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What is the meaning of 70 – 30 weightage for Goals

and Competency Behaviors?

During the goal setting exercise the weightage of goals will be 70%
and weightage of competencies will be 30%
This is incorrect interpretation of the process. The sum of the weightage
of all goals must be equal to 100%. Similarly sum of the weightage of all
competencies will also be equal to 100%.

The 70-30 weightage will be assigned to the ratings given to goals

and competencies at the time of performance appraisal.
During the performance appraisal exercise the weightage of the rating
given for goal completion will be 70% and the weightage of rating
given for competencies displayed will be 30%. Please note this will be
auto calculated in the system.
What weightage should you assign to Goals at the
Goal Setting stage?

During the Goal Setting Phase, each goal must be assigned a

weightage and the sum of the weightage of all goals should be
equal to 100%.

For example:

Goals Weightage Rating

Resdigning of the Induction Program 25% 3

Content Curation on learning Space 25% 5
Creating Individual Development Tracks 15% 4
Managing Campus to Corporate Program 20% 4
Timely completion of Compliance Trainings 15% 4
Total 100% 4
Who will enter the Competency Behaviors in the
system for each employee?

The employee or their manager do not have to enter the competencies

in the Leap system. The competencies will be auto populated in Leap.

The competencies will be auto populated for each employee based on the
role family that they fall under. The competencies will be visible in the
system only at the time of appraisal.
As in the system the competencies will only be visible at the appraisal
time, HR team will send an email to each colleague on the 31st Jan. This
will include the details of the competencies that they are expected to
display through the year.
How will the final rating get calculated for each
During the Performance Appraisal Managers will rate their team
members on the following two aspects:
• Achievement of the Goals
• Competency Behaviors exhibited during the year

The system will assign 70% weightage to the final rating of the
Goals and 30% weightage to the final rating of the Competency

Let us take a look at an example to get further clarity.

Worked Example:
Goals Weightage Rating

Resdigning of the Induction Program 25% 3

Content Curation on learning Space 25% 5
Creating Individual Development Tracks 15% 4
Managing Campus to Corporate Program 20% 4
Timely completion of Compliance Trainings 15% 4
Final Rating for Goals 4
Competency Behaviors Rating
Drive for Result: Is highly dependable and tries to keep up all commitments. 3
Stakeholders First: Listens actively and asks questions to understand stakeholder needs/concerns. 4
Stakeholders First: Shares information with stakeholders openly and confidently. 3
Collaboration and Team work: Is flexible and works effectively with others to achieve common
Own your Learning: Is willing to try new methods, procedures, techniques, or systems. 3
Communicate with Confidence: Keeps communication clear, concise and relevant based on
recepient and medium.
Final Rating for Competency Behaviors 3.5
Worked Example:

Final Rating for Goals = 4 Final Rating for Competencies = 3.5

The system, Leap, will calculate the final rating in the following manner:

Final Rating = (Rating for Goals * 70%) + (Rating for Competencies * 30%)
= (4 * 70%) + (3.5 * 30%)
= (2.8) + (1.05)
= 3.85

Please note the manager is not required to do this calculation. They only
need to provide rating for each goal and each competency behavior.

The rest will be auto calculated by the system.

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