PITCH PRESENTATION - Business Presentation On Canadian Solar

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Canadian Solar

Country - Argentina
Product – Atlas Mini

G AU R AV S U R E K A ( 8 6 3 1 7 7 0 )
B H A N U P R A K A S H VA K AT I ( 8 6 2 5 3 3 5 )
MANJOT SINGH (8628696)
D I V YA TA N WA R ( 8 3 4 1 0 9 1 )
3.1.4 Target Market Analysis
◦ Atlas mini has a huge demand due to Argentina energy and sustainable goals and changing people behaviour towards
environment conservation, increase in disposable income, and government help.
◦ Based on DEPEST analysis atlas mini will have a steady growth rate as the market for these off grid solar home systems are
still in budding stage.
◦ The market is not readily available for marketing and distribution channels to reach the target market. Canada solar has to
invest some time and money to develop the distribution channels which will be profitable in future.
◦ Based on our studies, the market for solar home systems is still in its initial stages and no competitors in the proposed
target market.
◦ With good marketing strategy there is very good potential to make profit in the target market
[ Target Market 1]
◦ Argentina is moving towards clean energy and people of the country are showing great concern about the climate change
and environment. Atlas mini will be a great fit for the people who are actively looking for clean energy who can afford a
solar home system.
3.2.3 Pricing Strategy
Pricing Strategy would be Market Skimming
◦ Manufacturing in limited quantities
◦ Solar energy and solar products are still in initial phase in Argentina
◦ We need to develop the distribution channel by offering high profit margins
◦ No direct competitors for off-grid solar systems
3.3.1 Marketing Channels

Manufacturer Manufacturer

Retailer International
Wholesaler Advertising using
(Easy Stores)
Customer Retailer

3.4.2 Promotional Mix
1. Retailer Easy Stores
a) Easy stores target the people in urban areas shop for equipment in home improvement store
i.e., Easy.
b) Promotion through instore advertising, Personal selling inside the store through store
c) Uses store personal to promote the product instore by training one or two persons from
each store.

2. Wholesaler
a) Wholesalers target the local home improvement stores to promote the product
b) Personal selling and direct marketing to reach the wholesaler
c) Canadian solar can use the contract agents to reach the local wholesalers
3.4.2 Promotional Mix (con’t)
3) 12-month start-up schedule/estimated cost table.

Promotion Mode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Estimated Cost

Canadian Solar  Retailers
Personal Selling $10,000

Promotion Mode 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Estimated Cost

Canadian Solar  Wholesellers
Personal Selling $15,000
Direct Marketing $10,000
4.2.2 Planned Operation
• ​Location(s). Sorocaba city, Brazil​
•Plans to produce about 400 MW solar pv panels
•Will operate for 5 days a week
•Might set a sales office in Sorocaba city, which is near to the port. Will increase sale for company and
export management as well​
•Production of panels and other solar supply equipment's for company project and other domestic
•Investment on factory – USD $ 23.5 Million/ BRL 80 Million
•Building partner Flex Energy Solutions
6.1.2a Forecasted Cashflow Statement
•We borrowed a loan from bank while starting the business of $100,000.
•We had a sales revenue of $300,000 in Year 1 which can be seen in the appendix slide.
•All the numbers in Cash Flow Statement are estimated figures.
•Since this is the initial stage of business, we prefer to purchase Raw material on monthly basis.
•Administrative and other personnel salaries are included in Salaries.
•Bank is Charging interest @7.2% on the borrowed fund.
6.2.3 Conclusions – Business Viability
Favorable geographic region for solar systems
Attractive market due to changing people behavior towards Environment
No direct competition in Solar home systems
Production plant in Brazil makes it easy to enter Argentina market through direct distribution
Well established Home improvement retail stores in urban areas of Argentina
Low initial investment and expected good ROI with in a year
Thank you

Q/A Session

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