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Mind and Self

Nervous System
• Odd to Severe • Other kinds of advances
disturbances in function in decoding the
and sense of self linked to relationship between
Brain damage. E.g., patterns of brain activity
• Gourmand Syndrome and behavioral function
(along with left side • - Recovery from minimally
weakness and left visual conscious state
field damage) • - Macaque Monkeys
• Loss of STM LTM along trained to control robotic
with retained habitual arm
behaviors • Recognize visual input
from patterns of
perceptual system activity
Nervous Systems
• CNS • Sneezing / blinking are
handled by lower brain
• Receives sensory and
other input (internal • Neural circuits involved
organs). Outputs to I reflexes are linked to
muscles, lands and other neural pathways
internal organs. and so may be
• Brain + Spinal Cord influenced higher level
• Spinal Reflexes thought and emotions
Nervous Systems
• Peripheral NS • Sympathetic: Dilates
pupils, weak salivation,
• Sensory Neurons sweat glands, accelerated
Heartbeat, dilates
• Motor Neurons: Muscles, bronchial tubes, inhibit
organs and glands digestion, increases
• Somatic or Skeletal NS-> adrenaline, glucose,
Voluntary action ejaculation in males
• Autonomic NS:
• Sympathetic
• Parasympathetic
Individual Neuron
• Neurons / Nerve cells / in • Dendrites -> Cell Body -> Axon
cluster called Nerves • Size may vary from 4/1000
• Held in place by Glial cells inch to 2-3 feet
• Glial cells do housekeeping
functions and may also be • Myelin Sheath: Made of Glial
behind synapse formation cells
• Neuron structure • Nodes
• Insulate and prevent cross
contamination of signals
• Speed up transmission.
• Loss of Myelin: Multiple
• 43 pairs of nerves. 12 pairs in
the head -> Cranial nerves
Neuron Communication
• Synapse or Synaptic cleft • Na + inside K+ outside

• Resting potential Na+ outside Cl – • Action potential hops from node to

inside node via fast flow of ions inside the
• Lipo-protein walls + pumps
• Synaptic vesicles release
• Stimulation of a neuron leads to -> Neurotransmitter
Action potential
• Key and lock system

• Lock into receptor sites where they

may produce an excitatory or
inhibitory effect
• Activation threshold
• All-or Nothing response
• One way transmission of messages
• At birth, most synapses have not yet formed. • Neurotransmitters, critical to neuronal
• Dendrites and Axons continue to grow and messaging are found in all Neural systems
‘spines’ i.e., tiny projections on dendrites • Multiple Neurotransmitters effect multiple
increase connectivity of neurons systems
• In early childhood there is also significant
‘pruning’ of unused dendrites and neurons • Serotonin: Sleep, appetite, sensory
• It is these mechanisms that are thought to be perception, temperature regulation, pain
behind the various ‘critical periods’ of suppression, mood
development • Dopamine: Voluntary movement, learning,
• However, even the adult brain retains memory, emotion, pleasure & reward,
remarkable plasticity possibly novelty seeking
• Gougoux et al 2005: Occipital cortex active in • Acetylcholine: Neuron-muscle junction,
persons blind from birth / early childhood in cognitive function, memory and emotion
task of sound location. In sighted persons, • Norepinephrine: Heart rate, slowing
there is inhibition in this area. Degree of intestinal function, learning, memory,
activity in blind persons linked with degree of dreaming, arousal from sleep, emotion
accuracy in task. • GABA: General inhibitory NT
• If sighted people were kept blindfolded for 5 • Glutamate: General excitatory NT (90%
days, same brain areas started getting neurons release it)
activated during hearing and touch tasks
• Roles in disorders: • Agonists: Morphine,
• GABA levels in eating and Heroin
sleep disorders, also • Antagonists: Curare-
epilepsy >Acetylcholine
• Alzheimer’s: • Reuptake inhibitors:
Acetylcholine leading to Cocaine, caffeine, Viagra,
memory loss SSRIs
• Dopamine: Parkinson’s • Diets: L-Dopa, Tryptophan
disease building block of
• MS: Excessive glutamate serotonin. High carbs
killing Glial cells cause insulin which in
• Causal roles are complex turn leaches other amino
• Endorphins: Endogenous • Melatonin (Pineal)
opioid peptides function • Oxytocin and Vasopressin
as NT and by mediating (Pituitary)
effects of NT • Adrenal Glands: Cortisol
• Also involved in bonding and Adrenaline
and attachment • Androgens: Testosterone,
• Hormones: Circulated via Estrogen, Progesterone
the bloodstream from
Endocrine glands
• Some NT and hormones
Mapping the Brain
• Lesioning method • Color coding can
• EEG minimize or accentuate
• Microelectrodes brain activity levels
• TMS • MRI / fMRIs involve
statistical calculations
that can give rise to
• Scanning: excessive correlation
• PET Glucose estimates
• MRI • Subtractive methods and
the problem of functional
• Individual differences in
genes and experiences
Mapping the Brain
• Gall: Localization of Function • Thalamus: Sensory way station
• Brain stem: Pons-> arousal, in the center of the brain.
dreaming Multisensory cells. Olfactory
• Medulla -> Involuntary Basic sense bypasses
functions • Hypothalamus and Pituitary:
• Reticular activating System: Basic motivations and
Activation of higher centers temperature, bioclock
• Cerebellum: Balance and fine • Olds and Milner (1954)
muscle control. Simple skills Pleasure centers. However,
and acquired reflexes, complex interpretation,
language including the fact that
pathways rather than centers
are activated
• Limbic System: Border of mid-
fore brain
Mapping the Brain
• Limbic System: Hypothalamus, • Contralateral function and
Amygdala, Hippocamus hemispheric specialization
• Amygdala: Evaluation of sensory • On the surface: grey matter
information also anxiety and • Underneath myelinated axons or
depression. Emotional memories white matter
• Hippocampus: Sensory info • Lobes:
compared with expectations and • Occipital: visual system
feedback to reticular system
• Spatial memories, gateway to factual • Parietal: Somatosensory area
memories • Temporal: Memory, perception,
• Cerebrum: Cerebral hemispheres and language including Wernike’s area
the corpus callosum (left temporal)
• Frontal lobes: Broca’s area. Also
executive functions
• Perseveration, goal monitoring, social

Split Brain
• Sperry 1964 Animals having • Also in logical, symbolic and
learnt a task could not sequential tasks
perform it with the other
• Humans: Split faces. Names
one but with the left hand
pointed to another
• Nude image would lead to
smile but only an
explanation if on the right
• Language mainly on the left

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