3 Plant Habit

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* Support for and the elevation of leaves,

flowers and fruits. ...

* Transport of fluids between the roots and the
shoots in the xylem and phloem(see below)
* Storage of nutrients.
* Production of new living tissue.

Stem + associated leaves

consist of stems including their
appendages, the leaves and lateral
buds, flowering stems and flower
growing upward with a single
main stem or axis that produces
leaves and flowers
monopodial orchids.
Sympodial growth is type of
bifurcating branching pattern
where one branch develops more
strongly than the other.
describes the type of
branching in plants
that results when the
growing point (apical
bud) divides into two
equal growing points,
which in turn divide in
a similar manner after
a period of growth,
and so on.
Let’s explore.

Stem Branching Pattern


monopodial dichotomous sympodial

We have different habit!
Do plants have habit
Plant Habit
general form of a plant,
encompassing stem
duration and branching
pattern, development, or
Plant Duration
= how long a plant lives.
An ANNUAL plant is a plant that
completes its life cycle, from germination
to the production of seeds, within one
growing season, and then dies.
Plant Duration
= how long a plant lives.
A BIENNIAL plant is a flowering plant
that takes two years to complete its
biological lifecycle.
Plant Duration
= how long a plant lives.
A PERENNIAL plant or simply perennial
is a plant that lives more than two years.
Some sources cite perennial plants being
plants that live more than three years.
Plant Habit
general form of a plant,
encompassing stem
duration and branching
pattern, development, or
the term growth habit refers
to a change in the plant’s
height, shape and the kind
of growth it undergoes.
Classification of
plant based on
growth habit
Starting from the
smallest, herb is a short-
sized plant with soft,
green, delicate stem
without the woody
They complete their life
cycle within one or two
seasons. Generally, they
have few branches or are
branch less.
Herbs contain enough nutritional
benefits including vitamins and
minerals to make it a part of a healthy
balanced diet. Tomato, wheat, paddy,
grass are a few examples of herbs.
*Trees are big and tall
plants. They have very
thick, woody and hard
stems called the trunk.
This single main stem or
the trunk gives rise to
many branches that bear
leaves, flowers and fruits.
Some trees are branch less
like coconut tree;
*The life-span of the trees
are very large. i.e, for
several years.
Shrubs are medium
sized, woody plants taller than
herbs and shorter than a tree.
Their height usually ranges
between 6 m-10 m or 20 ft–33 ft
Their features include bushy, hard
and woody stems with many
branches. Although stems are
hard, they are flexible but not
The life-span of these plants are
for many years.
Climbing woody
and herbaceous
Creepers, as the
name suggests, are
plants that creep on
the ground. They
have very fragile,
long, thin stems that
can neither stand
erect nor support all
its weight.
Climbers are much
more advanced than
creepers. Climbers
have a very thin, long
and weak stem which
cannot stand upright
but they can use
external support to
grow and carry their
Defense is another
way of saying
protecting oneself.
How do plants
protect themselves
from their enemies?
Thorns is a loose term for any
sharp, pointed appendage
coming off a plant for defensive
Thorns can also be called spines, prickles or
trichomes based on their variety of shapes
*Are modified branches with
sharp, pointed appearance.
*Are modified
leaves that are
also sharp and
pointed. Spines
are in place of
leaves on
*are hairs on the
plants that
might be
located on the
stem, leaves or
*Plants emit different
smells to either attract or
repel animals.

*The skin of the plant, the outer
layer, is a barrier between the
plant’s organ and the outside
world. Sometimes plants may
need to thicken their skin to help
cope with their environment.

1.It is one of the
defense mechanism
of plant where
located in their
2. It refers to a
plant that grow
upward with a single
main stem or axis
that produces leaves
and flowers
3. A type of growth
habit where plants
have very fragile, long,
thin stems that can
neither stand erect nor
support all its weight.
4. A type of growth
habit where plants
have very fragile, long,
thin stems that can
neither stand erect nor
support all its weight.
5. What are the
types of branching
style of a plants?
6. Differentiate the
three branching
style of plants.
Plant Habitat
= environment where plant lives.

Plant Life Form
= structure, life cycle, physiology.

Therophyte – annual
Geophyte – perennial herb
Epiphyte – plant growing on another plant
Halophyte – salt-adapted plants
Succulent – plant with fleshy leaves or stems
Xerophyte – plant living in dry, hot environments

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