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What is Globalization?
• Globalization is the connection of different parts of
the world resulting in the expansion of
international cultural, economic, and political
activities. It is the movement and integration of
goods and people among different countries. There
are advantages and disadvantages to globalization,
all of which have economic, social, political, and
cultural impacts.globalization describes mainly
trade practices, extending also to the
communication patterns and cultural system that
underlie these practices.
Economic Globalization
• Economic globalization is how countries are coming
together as one big global economy,[1] making
international trade easier. In the late 20th century, many
people agreed to lower tariffs, or taxes on goods that are
imported from other countries. Telegraphy and other
communication technologies have helped people to buy
and sell products from around the world, thus bringing
globalization. Herman E. Daly has said that there is an
important difference between internationalization and
globalization. Internationalization is about nations
working together for the same goals. These are things like
treaties, alliances, and other international agreements.
Globalization is about international trade that are being
less blocked by national borders.
Political Globalization
• Political globalization is how institutions and
countries can influence the whole world. The
United Nations are an example of globalization
because most countries of the world are members
of its General Assembly. This international
organization can make countries follow rules and
apply economic sanctions to a country that doesn't.
This means the countries in the U.N will punish
them by not talking or trading with them, so they
don't benefit from globalization.
Cultural Globalization

• Cultural globalization is how culture is becoming

homogeneous, which means that people from all
over the world act in similar way. For example,
many people around the world write with the Latin
alphabet, wear T-shirts and jeans and watch
Hollywood movies and other media.
The advantage of Globalization
• Globalization can have more opportunities to increase in
employment. This advantage of globalization can help the
Philippines to increase the employment of Filipino people
because of the opportunities that many foreign countries
put up a business here and many job vacancies for Filipino
are available. There are a lot of multinational companies
who really open up business in the Philippines and hire
many Filipino people to work at their companies. Also,
globalization has an advantage in opening jobs in abroad.
There is a lot of overseas Filipino worker who is work abroad
and can be successful in working in another country.
Because of the World Trade Organization of the nation, each
person can work in a different country and have the
opportunity to live there and be a citizen in the country they
live in. In the Philippines, foreign companies are build up
here and many Filipino is now working in foreign companies.
This means that globalization really affects positively to the
Philippines and to the economy of the Philippines.
• Globalization can also help the Philippines education to
improve more. In the Philippines when it terms of
education we improve more and we offer higher
education and skilled people. The education in the
Philippines is now recognized outside the country. And
many foreigners are going here to study because the
quality of education is higher while the cost is lower and
can accommodate all foreigner who wants to studies in
the Philippines. One reason also is the lower cost of living
while studying here. The Filipino people are smart and
can communicate well to other foreigners. Speaking
English in the Philippines is a natural language of Filipino
because it is one of the subjects of all schools. At present,
the Philippines has a large outsourcing foreign
companies, especially in Metro Manila.
• Globalization improves the flow of information
technology. When in terms of information
technology of the Philippines it flows very well and
help the Filipino to have knowledge and updates
about the latest technology that all countries use.
The impact of globalization in the Philippines
technology brings more positive effect because it
helps to increase the economy of the Philippines.
Because of the information technology with the
latest and modern use, it improves the flow of all
company products and also it minimizes the work
of every Filipino.
• Globalization improves the quality of goods and
services. Being connected to other country means
good to our country. It helps to do good quality and
give the best services to them so that we bring
dignity to the Filipino people. Improving our services
and give more quality goods and products to other
countries can boost the Philippines and its nation.
The Philippines can offer a good quality product
outside the country and Filipino people can serve
their best to others. Through globalization, the
service of goods and product is easily served and
done to deliver it to each respective destination
The Disadvantages of Globalization
• In some area, if there is the advantage of globalization there
is also a disadvantage of it. Some of it is the distraction of
the Philippines environment and the effect on human
nature. Globalization is not also good terms of exporting rice
product in the agriculture sector. Because we all know that
Filipino farmers can produce much rice if the government
will help them in providing a modern technology that can
create or produce as many rice grain in every quarter of the
year. The Philippines has a lot of natural resources and if the
government teach all Filipino how to value and preserve our
natural resources we don’t need to export some product to
other countries. Filipino are talented and hardworking if one
of each Filipino support the government of the Philippines
we can be the number one of the richest country in Asia.
But the effect of globalization sometimes helps Filipino
people to be lazy and not productive because of the modern
technology it has to give.
• Also when in terms of Filipino who work abroad
there are many Filipino workers who have faced
many problems and they are stranded to a foreign
country and far away from the support of the
Philippine government.
• Some effect of globalization to the Philippines is the
lack of Filipino traditions and values that most
younger Filipino don’t appreciate and they don’t
even practice it to their daily life. They become
more familiar with Western mentality than being a
pure Filipino.
• Because of the globalization, the effect of these to
all Filipino people sometimes is not good especially
in the health of Filipino like the rapid spread of
AIDS that mostly comes from the outside the
country. Filipino who have a sexual intercourse to a
foreigner sometimes gets this kind of disease it can
spread fast to other people without their
• Social media has also a big side effect in the
Philipines when it comes to cyber crimes and the
increase of sex videos.
• The standard of living of a Filipino has a negative
effect because of the globalization. Like some moral
values that most Filipino has was forgotten. SOme
young Filipino is now liberated like other countries
in the way of their living. A lot of them especially
those couples are living in with marriage.

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