visual, holistic, intuitive, Looking at the big picture, Fun activities, humor, Can be impractical, tend to Artist, entertainer,
Imaginative innovative, conceptual taking initiative, simulations future oriented activities, overlook details, may tend to musician, entrepreneur,
Thinking (“what if questions”), visual experimentation, thought procrastinate especially if they strategic planner, creative
aids, appreciate beauty of a provoking and challenging do not like what they are writer, film director
problem, brainstorming, situations, visuals doing like repetitive tasks,
visionary difficulty in prioritizing
..\Downloads\Video\What percentage of your
brain do you use- - Richard E. Cytowic -
Mind Mapping
• A mind map is a diagram used to represent ideas or
information branching from a central key word or idea and used
as an aid in study, organization, problem solving, decision-
making, and writing.
• Mind maps are useful visual tools that help in linking together
concepts and information in such a way that the interconnection
and interrelation of these are clearly laid out and easily
accessible to help in problems solving and for reference and
Five essential characteristics of mind
• The center image represents the main idea, subject, or focus.
• The main branches radiate from the central image.
• The branches comprise a key image or word drawn or printed on its
• Twigs represent the lesser topics.
• The branches form a connected nodal structure.
Using Mind Maps Effectively
• Use Single Words or Simple Phrases – in mind maps, single, strong
words, and short meaningful phrases can convey the same meaning more
• Print Words – joined up or indistinct writing is more difficult to read.
• Use Color to Separate Different Ideas – color can help to show the
organization of the subject.
• Use Symbols and Images – pictures can help you to remember
• Use Cross-Linkages – information in one part of a mind map may relate
to another part.

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