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 The goal of testing is to find errors and

a good test is one that has a high
probability of finding an error.
 The tests themselves must exhibit a
set of characteristics that achieve the
goal of finding the most errors with a
minimum of effort.
James Bach gave first definition for
testability : ” Software testability is simply
how easily a computer program can be
tested ” . The following characteristics
lead to testable software.
1. Operability: “The better it works ,
the more efficiently it can be tested
“. Allowing testing to progress
without fits and starts.
2. Observability : “ What you see is what you test “. Internal errors are automatically
detected and reported . Source code is accessible.
3. Controllability: “The better we control the software , the more testing can be
automated and optimized” . All code is executable through some combination of input.
Software and hardware states and variables can be controlled directly by test engineer.
Tests can be conveniently specified ,automated and reproduced.
4. Decomposability: “ By controlling the scope of testing , we can more quickly isolate
problems and perform smarter retesting.
5. Simplicity: “The less there is to test , the more quickly we can test it “.
The program should exhibit functional simplicity , structural simplicity and code simplicity.
6. Stability: “The fewer the changes, the fewer the disruptions to testing “. The software
recovers well from failures .
7. Understandability : “The more information we have , the smarter we will test “.
Technical documentation is instantly accessible, well organized , specific and detailed ,
and accurate. Changes to the design are communicated to testers .
The first test approach takes an external view and is
called Black- Box Testing .
The second requires an internal view and is termed as
White – Box Testing.
Black – Box testing alludes to tests the are conducted
at the software interface . A Black-Box test examines
some fundamental aspect of a system with little regard
for the internal logical structure of the software .
White – Box testing of software is predicated and close
examination of procedural detail. Logical paths through
the software and collaborations between components
are tested by exercising specific sets of conditions and
loops .

White – Box testing sometimes called as glass – box

testing , is a test –case design philosophy that uses the
control structure described as part of component –
level design to derive test cases . Using White – Box
testing methods you can derive test cases that
guarantee that all independent paths within a module
have been exercised at once , exercise all logical
decisions on their true and false sides , execute all
loops at their boundaries and within their operational
bounds and exercise internal data structure to ensure
their validity .

• Basis path testing is a white – box testing technique first

proposed by Tom McCabe .
• The basis path method enables the test – case designer to derive
a logical complexity measure of a procedural design and use the
is measure as a good guide for defining a basis set of execution
• Test cases derived to exercise the basis set are guaranteed to
execute every statements in the program at least one time
during testing.
1. Flow Graph • Flow graph notation for a program defines several
nodes connected through edges .Referring to
Notation : each circle called a flow graph node , represents
one or more procedural statements.

• An independent path is any

through the program that
produces that introduces at least
one new set of processing
statements or a new condition .

• The basis path testing method can be applied to a procedural

design or to source code.
• The procedure will be used to illustrate each step in the test case
design method.
1. Using the design or code as a foundation draw a corresponding
flow graph.
2. Determine the cyclomatic complexity of the resultant flow
3. Determine a basis set of linearly independent paths.
4. Prepare test cases that will force execution of each path in the
basis set.
• The procedure for deriving the flow graph
and even determining a set of basis paths is
amenable to mechanization .
• A data structure called a graph matrix can
be quite useful for developing a software
tool that assists in basis path testing.
The basis path testing technique is one of
a number of techniques for control structure testing . Although basis path
testing is simple and highly effective it is not sufficient in itself.

• Conditional Testing :
It is a test-case design method that exercise the
logical conditions contained in a program module. A simple condition
is a Boolean variable possibly preceded with one NOT operator.
• Data Flow Testing:
The data flow testing method selects tests paths
of a program according to the locations of definitions and uses of
variables in the program.
• Loop Testing :
Loops are the cornerstone for the vast majority of
algorithms implemented in software . Loop testing is a white box
testing technique that focuses exclusively on the validity of loop
constructs. Four different classes of loops can be defined.
Types of classes of loops :

• Simple loops : 1. Skip the loop entirely.

2. Only one pass through the loop.
3. Two passes through the loop
4. m passes through the loop where m<n
5. n-1,n,n+1 passes through the loop

• Nested loops :
1. Start at the innermost loop . Set all other loops to minimum values.
2. Conduct simple loop tests for the innermost loop while holding the outer loops at their minimum iteration parameter values . Add other tests for
out of range or excluded values .
3. Work outward conducting tests for the next loop , but keeping all other outer loops at minimum values and other nested loops to “ Typical Values”.
4.Continue until all loops have been tested .
3. Concatenated loops : It can be tested using the approach defined for simple loops , if each of
the loops is independently of the other. However if two loops are concatenated loops and the
loop counter for 1 is used as the initial value of loop 2 then the loops are not independent.

4. Unstructured Loops:
Whenever possible this
class of loops should be redesigned to reflect
the use structured programming constructs

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