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• AML M2 dd Mixed leukemia?
Leukemic retinopathy
• Retinopathy associated with
leukemia typically occurs in acute
• Patients may develop dilation,
tortuosity, and beading of the
retinal veins; vascular sheathing;
cotton-wool spots; flame-shaped
hemorrhages; Roth spots; sub-
hyaloid and sub-internal limiting
membrane hemorrhages. These
changes are similar to those seen
with severe anemia.
Sintesa stase
• Laki-laki 26 tahun, keluhan lemas, demam lama, riwayat BAB hitam,
riwayat hb turun dan mendapat tranfusi darah, nyeri kepala.
• Lab: hb 7,9, AL 2,87, AT 5, diff count limfosit 84,2%, netrofil 0,5%
• MDT : ditemukan blast seri myeloid dan limfoid
• BMP: blood tap. Mieloblas 73, limfoblas 10  AML M2 dd mixed leukemia
• Assesment : bisitopenia (anemia dan trombositopenia) suspek
keganasan hematologi
• Plan :
• Terapi supportif  tranfusi PRC, TA
• Imunophenotyping dan cytogenetik

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