Swot and Tows Analysis

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Presented by:
Umali, Ervin
De Leon
SWOT Analysis

• SWOT Analysis is a situational analysis framework used

to map out the most definitive internal and external
factors currently affecting an organization, individual or
• Theinternal factors in the upper
part are entirely within your
control. You can use them to work
out how you will achieve your
objectives, but not to determine
what those objectives are.
• The external factors in the lower
part are entirely out of your
control. You can use them to
determine your objectives, but not
to determine how you’ll reach
those objectives.
How to Perform SWOT Analysis
 Strengths
•What do we do better than anyone else?
•Which assets do we have at our disposal now?
•What are the resources we have that will be useful for achieving our goals?
•What are the support structures that will make our goals more attainable?
•What are the traits that give us a competitive edge?

 Weaknesses
•Are there any skills we are lacking?
•Are there any assets we should be using?
•What are the areas where we lack experience?
•Are there any resources we need to replenish?
•What are the traits that make us worse than our competitors?
How to Perform SWOT Analysis
 Opportunities
•Is there a new segment of the market we can reach?
•Can we use the project to branch out into new products or services?
•Will the market be receptive to the results of our work?
•Is our main competitor experiencing problems?

 Threats
•Are there any obvious obstacles facing us?
•Is there a segment of the market that is closed off to us?
•Are our competitors outperforming us?
•Is there a downturn in the market?
TOWS Analysis
• Similar to a SWOT, a TOWS analysis will involve the identification
of an organisation’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and
threats; however, often a key criticism of a SWOT analysis is that it
doesn’t show the relationships between the different factors and
categories. Whereas a TOWS analysis will look to match internal
factors to external factors to help identify relevant strategic options
that an organisation could pursue. It can help an organisation to
see how it can take advantage of opportunities, reduce threats,
overcome weaknesses and exploit any strengths.
Weakness: Poor in-house
Strength: good organic
PPC management
search visibility
Opportunity: Our search Strengths/opportunities Weaknesses/opportunities
engine friendly webpage is (SO) (WO)
likely to perform Use the same principles We should consider
efficiently in PPC that made our webpage's engaging a PPC expert or
content relevant to its agency, to ensure we have
meta title and description
to ensure high relevance
the skills needed to take
advantage of the TOWS
between the webpage and opportunity.
a new PPC ad.

Threats: our two biggest Strengths/threats (ST) Weaknesses/threats (WT)

competitors appear to Strive to ensure our Competitors appear to
have high visibility in PPC webpage outranks the have high PPC
results. competitors' web pages. management proficiency.
This will improve our We must, therefore,
chance of securing more improve our own
favourable treatment capability in order to
within PPC. compete on this front.
Differences between SWOT and TOWS Analysis
• The first key difference between SWOT and TOWS lies in the outcomes
they create. While SWOT analysis is a great way to identify the current
situation of your marketing strategy/business/project, TOWS is used
primarily for strategy creation.

• Within a strategy-making process, you would first use SWOT to identify

your strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, and then use
TOWS to work out how your SWOT findings can be applied to future
1. An analysis that looks to the relationship
of internal factors to external factors to
help identify relevant strategic options that
an organization could pursue.
2. A situational analysis framework used
to map out the most definitive internal
and external factors currently affecting an
organization, individual or project.
3. SWOT stands for ______, ______,
______, and ______.
4. Internal factors in SWOT Analysis
5. External factors in SWOT Analysis
6-7. In your own understanding,
how does SWOT differ from TOWS
8-10. Make your own TOWS
Analysis table

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