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A compilation of different Asian

theater music
- is one of the most distinctive shadow plays
among Asian dramas which has evolved and
grown most fullyin Java and Bali. It makes us
of flat puppets that are cutted- designed
with intricate patterns

 Distinguishingcharacters of Wayang Kulit

 1. The Puppets
 2. The Characters
 3. The Dalang
 The Gamelan- this ensemble is the heart of
art music of Indonesian because it performs a
vital part in establishing the moods and
emphasizing the action of the plays.

 Each of the instrumentalists of NIYAGA who

are the gamelan musicians will sit behind of
the DALANG which serves as the musical
accompaniment for the Wlang Kulit Play
 SARON- is the basic melodic instrument, an old
idiophone instrument consisting of bronze keys
and played with a wooden mallet. ( The saron
comes in three sizes, saron panerus-highest,
saron barung- middle , and saron demung-

 REBAB- is a two-stringed bowed and a blown

suling flute that enhances the melody

 GENDER PANERUS- the highest pitch in gender

family in gamelan
 Kabukicompromises of these Japanese
characters where “KA” means “songs”, “BU”
means “dance, “KI” means “skill”.

 Kabuki play is more entertaining because of

its colorful and amazing make-ups,
movements, skills, and other spectacular
effects and to its unrevealing characters on
 1.Hyoshigi- also known as “ki” and
“tanniki”, this wooden clapper is used in
ceremonial music in kabuki play to signal
the beginning and end of the performance
in the kabuki.
 2.
Hayashi – musical ensemble for kabuki
theater which is a live performance of the
shamisen players.

 Debayashi is the onstage segment of this

ensemble located on a place of the stage
right behind the geza.
 3. Debayashi- this is an onstage music
performance in full view of the audience.

 Debayashi is divided into two consisting

of a song or chant and with highly
dramatic recitation with shamisen as
musical accompaniment.
 A.Nagauta – it is performed on a tiered
platform at backstage.

 The instruments used are: shamisen, drums,

flute, and singers

 B.Jouri - they are located at the left side of

the stage.
 4.Hyudorodoro – it is used to mark
the appearance of the ghost play by
the instruments of flute and drum.
 5.Geza – This music is used for some special
effects in kabuki, the musicians are4 invisible
and the audience are (kagebayash – hidden
musicians) seated at the lower seats of the

 Thestyle of music is enhanced through the

use of special drums, gongs, bells and
 Itis believed that after the four Anhui opera
troupes came to Beijing, Chinese Peking
Opera had grown fast to its development
because of the Emperor Qianlog.

 During the ancient times, Peking Opera is

performed with the orchestra and percussion
 Ariasis an example of a solo music or a song
that portrays one of the characters.

 The musical speech is where the actors are
speaking through music.

 1.Wuchang which is a military

instrumentation, most of the instruments are

 2.Wechang which means a civic


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