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Standard model of

Elementary Particles


 In the ancient times, we believe
that world is made up of pancha
 Then we got to know about the
atom , and assumed that it is
the constituent particle .
 After the evolution of science we
got to know about electron,
proton and neutron.
Theories to explain UNIVERSE

There are various theories and models about

how universe is working , about its evolution
till now. Some of the main theories are:-
1. Standard model of Elementary
2. String Theory
3. Quantum field Theory
The Modern Atom
According to the Standard Model of
Elementary particles,
Everything is made up of just 17
elementary particles which can be grouped into
two groups:-

2. Bosons
Size Inside Atoms
The nucleus is 10,000 times
smaller than the atom
Proton and neutron are 10
times smaller than nucleus
No evidence that quarks have
any size at all !

 In particle physics, a fermion is a particle that follows

Fermi–Dirac statistics. These particles obey the Pauli
exclusion principle. Fermions include all quarks and
leptons, as well as all composite particles made of an
odd number of these, such as all baryons and many
atoms and nuclei.
 FERMIONS are of two types:-
A quark is a type of elementary particle and a
fundamental constituent of matter. Quarks combine
to form composite particles called hadrons, the
most stable of which are protons and neutrons, the
components of atomic nuclei.
They are of six types:-
1. Up. 3.Top. 5.Charm
2. Down. 4.Bottom. 6.StrangE
A Proton is made up of two up and one down quark.
A neutron is made up of two down and one up quark.
 In particle physics, a lepton is an elementary particle of half-
integer spin (spin ​1⁄2) that does not undergo strong interactions.
Two main classes of leptons exist, charged leptons (also known
as the electron-like leptons), and neutral leptons (better known as
 They are of six types:-
1.Electron. 2.Muon. 3.Tau
4.Electron neutrino.
5.Muon Neutrino.
6.Tau Neutrino

 A boson is a particle which has a whole number spin

('spin' is a quality assigned to subatomic particles).
Bosons carry energy. A photon is an example of a boson
as it has a spin of 1. Bosons are different from Fermions,
which are particles that make up matter, because they
obey Bose-Einstein statistics.
 They are the carrier of forces that holds the matter of all

 It is a boson that holds up the nucleus and electrons

together as an atom.
 Examples of bosons include fundamental particles such
as photons, gluons, and W and Z bosons (the
four force-carrying gauge bosons of the Standard
Model), the recently discovered Higgs boson, and the
hypothetical graviton of quantum gravity.
String Theory

 At its heart is the idea that the fundamental particles we

observe are not point-like dots, but rather tiny strings
that are so small that our best instruments cannot tell that
they are not points.
 It also predicts that there are extra dimensions to space
beyond the obvious length, breadth and depth, but we do
not experience them because they are bunched up in tiny
Extra Dimensions
 String Theory requires more
than three space dimensions
 These extra dimensions could be
very small so that we do not see
 Experiments are now searching
for evidence of extra dimensions

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