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 Background and Problem

 Scope of Discussion
 Aims
 Theoretical Basis
 Method of Research
Literature is a creative work that contains the intent and purpose of the author.
Literature describes what human being has experienced in their lives.
According to Esten (1987:9), literature is a form of creative work art of which
its object is a human being and which uses languages as a medium. In another
words, literature can’t be separated from language because language is a
medium of literature.
Literature can be divided into two types: fiction and non-fiction. Novel is one
of prose fictions which can be defined as invented story as result of the
author’s imagination. It usually tells about life that happens in society and a
real picture of real life and manner of the time in which it is written. It can be
analyzed from the view point of its intrinsic elements. Intrinsic elements of a
novel are plot, theme, setting, character, point of view and style. Those
elements are important and related to one another in forming the
characteristics of literary work.
Everything that happens somewhere at some time that element of fiction
that reveals to us where and when of events we call setting. In other words,
the term “setting” refers to the point in time and space at which the events
of the plot occurs (Kenney, 1966:38). A setting is able to build up
atmosphere creating the particular quality and effect of the story.
Scope of Discussion
The topic of this paper is still general, therefore, a limitation of the problems
relevant to the topic must be made. The problems related to the topic which
are discussed are further limited into:
1. What are the types of the setting found in The life and Adventures of
Robinson Crusoe?
2. What are the influence of the setting upon the other intrinsic elements are
found in this novel?
The aims of this study are divided into three. They are:

 General aim.

 Specific aim.

 Academic aim.
Theoretical Basis
There are main theory and supporting theory that become the theoretical basis
for the writing. The main theory that is going to be applied for analyzing the
problems is the theory of setting by William Kenney in How To Analyze
Fiction (1966). Beside from the main book reference, the concepts of the
setting are also taken from a number of supporting book references.
Method of Research
In writing a scientific study, applying a certain method is very
important. The method of this study devided into three, they are:

 Data source.

 Data collection.

 Data analysis.
Abram, M. H. 1999. A Glossary of Literary Terms. New York: Harcourt,
Brace 7 World, Inc.

Kenney, William. 1996. How to Analyze Fiction. New York: Monarch Press.

Klarer, M. 1999. An Introduction to Literary Studies (third ed). Clays Ltd,


Wellek, Rene. & Austin Warren. 1948. The Theory of Literature. London: Cox
and Wyman Ltd.

Julie. 2012. Robinson Crusoe Available from: October, 10

Nick & Olivia. 1999. Robinson Crusoe. Available from:
Accessed: October, 11 2019.

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